Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 403: Waiting

Chapter 403: Waiting

The Clown Girls are allowed to enter Amazon Lily and now they are going around the Empire while being supervised by Hancock & co. Meanwhile, the men are staying on their ship with disappointed eyes while looking at the port full of women who watch over them.

"Sigh, we should just sneak in," says Brook.

"You can try if you want to die. Our Lord will kill you immediately," says Deon.

"Yeah, he already has an agreement with his former Vice-Captain, and you know how he is. He won't violate any promise he made, especially if it's a promise with someone he respects so much," says Palu.

"I know, that's why I am complaining because that's the only thing I can do now. Besides, I don't want to end up like that," says Brook while looking at Enel whose face is full of bruises & bumps while being chained with a seastone chain on the main mast.

Enel tried to sneak into Amazon Lily, but Buggy caught him. Buggy knew Enel would try to sneak in, so he has been waiting for it. Even though Enel turned into lightning and tried to flash into the island, Buggy could still catch him by slashing him into pieces in the air to stop him before beating & tying him up.

Even the fastest among them is helpless against their overpowered Captain, so no one else tried to do it. They will just get the same or even worse things than Enel. Their lives are worth more than just seeing an Empire of women.

"By the way, what did you give that woman before?" asks Cricket curiously.

"You will know later, I can't reveal it unless the person in question doesn't agree to do it. I already told Mantis though because she can talk with Hancock now. Hancock will be more open with a woman than a man, so hopefully, she will agree. Shakky asked me to do this, after all, but I won't force it if the person herself doesn't agree," says Buggy.

"Hmm, fair enough. I'm quite curious, but I also don't like prying into someone's secret," says Cricket.

Both of them then talk about their plan to take a break before exploring New World's Calm Belt parts. But then they hear a commotion from the side. They see their crewmates gathering and cheering on something, so they check what happens.

Buggy & Cricket are quite surprised because they see competition is happening now. Maverick is having an archery competition with the Kuja women. The women were shooting at targets while watching the crew on the port to show that they can shoot the Clowns anytime easily.

But Maverick didn't know that and thought they were just having fun, so he wanted to join in. He shot an arrow from the ship and hit a target furthest from his position right in the center. The best thing was his arrow moved in a curve because the target position wasn't straight in front of him.

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Of course, the women were surprised because it was an incredible shot. But they have their pride as Kuja warriors, so they want to show that they are better. That's why they challenged Maverick to compete with them in archery.

Maverick accepted it happily because he thought they wanted to play with him. They used many different types of shooting techniques and obstacles, but Maverick never missed. He can even shoot his arrow to move in a zigzag pattern to avoid a few poles that obstruct him from hitting the target.

He has such unbelievable skills that defy logic and would only appear in tales. Maverick can even do the impossible challenge of shooting an arrow through rings. An arrow will wiggle around while flying, that's why shooting it through small rings was considered impossible, but he did it in one try.

Skillwise, he is already the winner because no one from the Kuja tribe can do what he does. He does all the challenges perfectly without missing them at all. Maverick always hit the bull's eyes in one try and no one else can do that.

However, when the game turns into an attack power contest, Maverick can't keep up. The Kuja warriors can infuse haki into their arrows and make their attacks more powerful. Of course, Maverick still can't do that, he doesn't even understand haki completely yet.

The Kuja warriors are very proud of this and they keep making it into a game of power rather than archery skills. They expected Maverick to get dispirited, but he is getting even more excited instead. Now he wants to know how they can make their shot so powerful.

Buggy then assists Maverick to show how the women can do it. He grabs Maverick's bow and Maverick makes a shot. The arrow flies fast and it hits the target boulder. All Kuja women and Maverick are surprised because the boulder gets destroyed in an instant while the Kuja women could only dent or crack it.

"I will teach you this power in the future, but you are not ready yet. So just polish your skills and improve your power until you are ready. Only you and Hatchan can't do it yet in the crew, but you will be able to do it in the future, don't worry. I will make you the best Marksman in the world. A Marksman who stands above everyone, Top Gun Maverick," says Buggy while grinning.

Maverick doesn't really understand what Buggy means, but he believes it is a good thing because Buggy won't do anything bad to him. That's how much trust he has in Buggy, his first best friend who is also his savior. Luckily, he was found by Buggy & Clown Pirates, not other bastard pirates who would only use his innocent self because he would trust anything they said.

The Kuja Warriors immediately want to stop their game now. They are very shocked by what has just happened. These Kuja women are good haki users, so they know that to create such an impact using haki means that Buggy's haki must be extremely powerful.

After their little game ends, Mantis & co return to the port. Of course, the Boa sisters and Elder Nyon are with them too. Buggy smirks because they return faster than he thought, so the Boa sisters must've made a decision.

"Where do you want to talk?" asks Buggy.

"My ship, I don't want to step a foot on your filthy ship," says Hancock arrogantly as usual.

"Filthy? But my ship looks much cleaner than yours. Our Hatchan here cleaned this baby 2 or 3 times a day and it's always sparkling because it's so clean you know," says Buggy.

Hancock looks at The Black Pearl and indeed it's very clean to the point that the wood reflects the light. But Hancock didn't talk about cleanliness, for her, the men are the filth. She just hates men that much and she tells Buggy about that.

"Hmm, but won't my feet taint your ship?" asks Buggy to tease Hancock.

He succeeds in making her pissed and she orders her crewmates to cover the floor with fabric so that Buggy's feet won't step on their ship directly. They will burn the fabric later because it's filthy. Buggy and his crewmates have a good laugh because of how hilarious it is.

But anyway, they do that and now Buggy is in a closed room with the Boa sisters, Elder Nyon, Mantis, and Dela. There's no one else inside and everyone else is ordered to stay away from the room because they will talk about a very secretive thing.

Buggy knows Enel will hear this even from another island, but that doesn't matter. This topic won't interest Enel at all, after all, and it will just bore him. So Buggy doesn't bother to do anything to Enel.

"How did you know? Did Rayleigh & Shakky tell you?" asks Hancock with a shaky voice.

"No, I knew from a long time ago and I was the one who brought this topic to both of them. They only asked me to do something after knowing what I am capable of. About how I heard it, well, who do you think I am?" asks Buggy.

"Tch, fine. So how will you do this?" asks Hancock warily.

Buggy chops his right hand into the cellular level and reshapes it into a sword. Then he smirks and says, "I can do this on others too if I want, freely. Those damn marks on your backs, I can change them into anything you want, and no one will realize that. I can even change this whole room or even the island as I please."

The Boa sisters' and Elder Nyon's eyes widened to the max as they see Buggy chops things around them and shape them as he likes. This is a level of power that they have never thought of even in their wildest dream. This is the power of the new Strongest Man in The World.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 427. War Against The Dragons (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 438. Marineford War (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.