Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 101 Wrong Answer

"It wasn't meant to be me?" Nix repeated, curious about the full story.

If there was a back story to this, he was willing to hear it, right after he was cured.

"Sir," he decided to change his tactics in speech, "I can be cured, right?!" He stared, hopeful that he would hear a positive result. Mune had told him whoever had placed it could remove it, but he needed to be sure.

"They said they were using it for a test drive in the organization, why the academy?" He punched a tree in rage, the glow in his eyes increasing with every frustrated yell he let out.

'I should be asking you.' Nix deadpanned.

"Sir, does this mean that you don't know about the use of the statue you created?" He tilted his head in confusion.

He had thought he was working on cohoot with the organization, little did he know that the tale just got a lot more complicated.

"How could they do this?!" Fegan spoke out again, staring at Nix. He was guilt stricken that he might have caused something he shouldn't have.

"Who?!" Nix probed, his questions didn't make any sense if he couldn't at least explain them logically and one at a time.

"Hana was right," He facepalmed. "I shouldn't have listened to their threats."

'What the hell man?! You haven't even given an explanation to the first confusing question, now you just want to compile them?' His brows furrowed.

With lips drawn into a thin line, he folded his arms, refusing to speak again unless he was done rambling.

"How did this happen? How and why did you go for the medal on the chest?! Are you crazy?!" He chose to ask several questions instead, finally getting a grip of reality. His hands trembled as he bit on his fingernails as a stress relief behavior.

'Are we done with the questions?' Nix stared, nodding his head when he could tell he was actually waiting for him to speak.

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"Well..." Nix sweat dropped, "it's a long story. Not one that you might like to listen to."

Shaking his head, he held out his hand to stop Nix from saying anything. "Let's get to my cottage first."

'It's about time.'

"Kot awaken." He called onto the golden statue.

Nix took a step back, the size of the thing still scared him when it was up close.

"You do have a beautiful way of naming your creations." He stifled a laugh.

The ground shook for a while as Kot stomped his feet in displeasure at the comment.

'It can understand the hidden meaning?' Nix stared at it for a while.

"You owe Hana an apology for your kind words." Fegan narrowed his eyes.

'Sh*t, it was the girl who named them!' He internally facepalmed at how complicated it'll be for him to face her eventually.

"Aren't you coming?" Fegan looked over his shoulder, his hand on the outstretched palm of the statue on the floor, with it ready to lift him.

"On that cra– I mean beautiful golden statue?" He raised his head to meet the gaze of Kot, flashing a grin at it.

"Suit yourself." Fegan walked onto its palm.

Kot raised him, placing him on its shoulder. Looking down at Nix for his response.

"Yeah I'm good." He waved his hand in front of him. "The distance isn't something I can't cover in a short while."

"Let's go." Fegan commanded Kot, holding onto the beads that draped from its victory wreath pendant.


With a huge leap, it covered a huge distance with that.


'Alone at last!' He looked around him, finally coming to terms to damage that had been caused by the statue majorly.

"That was some fight." He laughed it off, it reminded him of the dragons he had tamed.

They had done more damage and he was nearly killed by Rekor and Raz. 'Plot amour hits again.'


[Yawn!] She stretched her arms, opening her eyes slowly.

'I'm sorry for doubting you.' He looked down in embarrassment.

Tilting her head, she stared at her master for a few seconds, not registering what had made him resort to that sentence when she had just been summoned.

'You were right about the approach on Fegan.'

[You met him?!] She gasped in shock.

'Well...' His eyes roamed the forest.

[You did this?] Her mouth opened in shock at the level of damage.

'That's not the point, I was invited to his cottage.' He pointed out.

[After this sort of damage? What does he want, a duel in his home?] Mune rolled her eyes, folding her arms.

Nix shook his head, smiling at her funny representation of what he had said. 'He knows his limit, besides his daughter is with him.'

[She survived, huh?] Mune's voice was laced with scorn.

Although he had not outrightly confronted her, he had noticed her behaviour towards females was always unpleasant at the onset.

'Do you have any idea on what he might want to discuss?' He questioned, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Walking, he searched for the spot where he had hidden his bag. Looking upwards, he had a frown at the broken branch he could have sworn he had hung it on.

"What the hell happened here?!" He exclaimed loudly, jumping on the tree branches until he got to the top.

Mune followed closely, floating beside his head. [You kept something important here?]

Inhaling and exhaling, he tried to calm his emotions before he spoke to her telepathically.

'My map was meant to be here, my bag!' He kicked on some leaves.

[Master, look!] She pointed at a writing on the bark of the tree.

Walking closer to it, he read it and the more he re-read the words, the more his anger rose.

'Mune?' He called, trying to keep his emotions in check.


'Would it be wrong to beat the heck out of someone because of this?' He forced a smile, internally screaming at the thought of what he had read.

[Violence is never the answer] She raised her index finger, raising her chin as she spoke.

'Wrong answer!' He said through gritted teeth, jumping down from the tree, doing a barrel roll and getting up.

There were no second doubts about going to meet Fegan, he had enough reason to meet him.

'You made a mistake doing that.' He looked ahead towards the cottage.

[Agility activated. Your movements have been increased by 90%]

[Master, wait up!] She zoomed to meet up with the speed he had utilized, making his way towards the cottage.

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