Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 458: Tot Musica

Chapter 458: Tot Musica

With a clear plan, the Red Hair Pirates and Leo get closer to the island. They move fast to approach Uta and Tot Musica which start pulling people into the virtual world. The Red Hair Pirates members who are assigned to enter the virtual world hear Uta's song and get pulled into her world without any resistance.

As they run to Uta and Tot Musica, Shanks gives a signal to Leo. He points at Leo and Uta, then points at himself and Tot Musica. It's clear that Shanks wants Leo to take care of Uta while he takes care of Tot Musica.

Leo nods because he knows that Shanks is far stronger than him. It's better if Shanks is the one facing Tot Musica that obviously has more battle power than Uta. Leo doesn't know if Uta can fight well when the power of Sing Sing Fruit isn't effective, but Leo is confident he can subdue Uta.

He is actually afraid of hurting her too much if he can't control his power well. Even so, he won't hesitate to hurt her. She needs to know the consequences of doing all of this. Getting hurt is inevitable if she goes against the world, after all.

Tot Musica realizes that some people aren't affected by Sing Sing Fruit. It tries to attack them by releasing some energy attacks. But they manage to evade them and Leo rushes to Uta by flying in his fire form.

Obviously, Tot Musica sees him trying to get closer to Uta. It can't let the Sing Sing Fruit user get attacked, so it attacks Leo. But its attack is destroyed by a powerful flying slash attack. Shanks swings his sword to destroy it which attracts Tot Musica's attention.

'So powerful! It doesn't even seem like he used his full power either. Just a casual attack already has that much power.'

Leo is really impressed by Shanks's power and wonders when he can reach that level. But he stops that thought immediately because he needs to survive this to even dream of getting stronger. He flies faster toward Uta who seems crazed as if she is possessed.

Uta can see him approaching and starts singing louder to pull him into her world. But he can't hear anything, so he doesn't get affected. Surprised, Uta tries to run away because she knows clearly that Leo is stronger than her.

Unfortunately for her, she is too slow compared to Leo. He catches up quickly and captured Uta easily. Leo wants to knock her out, but then remembers that if she loses consciousness, then Tot Musica will disappear too.

That monster has appeared, so might as well beat it up until it's afraid of going out again. Leo pressed Uta's face to the ground while holding her hands on her back. Then he uses his belt to tie Uta's hands before dragging her by feet to a spot where they can watch the battle.

Leo can take her there normally, but he is very annoyed by her now, so he drags her by feet. Uta struggles, but she can't break free from Leo's grasp and the belt's bind. They finally arrive on top of a hill, but Leo is stunned when he looks back at Uta.

"Damn, she actually enters her dream world. Tsk, whatever, it's the same no matter where she is. I just need to prevent her from getting harmed. I'm sure that monster can do something to the user's body or it won't try to affect her so persistently."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The battle in the real world has already started. Shanks is fighting Tot Musica using his saber while his crewmates support him with their guns. Leo watches the battle between Shanks and Tot Musica. His eyes are filled with amazement as he watches Shanks's powerful attacks.

Each of Shanks's attacks looks casual, but they are much more powerful than any sword attack Leo ever seen. Shanks can destroy Tot Musica's energy attacks easily and injure the monster with each strike. And it looks like Shanks doesn't go all out.

"Is he testing that monster's power first?"

In Uta's virtual world, a battle also breaks between Tot Musica and Red Hair Pirates. Yasop leads the pirates to attack the monster while Benn is facing Uta. He was leading the pirates before, but when Uta appeared, he shifted the command to Yasop.

"Uta, you should stop this. You are endangering yourself."

"I will do what I want."

Uta starts to sing and Tot Musica's power increases. It also starts to transform as if it's evolving. This change also happens in the real world, making everyone frown. They know they can't let this monster gets stronger again or it will be very dangerous.

Of course, Tot Musica wants to get stronger again. It looks at Uta and Leo knows it wants to use her to increase its power again. Tot Musica rushes toward Uta, so Leo picks her up and runs away while Shanks moves to stop the monster.

