Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 123 Don't Even Dare

Mr. Zhao moved closer to Rumi but was shunned.

"Take it easy, I merely want to help with the burden and lift him in your stead." He reasoned, opening his arms so Zephyr could be given to him.

Hesitating, she stared at his hands cautiously, unsure about going with the plan.

"Sesa would be able to help in healing. All I need to know is are you willing to allow him the care of being in special hands?" Mr. Zhao raised his brows.

Reluctantly, she nodded her head. Sesa was one of her closest allies, if it was her, then there was no cause to worry about where Zephyr would be taken to.

Mr. Zhao had a smug look on his face. He had always found satisfaction in finding the one weakness in anyone. Seeing the depressed state of Rumi only brought him that satisfaction he so rightly wanted after being scolded because of her.

Lifting Zephyr from the clutches of Rumi, he walked towards the portal.

"Master..." She paused, casting a worried look at him.

Even though he didn't say anything, she could feel a change in his mood.

"Nothing goes by without you noticing when you share a connection." The master spoke with a slight chuckle.

"You're dying." She revealed.

"I won't, not without achieving what I want to." He defended, wiping his lips with his sleeve. Staring at the blood-soaked part. "I can't be brought down because of this, that is why I need that scroll."

"You're conflicted, master," Rumi noticed, shaking her head.

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"That's enough discussion for today." He said in disregard.

Knowing she had crossed the line of proper questions. "Yes, master."

"Now, leave me. I need to take in all of this." He commanded.

With one final bow, even though she knew she had crossed the fine line between comfortable. "As you desire, master."

Walking through the portal, she had a smile on her lips.

Closing it with the clench of his hand, he turned back at the burnt remains. "What's missing?!'

A thunderclap in the sky made him look above with a frown.

'This isn't a good sign.'


"Did you feel that?" Lumina whispered towards Fae, careful not to get the attention of Mrs. Neider.

"Feel what?" Fae questioned, looking around them as though she would get the sense of what she was missing.

Tilting her head to the side, she placed her pen on her lips, "I felt a thunderclap, but I don't know why and how that's possible at this time of the season."

Leaning to the side, she was about to say another word on the matter when her lips froze after opening them upon the heavy glare given by Mrs. Neider.

"You two again?!" She hissed, slapping her marker on the pen tray.

Fae's lips sealed shut, straightening her posture and pretending to concentrate from the onset by nodding her head and looking at the smartboard.

"Interesting..." She commented, scribbling on her paper.

"Interesting?" Mrs. Neider repeated with the raise of her brow, looking back at what she had written.

On the board read 'Spar review', nothing more and nothing less. They had just begun the G&M class when she had gotten a feeling those two were at it again with the light whispers she had gotten.

"What's interesting?" She asked with a raise of her brow, displeased by their constant disturbance.

Lumina pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head at another reoccurrence of the last time they were caught in a dilemma.

'How the hell are we best friends?'

Fae was about to speak when Lumina zapped her with her gift.

"Don't even dare." She hissed.

"I'm listening." She said with a nod of her head, her curious gaze fixated on her.

Fae gulped, the dilemma was killing her slowly. Sweat dripped, scared of what Mrs. Neider could do with her magic.

"Mrs. Neider," Lumina interjected, standing up. "It's all my fault. I started all of this."

Fae's mouth gaped open at the courage displayed by Lumina.

All attention was directed at both of them.

'You're in for it now!' Ayanami snickered in her thoughts. Wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, the moment she locks eyes with Lumina.

Unable to carry out punishment due to her dealings with Mr. Zhao, she sighed and shook her head.

"Let's carry on class." She turned around, picked up the marker, and began to scribble some notes on what they had learned.

Lumina sat back down, letting out a sigh of relief.

"That was sick!" Fae mouthed the words. She had noticed she wasn't good at whispering, the only option was not saying any.

Making a slit throat gesture, she had her eyes fixated on Fae.

In a matter of seconds, they both laughed at how they were able to avert the danger.

"Fae," Mrs. Neider's voice boomed.

Cringing at the direct call of her name, Fae turned her head slowly towards the board.

"Could you relate to the class what went wrong when you faced off with an upper rank A gift user?" She raised a brow and adjusted her glasses.

'You're doing this to pull me down ma'am!' Fae's brows twitched in frustration.

She looked to her side and down at Lumina who merely looked the other way.

"You mean what went wrong with that gift loser?" She taunted.

"What the heck?!" The male in question exclaimed.

He had pale green eyes, thin eyebrows, and a large nose. Maroon hair was cut short and completely framed his head with sideburns.

"Apologize to Vandaz this instant." Mrs. Neider scolded Fae.

"I don't see why I'm the one who needs to answer such a question when he was the one who lost to me in a few minutes." She retorted, raising her chin in pride.

Vandaz had a frown at the memory of what had transpired during the spar. He never envisaged she had several trump cards up her sleeves that she had never used.

To make things much more infuriating, he noticed Lumina stifling a laugh.

"Do you have a problem with that, frea–"

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