Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 437: To Marineford

Chapter 437: To Marineford

"Kuroko, how did you escape level 6?"

Jinbe asks Buggy immediately after they entered Tarai Current. Obviously, Jinbe is worried about his presence here because even though Buggy never did anything atrocious as Kuroko, he is still a powerful pirate with a bounty of 600 million. No one knows what Kuroko Buggy will do, so Jinbe needs to be on guard all the time.

"I don't have any obligation to tell you, Jinbe. You just need to know that I won't be your enemy. I just need a ride to leave that damn prison."

Jinbe looks at Kuroko Buggy for a while. "If that's really what you want, then I don't have any problem. We will go to a war, so if you don't have any intention to help, then at least don't disturb us."

"War, huh? It's because of Magma Fist, isn't it? A war between Whitebeard Pirates and Marine, this will be interesting."

Jinbe leaves him be and continues to take control of the ship. The others are now interested in him because Jinbe's reaction to him being here was unusual. So they ask around to find out about Kuroko who isn't known well by these guys because he got infamous just recently.

Some of them who got captured just recently tell them about Kuroko. Luffy also joins in, but he just listens because he himself doesn't know much about Kuroko other than that Kuroko is strong and has a high bounty. He is actually very curious about Kuroko, so he listens to them.

Some of them who only get captured recently tell the others about Kuroko. Well, they only repeat what they read in newspapers and heard from rumors. He is the best rookie, after all, that's why there are many news about him.

"Woah, he is very amazing, isn't he? But how did he get captured?"

"I don't know, I got captured when he was still roaming around."

"I think it's because he fought an Admiral."

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Luffy suddenly speaks something that really surprises them. They ask him to tell them more about it, so he tells them how an Admiral showed up and attacked his crew. Then Kuroko suddenly appears there because of his battle against Kuma.

"That big man used strange attacks that sent me and my friends to unknown places, separating us. He was left there, so I think he fought against both the Admiral and that big man."

"An Admiral, huh? No wonder he got captured. He defeated a Vice Admiral in the past, but an Admiral is on a whole different level."

Buggy ignores them and enters the ship's inner cabins to get some food. He only had disgusting hard bread for a few days, so he wants to eat real food. No one else thinks to eat the food on this ship, so he can eat everything he wants without any disturbance.

After filling his stomach, Buggy comes out to the deck while drinking wine from its bottle. He also has some more bottles of alcohol that he tied around his waist and a metal pipe he tied on his back. Such a thing stuns the others who have just realized they can loot this ship.

They immediately enter the inner cabins and take everything they want. Luffy is also one of them and obviously, he searches for food. Luckily for him, Buggy didn't eat all the food because there was a lot of it. So Luffy eats the remaining food and empties the kitchen before anyone else comes.

Buggy is drinking calmly on the front deck while looking at the sea. Sometime later, Luffy and Ivankov talk about what Dragon will do because Ivankov thinks that Ace is Dragon's son too. But then Luffy tells him that Ace is Roger's son, surprising everyone there, save for Buggy.

Things go smoothly for some time, but then a massive tsunami suddenly appears. Jinbe controls the ship so that it won't flip and the ship climbs the tsunami. They succeed but then the tsunami pushes the ship and it's about to fall off the tall tsunami.

However, the tsunami suddenly freezes, and Jinbe mutters that it's Aokiji's power. Buggy just grins because the big war finally starts. It will have more impact than the war between his crew and Marine years ago when he defeated Garp, Sengoku, and other big officers while also killing Sakazuki.

Buggy gets down from the ship to look at the war below. He can see many people down there, but they just look like ants except for the Giants because of how far apart they are. Still, he can sense the tense atmosphere down there.

After a while, he can see the pirates are moving forward. The Marine soldiers also run toward the pirates while also shooting cannons from the sides. Buggy can't see the details well, so the pirates & marines just look like ants bumping each other.

"Sigh, it's so boring to just watch like this. They don't even look clear, so I can't see the war properly. I can't even get down yet because I'll attract attention that I want to avoid for now."

Just when he grumbles, Buggy sees a big slash attack and runs across the ice toward Moby Dick. It's Mihawk's attack that is aimed at Whitebeard on the ship. But then it gets stopped by Jozu who turns his body into a diamond to block the slash attack and then throws it to the sky.

