Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 407: It's Time

Chapter 407: It's Time

Ace and his crew stay in Clownland for a while to enjoy this place that is said to be the Heaven in Hell. People always said Clownland is much better than Sabaody and it's true. There is no slave here and pirates can't run amok because they will get killed on the spot by the guards who don't even fear Big Mom.

The only problem is its location. It is located in the New World, the sea of monsters, the sea of Emperors. Even the name of New World has scared people and not many people have the courage to visit New World.

But those with the courage to enter New World and visit Clownland never regretted their decisions. Sabaody and any entertainment district all over the world can't be compared to Clownland. Old, young, rich, poor, men, women, couples, singles, and people from different races can enjoy their time here without any worry.

Spade Pirates are also the victims of Clownland's awesomeness. They even prolong their stay just to enjoy everything here. There might not be another chance to have fun this much in other pirate crews' bases like this, after all.

Sometime after Spade Pirates leave, Buggy hears the news of their war against Sun Pirates before being captured by Whitebeard. It goes just like in the series, except for the fact that Ace's power isn't fire now, but magma. He really ate the Magma Magma Fruit that Buggy swapped with Flame Flame fruit in the past.

Now, Ace's moniker is Red Calamity because of how destructive his devil fruit is. Besides, the Marine and World Government know well how powerful Ace's devil fruit can be. It was owned by one of their former Vice-Admiral who was projected to be an Admiral, after all.

Right now, The Marine has 3 Admirals already. Kuzan a.k.a Aokiji, Borsalino a.k.a Kizaru, and lastly a force recruited a few years before, Issho a.k.a Fujitora. Buggy was not surprised at all when Fujitora became an Admiral because he would become one eventually.

Although the Marines actually planned to promote one of their forces who have joined for a longer time. Gion a.k.a Momousagi and Tokikake a.k.a Chaton were projected to be Admirals. Too bad though, the 2 of them refused that position when they got the offer.

At that time, they still lack the power to be Admirals. As Admirals, they need to be strong enough to stand toe-to-toe against the Emperors of the Sea. The standard has become higher since Buggy defeated Whitebeard, so both of them thought they still couldn't do it and Issho was the one getting promoted.

Anyway, back to Ace, he and his crew get 'captured' by Whitebeard Pirates. Buggy doesn't do anything and just has fun reading the news. He knows well what will happen and even if it will be different, Whitebeard won't kill Ace.

Then, just like what happened in the series, Ace joined Whitebeard Pirates. He might not hate his biological father, but he still wants a father figure. Whitebeard who is obsessed to be a father can give that to Ace.

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Buggy doesn't really care about that though because it's none of his business. Ace is an adult now, so he can do whatever he likes because it's his life. Besides, Buggy has his own children who need to be thought of.

Soon, Luffy will start sailing, so Nami will join the Straw Hat on his journey. Buggy has a plan to do when the Straw Hat Pirates start their journey. His crewmates opposed his plan before, but they know they can't stop him, so they can only let him do whatever he likes.

"Buggy-cha~n," says Bon while spinning as he approaches Buggy who's fishing on a coast.

"Oh, you're here, Bon," says Buggy without turning around.

"Of course, I will come after they told me you need my help. BUT THEY NEVER SAID THAT WE WILL DO SOMETHING CRAZY LIKE THAT!" says Bon angrily while slapping Buggy's head from behind.

But Buggy isn't affected by that and Bon is the one taking damage instead. His hand gets swollen because Buggy covered his head with an invisible haki.

"You don't need to worry about the threat of doing this plan. Cricket and co are strong enough to protect you in this plan. Everyone will survive even if Whitebeard, Big Mom, & Red Hair Pirates attack at the same time. So you will be safe," says Buggy calmly.


"Then get stronger so that you will have a better chance against them. I will give you access to every facility we have while doing this plan, so use it well and get stronger at the end of this plan," says Buggy.