Shanks is getting serious and so are the Red Hair Pirates in the virtual world. Their attacks become much more ferocious as they finally go all out. They overwhelm Tot Musica and prevent it from getting too close to Uta.

Uta is almost invincible in the virtual world, but she can't suppress Benn. This guy is the Vice leader of an Emperor Crew. Obviously, he has a very powerful will that can suppress Uta's influence on his spirit. The other Red Hair Pirates, especially the executives also can resist it easily and keep fighting Tot Musica.

The current Red Hair Pirates should be stronger than they are in the series. Their strong rivalry against Clown Pirates has pushed them to reach their current level. They didn't want to lose to Clown Pirates that are of the same generation as them.

Clown Pirates always came to them to fight whenever they were bored. It happened almost every year and the Red Hair Pirates were always suppressed in the past. Those battles stimulate both sides to grow stronger and now the Red Hair Pirates are almost on par with Clown Pirates.

Such power is obviously enough to overwhelm Tot Musica. Furthermore, the Red Hair Pirates are merciless. They don't want to give it a chance to fight back and keep attacking. Their yearly wars against Clown Pirates have taught them to not give their enemies any chance if they can.

In real and virtual worlds, the Red Hair Pirates are dominating Tot Musica. Shanks has gone all out too because Tot Musica is chasing Uta. Surely, it's not a good thing and he needs to stop it, so he stops holding back.

Shanks jump to Tot Musica while preparing his attack. His sword is ready on his side and he pours all his haki power into it. He goes all out, pouring his advanced Armament and Conqueror Haki while he jumps toward Tot Musica's neck.

A jump from Shanks can cover a very long distance, so he can reach Tot Musica's neck easily. Then, Shanks slashes his sword and cuts Tot Musica's neck easily. However, only Tot Musica in the real world is defeated. It won't truly get defeated as long as its body in the virtual world is still alive.

Shanks knows this because Leo has told the Red Hair Pirates before. But he doesn't care and still defeats the one in the real world regardless of the situation in the virtual world. He doesn't have a way to communicate with them, after all. So he can only do his best to defeat the one in the real world.

The Tot Musica in the real world starts to reform its body again, making everyone frowns. Shanks had landed as he watches the neck he severed is reconnecting. His expression is still calm. He doesn't care if it keeps reviving. Shanks just need to keep defeating it until the one in the virtual world is defeated too.

Leo's eyes widened as he sees Shanks spamming ridiculously powerful slash attacks that can cut Tot Musica's body in half every time he attacks. "Damn, that's ridiculous. Each of those attacks can defeat our crew easily. So this is the level of Emperors. That means Dad can do this easily too."

Leo clenches his fists and grits his teeth, but he is very excited. This just shows that his goal isn't shallow as it's just as difficult as being a Pirate King. It surely is more difficult than being the strongest swordsman because Leo knows that his Buggy has surpassed Mihawk in terms of power.

Just when Leo gets excited about achieving his difficult dream, the battle is concluded. Shanks keeps cutting Tot Musica's body mercilessly when it suddenly stops regenerating. This only means that the one in the virtual world has been defeated by Red Hair Pirates.

Tot Musica doesn't have any chance against an Emperor crew's all-out attacks. No one held back because they all wanted to save Uta. The only way to save her was to defeat this monstrosity, so they didn't hold back and attack it with all their power while Benn held Uta.

It's easy for someone at Benn Beckman's level to hold Uta. She could do many things in her world, but Benn has fought against more dangerous people. Besides, he was just stalling time by making her busy attacking him and he just defended her attacks.

After confirming that Tot Musica's body has disappeared, Leo looks at Uta, but she hasn't woken up. Maybe because she is very exhausted after using her power. He checks her condition and it seems she is fine for now. It makes him sigh in relief, but he knows it hasn't ended yet.

"Seems like I need to beat her up for real after this. Damn woman really know how to make trouble. I'll definitely beat some senses into that damn brain of yours."


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I've uploaded Chapter 495. Alliance & Giants

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

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