Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 368: Beehive

Chapter 368: Beehive

Dragon's call was brief, but it's quite fun for Buggy because that man is one of the most mysterious people in the series. If Buggy gets closer to Dragon, maybe he can find some facts about that guy. Also, Dragon's Revolutionary Army is a big key for the future.

A force that opposes Celestial Dragons directly, it's something that a Pirate like Buggy likes. As someone who doesn't like those pieces of trash with god complex, Revolutionary Army is like his representative. He will gladly help them to destroy Celestial Dragons' rule.

In the past, he wouldn't do it because it was too much work. But now, destroying Celestial Dragons' rule is one of Buggy's priorities. It's because as long as those bubble-heads are still controlling the world, his family won't be safe and he won't have the freedom he wants.

Besides, he wants to explore Red Line, and those bastards will surely stop him. He is curious about their damn city though, so he will explore it before doing something to it. Well, he plans to enjoy the beauty and ugliness of Mary Geoise before it disappears.

Anyway, after the chat with Dragon, Buggy orders his crew to resume their journey. There are still many islands to visit in New World which has a lot more unexplored places than Paradise. This sea is far more dangerous too, so there are still many unexplored islands.

They've done with Big Mom's & Whitebeard's territories, now they will explore other crews' territories. There are some crews that also have territories even though they aren't Emperor Crews. But these crews are big and some are old-timers that only stay on their territories.

"Where will we go first, sir?" asks a crew member who is sweeping the floor now.

"We will go to the place they called Pirate Paradise," says Buggy while smirking.

"Ooh, the Hachinosu, that must be an interesting place," says the man.

"Yeah, it will be interesting because we can get into action after a long time," says Buggy.

The man widens his eyes as he sees Buggy's wide grins, "Tell Jude to set the course to Hachinosu. Let's see how Wang Zhi and the bastards who are there doing."

Hachinosu or Beehive is an island in New World that is known as Pirate Paradise. It has a giant skull-shaped thing on it and many pirates stay there. Blackbeard Pirates will rule it after the Summit War, but now it's still ruled by Wang Zhi, a former member of Rocks Pirates.

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The Clown Pirates who finally know their next destination are excited now. They know Buggy won't just go to Hachinosu to explore it. With so many pirates there, clashes & fights will surely happen and that's something the crew likes.

"Do you want to conquer it?" asks Cricket.

"Not really. Managing that place will give me more headaches than benefits. It's just a good place to loosen up our bodies and prevent our skills from rotting," says Buggy while smirking.

Cricket also smirks, "It sure is. I won't live there even if you pay me a lot. That place is a real mess."

"I agree, it is an interesting place, but surely not a good place to live your lives," says Palu.

"Isn't Hachinosu the place where Davy Back Fight came from?" asks Manba to Brook on his left.

"Yes, that's what I heard. The game where pirate crews challenge each other to get their opponents' crew members, Davy Back Fight was created on Hachinosu," says Brook before sipping his tea.

"Do you plan to do that game, Lord?" asks Deon.

"No, we have enough people in this crew," says Buggy.

"Hmm, then there won't be any fight?" asks Deon disappointedly.

"Didn't you hear what I said before? We can do some actions there, so there will be fights. It's just that I don't want to do that stupid Davy Back Fight," says Buggy.

"So what will we do?" asks Deon.

Buggy smirks and says, "Something that will make New World chaotic again after a long time. This sea has been too peaceful lately."

The Clown Pirates don't know what Buggy is planning, but they all have the same feeling. What Buggy enjoys isn't always things that they also enjoy. Magnus the big boy then represents them to say it, "I have a bad feeling about this."

It takes 3 days for them to reach Hachinosu from their last location. This island is bigger than they thought and the skull thing is very tall too. The crew is quite excited to play on the island, but they are also anxious while thinking of what Buggy will do.

They land at the port and obviously gather a lot of people's attention. An Emperor crew visiting The Pirate Paradise will surely gather attention. These pirates are rivals to each other, after all, and this place is good to observe other crews.

Most pirates on Hachinosu are strong and can even trouble Emperor crews. Many of them have high bounties, but they don't rule islands or countries. So this place isn't safe even for Clown Pirates and that's what makes them interested because it means they can get into some good fights.

"We will proceed as usual, just need to be more careful, that's it," says Buggy before leaving the ship and walking away.

Dela follows him hastily because she is his secretary, so she needs to stay with him most of the time. The others are preparing their stuff before leaving the ship too. Only those on guard duty stay on the ship and Brook is one of them.

"That skull, I can feel it calling me," says Brook with a serious tone.

"Alright, fellas, let's play something while we wait," says someone, ignoring Brook's joke.

"Sounds good," replies everyone else.

"DON'T IGNORE ME, PLEASE!" shouts Brook pissedly.

They get into a brawl, making those who watch them warily sweatdrop. People are watching the Clown Pirates out of worry and they try to get any information. But what they see are just some idiots who fight over a skull joke.

Meanwhile, Buggy is walking toward the skull with Dela behind him. Everyone is looking at him as he walks and they all are stepping aside while avoiding eye contact with him. All of them have surely heard of his infamy & feat which makes them very wary of him.

But some people see this as an opportunity too. If they can defeat Buggy here, they can get anything that Buggy has, after all. So the fearless ones are trying to challenge him by blocking his way.

The first one to do it is a man even bigger & taller than Whitebeard. His face is scary enough to even make adults cry, not to mention babies. He also has a big-ass Gatling gun on each of his arms.

"Clown Lord, how foolish of you to walk in this place alone. Because of that, this day will be your last because I will kill you," says the man.

"Alone? Can't you see the lady behind me? Also, who are you? Do you know this guy, Dela?" asks Buggy.

"Yes, he is Frit 'The Holemaker', a pirate captain with a bounty of 469 million," says Dela.

"Oh, just a nobody, huh?" asks Buggy.

"For you," says Dela shortly.

Frit is obviously pissed after being called nobody by Buggy. But well, compared to Buggy's bounty, he is nothing. Buggy knows it's a high bounty though and he also knows this guy from the news, but he just wants to mess with the guy.

"DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME, YOU DAMN RED NOSE BASTARD!" shouts Frit before shooting his Gatling guns at Buggy.

Everyone in the shooting path immediately gets to safety while Dela is still standing calmly behind Buggy. Then everyone is confused because none of Frit's bullets destroy anything there. So they look at the battle and their eyes are widened a lot.

They see Buggy's hands disappear and they can only see blurry movements in the air. Many rounds of hitting sounds can also be heard as they see round bullets fall on the ground near Buggy. It takes them a moment to realize that Buggy is stopping the bullets with his hands that seem to disappear.

Buggy is moving his detached hands very fast and catches all the incoming bullets. He didn't want to do it at first and would just let the bullets pierce his body to make him look like a Logia devil fruit user. But Dela didn't move from her spot, so he couldn't let the bullets pass him.

Everyone including Frit is very surprised to see Buggy stops all the bullets himself. The Gatling guns' attack speed & power are very high that none of them dare to take it head-on. But Buggy doesn't just evade them, he stopped them all.

Buggy suddenly grins and asks, "Is it my turn now?"


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 392 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 403 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

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