Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 439: Joining The War

Chapter 439: Joining The War

Dalmatian attacks first by jumping at Kuroko in his half-beast form. He sends a punch at Kuroko but it gets dodged, so his fist hits the ice ground. Kuroko jumps to the left and Dobberman chases him.

Dobberman swings his sword from the left while Kuroko is still jumping. He thought that Kuroko can't dodge, but he is underestimating Kuroko too much. Kuroko drops his body and slides on the ice ground to evade the sword that moves right on his face.

However, Kuroko doesn't just slide on the ice, he catches Dobberman's right foot. He uses it to spin around and kicks Dobberman's left foot from behind. Dobberman falls behind while Kuroko gets ready to attack again.

Yamakaji doesn't let him do it and attacks from behind. But Kuroko parries Yamakaji's sword using his metal pipe that has been angled at 45 degrees. Yamakaji's sword slides on the metal pipe and Kuroko takes this chance to send a back kick at Yamakaji.

He sends Yamakaji to fly some meters back before he pushes himself up using his metal pipe. He does it to evade Dalmatian's attack. Then Kuroko spins himself in the air as he falls and he swings his metal pipe at Dalmatian.

Dalmatian blocks it using his arms, but he still gets flung because of the powerful impact. Kuroko grins while looking at Dobberman who has gotten up and rushes to attack him. These Vice-Admirals are really tough and don't know when to stop.

Kuroko blocks a straight swing from Dobberman using his metal pipe. He is still in the air, so he can't stop the force of Dobberman's attack. The force sends him flying quite fast and he is moving toward Yamakaji who is ready to slash him.

But he uses his flying speed to increase his attack power instead. He clashes his pipe attack with Yamakaji's sword attack. Both of them get pushes back a little and Kuroko finally stands on the ground again.

The 3 Vice-Admirals attack him together again and he is getting more excited as their fight goes on. Kuroko Buggy mostly blocks or evades the Vice-Admirals' attacks. He only attacks once in a while, but his attacks are just enough to push them back without injuring them too much.

"Amazing, he holds up against 3 Vice-Admirals on his own."

Tashigi is very impressed with Kuroko, but Smoker thinks otherwise.

"Do you really think so? He doesn't seem to be trying in my eyes. He could defeat Vice-Admiral Onigumo in a short time, so his attack should be very powerful. Yet all his attacks can only push them back even though he landed a lot of clean hits."


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"He is holding back, or should I say, he is playing with them, and I'm sure they realize it too."

Smoker is right, Kuroko is playing around with them to buy time when the escapees try to get the broadcast denden mushi. The 3 Vice-Admirals who realize that he isn't serious are getting irritated by this. They have done their best, but he is still matching them even though he isn't serious, so obviously they are pissed.

The 3 starts to attack more fiercely, but Kuroko can still handle them with ease. He even starts to play by redirecting their attacks so that they will hit their comrades. It's a fun way to fight, but he rarely uses it because he likes direct clashes more.

"Oi, oi, oi! What's wrong with you guys? Didn't you say you would defeat me? So why are you fighting each other now?"

"Ugh, this damn bas-"

Dalmatian can't finish his sentence because Kuroko redirects Yamakaji's attack at him. Then he trips Dobberman who rushes at him. He makes Dobberman falls on his 2 comrades and the 3 of them are falling in one spot.

"Aww, so sweet, you are hugging each other."

Kuroko teases them before the escapees suddenly call him. He looks at them and sees that they've captured not 1, but 2 broadcasts denden mushis. They've done better than he thought, so now it's his time to finish his job.

"Sorry about this, guys, but your job is done here."

Kuroko spins his metal pipe and coats them with Armament Haki while making a hitting stance.


The Vice-Admirals are surprised because Kuroko has just used blackened Armament Haki. He only used invisible haki previously, so they didn't realize it.

"See you later boys."

Kuroko says that before swinging his hardened metal pipe very strongly toward the 3 Vice-Admirals. He sends them flying far to the center of the battlefield. It attracts people's attention, but he just walks away to meet the escapees.