Bon keeps protesting, but Buggy keeps making comebacks, and finally shuts Bon up. Now Bon can only accept the job given to him because it's his only choice.

"Fine, but I want to go back to Kamabakka after this to have a long holiday," says Bon.

"No problem," says Buggy.

Bon has gone to Kamabakka and met his idol Ivankov. Clown Pirates and Revolutionary Army have a good relationship, after all, so it's easy for Buggy to make Bon allowed to visit Kamabakka anytime. Besides, they have forged a good relationship with Kamabakka when they explored Grandline and visited that Kingdom.

Time passes and finally, the time to do Buggy's plan arrives. They have prepared a lot of things and now they are ready to execute this plan. Their plan starts right after they get the news of a new pirate crew in East Blue.

The Straw Hat Pirates have finally started sailing and Luffy has received his first bounty. In canon, he got it after defeating Arlong on Conomi Islands. But Arlong has been detained in Impel Down again after Clown Pirates defeated his crew.

Buggy met Jinbe directly when the Shark Fishman came to apologize for Arlong's actions. He told Jinbe to keep Arlong away from the world because he will kill Arlong on the spot if he sees that bastard again. Jinbe knew Buggy was serious because Arlong has endangered Buggy's friends.

So Jinbe didn't ask for Arlong's release from prison again. The safest place for Arlong and his crew now is Impel Down. Fisher Tiger who has joined Revolutionary Army also never made any move to release Arlong because he knows how much Arlong hates humans.

Anyway, Luffy got his first bounty after The Straw Hats defeated another pirate crew that once went to Grandline, but was too weak to continue. The crew is like Don Kreig's crew, but they returned much earlier and have made a base on an empty island in East Blue.

~Sometime ago~

The Straw Hats clashed against the pirate crew when the bastards attacked Orange Town after Sanji joined the Straw Hats. As Buggy's daughter, Nami who has joined Straw Hats knew how much her dad loves that town. She also has a good relationship with Orange Town's people.

So he asked the Straw Hats to help her stop those pirates and they gladly helped her. She has called Buggy's pals, Burton & Jimmy, but they are away at that time. It would take them some time to arrive, so Nami immediately asked her new crew to help her, at least to stall time.

They ended up defeating the attacking pirate crew though. But they almost died too, and would surely die if not for someone's help. A teenage boy with blue hair helped them using his firey cutlasses to defeat the remains of the attackers who almost killed the Straw Hats.

"Are you sure these un-pirate-like pirates aren't enemies, old man?" asks the teenage boy to Mayor Buddle who only nods.

That teenage boy is none other than Buggy's only son, Leonardo. He went to save Orange Town as soon as he heard of the attack. But he was so bad at navigating, so he gets lost and only arrived after threatening a passing fisherman to guide him.

"LEO!" shouted Nami in surprise.

"Hmm? Who are you?" asks Leo while tilting his head.

"Huh? What are you...?" asks Nami with a stunned expression.

"Don't you hear it? I'm asking who are you. I can't remember a sister who left for a few months without saying anything to her brother just because her mom didn't allow her to go around East Blue on her own," said Leo while looking away with a pout.

But suddenly, a pirate who hasn't gotten defeated appears behind Leo and swings his sword.

"OI! BEHIND YOU!" shouts Sanji.

The sword slashes Leo's body, shocking everyone there except for Nami. But they got even more shocked when Leo suddenly grabs the man's head as he passes Leo. The cut on Leo's body releases some fire and it disappears without leaving any trace.

"I will finish this up first. Don't even think of running away, big sis. You better return with me after this if you want to survive the demoness's rage," says Leo.

Nami shivers profusely while thinking of Bellemere's anger. Leo leaves her and goes to attack the remaining pirates. The Straw Hats are about to see the swordsmanship of the Strongest Man in The World.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 431. Dragon King's 2nd Defeat (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 441. Blackbeard Pirates (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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