Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 465: All-Out War

Chapter 465: All-Out War

Both halves of the massive object are falling from the clouds. If it isn't cut, the massive object would look like a round plate, it's like a UFO. Buggy doesn't really know what it is, but he knows it is dangerous for his group.

Enel was the one who alerted him that there was a massive flying object in the sky, hidden between clouds. The clouds are like Enel's limbs now after he awakened his devil fruit. He can control them to some extent using the electricity in the clouds, that's why he could sense the movements of that massive object between the clouds.

It wasn't owned by The Clown Pirates or their allies, Buggy was sure of that. So it just left the World Government or Imu as the possibility. Buggy doesn't want to risk anything, so he acted fast and cut that unknown object because there was no way such an item would only fly in the sky for no reason.

'Is that an Ancient Weapon? Or maybe a powerful weapon comparable to the Ancient Weapons recorded in the Poneglyphs?'

Buggy looks at Imu who seems very pissed now after he cut that massive flying object. From this, Buggy can judge that it was a very important item that can even make someone like Imu grieves upon its destruction.

"Oh, sorry, I broke it. Is that thing very important to you? I will compensate you. Here, I have 5 Belly."

Buggy takes out a small coin while laughing loudly. He plays the coin before tossing it to Imu strongly. Imu doesn't react, but Garling moves forward to cut the coin with his sword. Buggy grins when he sees it and when Garling's sword touches the coin, he snaps his fingers.


The coin explodes just like the previous atomic bombs. He also splits the atoms in this coin, making it a mini atomic bomb. Although its explosion isn't mini at all because it has enough power to destroy a small town.

Imu's small group is engulfed by the explosion, making Buggy grins. However, his face stiffens when the explosion flame suddenly gets sucked and disappears. He frowns when he sees Imu sucking the flame as if it is just air.

"Seems like the King of The World isn't just a flower in a garden. So this was why you could survive the previous explosion unscathed."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Buggy looks serious now because he still doesn't know how strong Imu is. He taps Cricket's shoulder and the half-Dragon-man lowers the ship that floats on his flame cloud. The Black Pearl lands on the chopped part of Red Line before the Clown Pirates get out of their ship.

"Wassup, Kong? Can't contact your Marine friends?"

Buggy smirks while looking at Kong who stands behind the God's Knights. He is clicking a golden denden mushi to summon Buster Call, but there's no response whatsoever. His Buster Call summon is one of the top priorities, so the Marines should come as fast as possible with a much stronger lineup than other Buster Calls.

"Don't bother, they won't even have time to leave New Marineford. Even the Admirals won't be able to leave, not to mention the Vice-Admirals."

Buggy smirks, making Kong widens his eyes.

"What have you done?"

"Heh, you think I would let the Marines interfere when we're attacking Marie Geoise? I am not a fool, Kong. Of course, I would do something to block your reinforcements. Be it from Paradise or New World, no one will come here until we are finished."

To stop the Marines, Buggy has sent his subordinate crews. The big fleet is led by Alan, the man who was once an apprentice of Clown Pirates and now formed his own crew, Legend Pirates along with his younger sister Elen, Kaido's 'son' Yamato, and former Beasts Pirates' apprentice Jack.

Legend Pirates are a powerful crew with those 4 main figures having comparable power to Emperor Crews' commanders. Their Captain Alan even has a 1 Billion Belly for his head, which is the same as Katakuri. They are also very loyal to Clown Pirates, hence the reason why Buggy entrusted this mission to them.

Aside from Legend Pirates, there are many subordinate crews, including those who were once subordinates of Big Mom Pirates. Even the former Big Mom Pirates that have changed into Charlotte Pirates under Katakuri's leadership are also joining the attack on New Marineford.

They all have witnessed the fall of Marie Geoise, the massive tsunami caused by it, and also the inhumane explosion caused by the atomic bombs caused by Buggy. All those things made them shudder in fear because they realized they were still underestimating Buggy's power even though they already thought his power was absurd.

But it also made them realize that they are following the right person because even though Buggy has such power, he never misused it, especially against his people. He never control his people through fear, but he made them respect him, which shows his superb quality and charisma as a leader.