"You guys don't look good."

"Hehe, we fought a bit there, but we managed to get these 2."

"Good job, you guys. Now, why don't we set up an interesting thing."

Kuroko orders the escapees to go to an abandoned marine ship outside the battlefield. They need to record everything that happens here using the broadcast denden mushis. But some enemies will surely try to get the denden mushis back, so they need to defend too.

"For now, just activate 1 denden mushi. If things go wrong, then you can activate the other 1 to replace it. These denden mushis are precious, so take good care of them. I will compensate you guys very well as long as you do a great job."

"H-how can we believe what you said?"

"You can't. I don't have any proof, after all. But whether you want to follow me or not, it's all up to you. Believe what you want to believe, that's the way of pirates, isn't it?"

Kuroko just smirks before turning around and walking toward Moby Dick. He can't stay with them to broadcast the war because he has become one of the main targets in this war. If he stays with them, then the chance of the broadcast getting disturbed will increase, and he can't let the broadcast stop before the war ends.

"Why'd you come here again, brat?"

"I need your protection, old man. I'm scared, you know. They suddenly attack me and even sent 3 Vice-Admirals. I thought I was going to die."

Kuroko said that, but there was no sign of fear in his face or tone. Whitebeard knows he's just messing around, so the old man just scoffs. Even so, the old man is a little grateful because Kuroko has defeated a lot of marine soldiers & 3 Vice-Admirals, reducing the number of enemies.

That's why Whitebeard doesn't say anything when Kuroko just sits relaxedly on Moby Dick's front edge. Both of them are watching the war's development from the ship. Then after a while, the moment that Kuroko Buggy has been waiting for finally comes.

Squard comes up the ship and talks to Whitebeard while being annoyed by Kuroko's presence. However, he ignores the blue hair and talks to his pops. Surprisingly, Squard doesn't stab Whitebeard. Instead, he is informing Whitebeard that a Vice-Admiral came to him and told him about Ace's real father.

"It seems they want me to question you and maybe betray you. But I know better than blaming a son for his father's deed. My grudge is against Roger, so I shouldn't target Ace for that. The last time I did that, I almost died if it's not for you."

"Your battle against the Clown brat, huh?"

"Yeah, he was putting some sense in my mind using that fight. It would be a different case if Ace is hostile to me, but we are friends. That is the most important thing now. If I want to seek revenge, then I should go for the remnants of Roger Pirates."

Whitebeard looks at Squard and smiles before telling him to help the others. Squard rushes to the battlefield along with the other Whitebeard subordinate crews. Whitebeard himself is looking at Sengoku who seems disappointed that his plan fails.

"How boring, I thought he would stab you in the chest."

"He could stab me if he wanted and nothing will change. I will still love him as my son. He just needs to be guided because it's the Marine that tried to provoke him."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Anyway, the Marine seems eager to fight you, old man. Why don't you go there and show them who's the boss is?"

"Is that so? Then I guess I shouldn't disappoint them. But I feel lonely attacking alone, so why don't you accompany me, brat?"

"Eeeh, I'm tired after fighting 3 Vice-Admirals. Oh, I've just realized that my hands are feeling sore. So I'll just rest here to recover."

Kuroko Buggy says that while picking his nose and throws the bogger to the ice ground below. Yeah, he is lying, and he doesn't even try to hide his lies. It pisses Whitebeard, so he picks Kuroko Buggy's back collar quite high.

"I won't leave a stranger on my ship without supervision, so you will come with me."

Whitebeard doesn't wait for an answer and just jumps out of the ship with Kuroko in his left hand. He runs forward while swinging Kuroko on his left. Then when he spots enemies, he throws Kuroko toward them.

Kuroko sighs and covers his body with haki before he slams onto them. He knocks out some of them when he lands very hard on them. Kuroko stands up while standing on a defeated Marine soldier with a rather pissed face. "Damn, what a violent geezer."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 476. Power of Friendship (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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