Sometime later, Buggy sees bright light bits that gather quite high in the air in front of Whitebeard. It's Kizaru who moves to attack Whitebeard by shooting light bullets. But then it gets blocked by rotating blue fire.

Marco blocks the bullets by transforming his arms into blue phoenix wings and spins himself. Both Marco and Kizaru engage in a short battle that results in Kizaru being thrown to the base. But he comes out unscathed because he turned himself into light.

Sometime later, Jozu punches the ice ground to create a huge round ice chunk. Then he throws it toward the plaza. His power surprises the normal soldiers who also get afraid because the huge ice will fall on them. But then, it suddenly stops midair and floats there without moving.

Fujitora who has become an Admiral already is stopping the ice using his Gravity power. Then he uses his Gravity to throw the ice toward Moby Dick. Of course, Whitebeard won't let it fall on him & his ship, so he breaks it into pieces using his Quake power.

After that, a giant being bigger than the Giants themselves appears. It's Little Oars Junior, one of the last Oars in the world. He moves forward, scaring the Marines and motivating the pirates because he is a very great force, he should be.

"What a shame. An Oars can be stronger than anyone in the world easily, just physically though. They are not that great in battles because of their big sizes though."

Buggy is commenting as he watches while the others beside him are thinking of a way to get down. He can just jump, but he doesn't want to attract attention for now. Buggy just wants to watch the war that happens below him from a good spot.

He sees as Doflamingo cuts the Oars' right leg and then Moria stabs Oars with a giant shadow spear. Buggy just sighs seeing a massive and powerful person like Oars gets defeated so easily. It's truly a shame that Whitebeard can't nurture such a potential subordinate.

Oars' defeat angers the Whitebeard Pirates, so they start attacking the Marines angrily. But it also looks like a chance for the Marines and a Giant Vice Admiral sees Whitebeard getting distracted, or so he thought.

The Giant Vice-Admiral, Ronze attacks Whitebeard using his Axe. But Whitebeard simply punches the air and cracks it before catching Ronze's mask. Then the old man slams the giant's face onto the floor and pummels him with a Quake punch, defeating him easily.

Whitebeard then orders the pirates to use the path that Oars made to invade the plaza. Battles rage on the frozen sea as pirates try to reach the plaza while marines try to prevent it. Buggy watches in amusement as things get chaotic.

He doesn't take anyone's side right now even though he is a pirate and quite close to Whitebeard Pirates. Although he is a One Piece fan, he is now living in this world, he is a part of this world. Buggy is just amused to see the war he once watched on a screen personally.

The war is getting more heated up while Buggy is getting more interested. He wants to know if the Marine has the same strategy as in the series and he doesn't need to wait too long to know that. They indeed have the same strategy which is to hasten Ace's execution.

"Hmm, Akainu is dead, so who will be the one that provokes Squard now?"

While he thinks of that, the other escapees are trying to get the ship down from the frozen tsunami. Luffy is hurrying them up because of the order to hasten Ace's execution that they heard on the Marine ship.

The escapees then break the ice below the ship and try to push it in the hope it will slide on the back of the frozen tsunami wave. But instead, it breaks the ice completely and the ship falls from the top of the frozen tsunami.

Buggy who is just sitting calmly on the edge also falls because the ice he uses to sit breaks. He sighs and just looks down at the hole that Jozu created. They will fall there and he'll surely sink if he falls into the seawater because he can't swim.

He needs to move and evade it, so he uses the broken ice chunks as stepping stones to move away. Buggy also uses the falling escapees to move away from the hole. He jumps quite far and now he won't fall on the hole, so he won't sink.

While the ship and other escapees are falling into the seawater, Buggy himself is landing somewhere else. He lands on a surprising place, Moby Dick's front deck. Buggy lands right behind Whitebeard. He lands really hard in a superhero landing pose, but luckily, Moby Dick is tough, so it doesn't break.

"What are you doing in my ship, brat?"

"My, excuse my rudeness, big ass geezer. I simply evaded falling into the pit made by your ugly crew member because this humble me can't swim."

Buggy smirks while bowing politely like a noble even though he is saying something rude, so Whitebeard is obviously pissed. Their little skirmish is interesting, but people's attention is gathered on the falling ship. Now the war will enter a new round.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 474. Temptation (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.