Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 435: Massacring Level 6

Chapter 435: Massacring Level 6

Hancock has appeared in level 6, so Luffy must've arrived too and would start a ruckus. Buggy is excited to execute his plan, but it's not the time yet. He waits patiently and just watches as everything unfolds in level 6.

Buggy wants to wait peacefully, but the men are being very noisy. They haven't seen a beautiful woman for so long and even if they have, Hancock's beauty will surely make them react like this. As a fellow man, he can understand that they like seeing a beautiful girl, but this is just too exaggerated.



Buggy kicks the ground really hard that it creates a big impact and he shouts at them. His shout is very loud that it can be heard from the whole level 6. Silence falls there once more because everyone is surprised by his shout which also contains a little bit of Conqueror Haki's intimidation.

Buggy closes his eyes after that and the others shut their mouths. Hancock resumes his talk with Ace even though they are also surprised by what Buggy did just now. After talking for some time, Hancock leaves level 6 while looking at Buggy who just sleeps while everyone shouts angrily at him.

Well, they surely are angry because he has just basically started a fight with them. They can't do anything with him being in an isolated cell, after all, so they can only shout. Only the weak idiots are getting angry, the strong ones are more interested in how Buggy releases a little bit of his Conqueror Haki in here.

Shiryu also looks at Buggy with interest from his cell. Not long after Buggy was imprisoned, Shiryu also gets imprisoned by Magellan for abusing the prisoners excessively. Magellan has had enough of it, so he put Shiryu in level 6 as punishment.

Buggy just sleeps while waiting for things to happen here. Some hours later, some jailers led by Magellan himself come to level 6. They take Ace out of his cell and bring him away, leaving level 6 as he will be sent to Marineford for his execution.

Then some hours later, Luffy finally shows up in level 6 along with Ivankov and Inazuma. They are too late to take Ace out of here because he must have reached Marineford already. There are no real changes here and things go as they should be like freeing Crocodile & Jinbe before leaving level 6.

Their leave is a signal for Buggy to execute his plan. He takes out a key out of his pocket and opens the locks of his seastone cuffs and chains very easily. Everyone else is surprised to see this, and they start shouting at him to release them too.

Buggy just smirks while opening the cell door with another key. These keys were obtained from the jailer who sent them their bread. There was one time when the jailer in duty changed. He was the one who gave Buggy the keys by hiding the keys inside the bread.

Why would a jailer give him the keys to free himself? Well, it's because that jailer is one of his men who infiltrated Impel Down. Buggy placed a few people from the Caribbean in Impel Down to get information from this place and also help their captured brethren to escape when needed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After getting out of his cell, Buggy looks at the camera denden mushis on the ceiling and releases his Conqueror Haki. He knocks out all the denden mushis in level 6, so no one will be able to see what happens next. It's also a signal for his men to release their captured brethren.

There are many of Buggy's men who got captured and imprisoned here since years ago. They can't just get saved anytime, so they kept waiting until this day. This will be their first prison break and the chaotic situation is really helpful.

"There's no one of us in level 6 other than me. That means I can do whatever I want, right?"

Buggy grins excitedly before walking to a cell on the left of his cell. It's filled with some prisoners who ask him to release them. Buggy just grins before crushing the keys in front of them which render them speechless and then they got very angry.

But then, Buggy suddenly swipes his right hand sideways. In that instant, the seastone bars and everyone in that cell get chopped to pieces. Everyone who sees this widens their eyes and they are speechless because of what they see.

Buggy enters the broken cell and smirks while looking at a chopped head who looks at him with a disbelief expression. Then out of nowhere, Buggy stomps on the head and destroys it, killing the man instantly. Blood splatters everywhere under the shocked gazes of everyone there.

"Now, let's start the massacre. This world doesn't need any of you, so I'll help you to leave it."

After saying that, Buggy starts killing the other prisoners. He cuts the seastone bars and then enters their cells to kill them. No one can resist because they are restrained, so they can't move freely and get weakened.

He kills the weaklings first before going for the stronger ones. The first he visits is a man encased in ice who somehow can survive even after years of being frozen. He simply punches the ice and breaks it to pieces then stabs the man's heart to kill the man.

"Byrnndyi World, not a strong guy, but the way he got imprisoned is unique. Now for the main dishes."

Buggy grins and walks deeper into level 6 to kill the strongest ones here. The only ones left are the ones who will get recruited by Teach which are Catarina Devon, Sanjuan Wolf, Vasco Shots, Avalo Pizarro, and Shiryu. Then there is one more man, the man he hated when he was still in Roger Pirates, Douglas Bullet.

He has met some non-canon characters he knows, so he has predicted that Bullet would be here as well. In the past, he also thought that Who's Who would be here, but that guy was imprisoned in a special prison because he was a Cipher Pol agent who knows a lot of secret information.

Back to Impel Down, Buggy is killing the ones who will get recruited by Teach. He starts by killing Vasco by ripping the guy's heart. Vasco actually gives some fight even with all the restrictions on him, but he is no match for the unrestrained Buggy.

The same also goes for Avalo, Devon, and Shiryu with Shiryu giving the hardest fight. Shiryu only gets cuffed, after all. But he isn't a devil fruit user, so the cuff doesn't reduce his power, only gives him some inconveniences. That's why he can fight better than the others.

However, without his sword, Shiryu is nothing against Buggy. Their levels are already too far apart anyway even if Shiryu uses his sword. Buggy only blocks a few attacks because he is interested to know Shiryu's power, but he gets bored and ends the fight by punching Shiryu's chest.

His punch is coated with advanced haki, so it damages Shiryu greatly. Shiryu feels as if his heart is about to burst and it's true. Buggy then rips Shiryu's heart by forming his left fingers into claws to destroy Shiryu's left chest.

After killing Shiryu, he kills Sanjuan Wolf who doesn't even retaliate. The giant is restrained to the max until he can't move, after all. So he can't fight back at all and Buggy just needs to break Wolf's neck. It's not difficult for someone at Buggy's level to break a giant's neck.

Lastly, he goes for Bullet who just watches the entire thing with a grin on his face. Obviously, Bullet doesn't recognize Buggy who disguises himself as Kuroko. Buggy also doesn't have any intention to let Bullet know who he is because he couldn't care less.

"Demon Heir, huh? Heh, what a useless title. I heard you want to surpass Gol D. Roger. But the only thing you have to surpass him is strength. You don't have his charisma, his dignity, his will, etc. In another word, you are worthless without your strength. The Pirate King is still respected even after his death while you will just be forgotten."

"What are you rambling about, you bastard?"

"Sigh, of course, you won't understand."

Buggy cuts the bars and suddenly Bullet jumps toward him and sends a punch. It's a very strong punch, but Buggy stops it with just a hand. Bullet is excited to see someone stops his punch. He is still very powerful even though he is weakened by the seastone cuffs.

For years, Bullet always trained in prison, so he doesn't lose his strength. Now, the seastone cuffs can only block his devil fruit ability and weaken him a little. The current him is similar to Buggy who has seastone cuffs on, still powerful, just without being able to use his devil fruit ability.

"Not bad for someone who rots in prison for more than 2 decades. Then, how if we make this more interesting?"

Buggy grins widely before chopping the seastone cuffs on Bullet's hands & feet. Bullet is surprised, but then he grins widely because now he can finally fight for real after so long. There's no spectator here because everyone else is dead, but it doesn't matter because both of them are anticipating this fight.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 472. Closer to Death (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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