Anyway, the fleet led by Alan blocks the Marines that try to go to the fallen Marie Geoise. Hundreds of pirate ships surround New Marineford with their weapons ready to attack anytime. Every Marine on the island is nervous right now, including Ryokugyu and Aokiji.

They've sent Borsalino and Fujitora away to the fallen Marie Geoise. Though luckily they have Garp and Sengoku here, so they still have some Admiral-level powerhouses to face the enemies. The problem is now the enemies have the upper hand to be the first to strike.

Aokiji sends Ryokugyu, Garp, and Sengoku to the left side, right side, and back side of the base while he handles the front side. He is facing the side where Alan is, while Ryokugyu faces Katakuri, Garp faces Jack, and Sengoku faces Yamato and Elen.

"Fleet Admiral Aokiji, please be obedient and just stay here. We don't want to attack you, we just want you to stay here for a while."

"Arara, isn't this Melting Gaze Alan? You being here means that this is the plan of Clown Pirates. What's the Clown Lord wants to do? Does he want to conquer the world?"

Melting Gaze, that's Alan's current moniker, replacing his old one, Captain Acidic. His moniker changed when he received the bounty of 1 Billion. It's to show just how powerful his acid power is as he can melt almost anything and this moniker is also an expression of how his enemies could melt just by his gaze.

"Conquer the world? Our Lord doesn't have such a burdensome desire. He only wants to be free without any restraint from others. I'm sure you know what I mean, right?"

Aokiji isn't shocked as this answer is still under his assumption. Buggy was Roger Pirates' apprentice, so Aokiji has expected that Roger's influence is thick in Buggy's heart. Besides, the Marines know well of Buggy's character and ruling the world is not something that Buggy would do.

So that question is just a confirmation for Aokiji and won't change what he needs to do. After all, no matter what Buggy's goal is, what happens today is something that the Marines must stop. Even if the World Government falls, the Marines need to stop the pirates because the impact of this war is affecting the civilians too.

"Aokiji, I advise you to just stay here. After we won, the Marines won't be controlled by the Celestial Dragons anymore. I'm sure that's something you really want too, right?"

"That surely is tempting. But then it will be your side that controls us if you succeed."

"Controlling Marines? HAHAHA! We will surely do that if I were the Lord. But as I said, our Lord doesn't want it, too troublesome. He promised to not do anything to you Marines. You can be independent if you want."

"Independent? Then what about the world order? No matter what, the world needs World Government to maintain its order. Do you plan to throw all responsibilities to Marine if you win?"

"Hehe, don't act stupid, Aokiji. I'm sure you know who will take those responsibilities."

Aokiji widens his eyes for a moment as he guesses it. "Revolutionary Army!"

His guess is correct. Obviously, Buggy doesn't want to take the heavy burden to maintain the world's order. It will be too troublesome, after all. Besides, there is an organization that will take that responsibility willingly.

The Revolutionary Army is an organization prepared to take down the World Government. So they surely have prepared to replace the World Government's role. With such a force available to take the burden from him, Buggy obviously will give it to them.

He has discussed this with Dragon and made an agreement. Buggy also asked for Revolutionary Army's help for this war and they agreed after some contemplations. That's why right now the Revolutionary Army is participating in the war. They are blocking the 2 Admirals sent to help Marie Geoise.

"Long time no see, Kizaru."

"Indeed, it has been a very long time, Dragon. So this is your group's doing, huh? You must've made a lot of preparations. But why are you here? Your main enemy shouldn't be us."

"You're half-right. This isn't our group's doing, but our alliance's doing. As for why we're here, it's because we're not the main force on our side. That's to say, I'm not your main enemy too. Your main enemy now is the man who engraved that scar that reached your neck."

Kizaru's eyes widen for a moment before he touches the scar on his neck. It was caused by Buggy in their first battle years ago which ended with Kizaru's defeat. A cold gaze appears in Kizaru's eyes as he looks at the fallen Marie Geoise in the distance.

He wants to rush there because he knows that Buggy is there. However, he suddenly retreats a bit to avoid a sharp wind blade sent by Dragon. He looks at Dragon and knows that the other party won't let either him or Fujitora leave.

"This will be a tough battle, Fujitora."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 502. Buggy's Anger

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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