Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 200 Stay The Funny One

Restating the plan to Zephyr, they all gave a final nod.

Dispersing into different trees, they watched as the creatures roamed below in search of them.

Lank narrowed his glowing red eyes, ready to carry out the first part of the attack.

Dropping to the floor, he steadied his feet and looked ahead.

"Hey! Bone bugs!" He waved his hands over his head.

The creatures all screeched as they looked behind them, excited to finally get their prey.

They paused but didn't bother to approach. The very action Nix had predicted.

'I'm not juicy enough, huh?' Lank thought with a pout, a little disappointed that he was just a distraction from the appearance of Nix.

"Waiting for me?" Nix's voice boomed from above.

They all looked above, ecstatic about their next action, their limbs dug into the ground with great speed, rushing towards his direction.

"Ha!" Nix said happily, dropping to the ground beside Lank. Giving a fist bump, winking at Lank before sprinting to his left.



Nix had tried to understand why these creatures were onto him more than the others.

The dragons didn't have this sort of attention drawn to humans like these little Scraws.

Nix muttered out a curse word the moment he realized he had made a fatal mistake by relating his situation with the dragons.

'...and here they come.' Nix shook his head, internally facepalming on what was going to happen soon.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

<Such a weak human> Red sneered.

<We could burn them all with just one wave!> Raiken roared.

'Shut it you two, I'm trying to think here.' He hissed at them.

[Warning: Acid web, 4 feet behind and approaching]

Jumping just in time to dodge the shot from behind, he did a barrel roll, confident that his team was putting the plan into action.

Activating his gift, he punched onto the ground, channeling a trail of blue flame up the trees. Slowly the trees broke, bringing out sparks of flames as they fell to the ground.


The creatures scurried back in a bid to avoid the falling trees. Trapped and cornered by the trees which burnt continuously as long as Nix kept up with his ability.

Obsidian jumped out, activating his previous devour ability. Black tentacles sprung from his back. Materializing sharp spikes from three at his left and sharp blades on the right.

Nix stared at the ability Obsidian had derived from the raenz they had fought out into use for their plan.

When they had discussed this plan, he was skeptical about Obsidian's willingness to try out his ability in battle, arguing on the fact that he had trained on how well his thoughts could control the shape of such tentacles.

If they needed something that could spice up the firepower of their attack, they would need all the hands they could get. Doing a front flip, two of the tentacles wrapped around a branch, pulling it along.

Creating a space for Obsidian, he temporarily causes a small part of the tree to be devoid of flames to allow Obsidian to stand on it with no trouble.

Stepping onto the fallen trees, his smirk only widened at how well Nix's plan was coming along and how well these creatures were going to suffer slowly. Looking down at the creatures below, all he needed was to blind every single one of them and follow through with the plan from there.

Slicing a thin chunk of wood from the branch pulled with the tentacles, he repeatedly kicked them in strategic and fluid motion as they rained and lodged into the eyes of the creatures.

[200 points gained]

A series of ear-piercing shrieks burst out at the lack of sight and pain that rocked their body. Their limbs jabbed the trees in reckless abandon.

Doing a backflip, he watched as Lank switched places with him in quick succession.

"It's my turn to shine!" Lank's teeth bared, and his claws protruded. Sprinting at top speed, he dived under each limb, severing each one the moment he slid under them.

One after another they dropped to the ground with their skins ripped and bones broken at the slash from his claw.

[300 points gained]

Nix's lips raised at the pleasant notification that graced his sight, this mission wasn't as bad as it seems. All they needed was Solis' to follow through with the plan.

Solis cast a ray of light above them, making sure they were caught in its beam. Once that had been confirmed, he turned up the heat on them.

The hairs on their body burned in response, they screeched to the pain, unable to move due to the severed limbs. With the increase in heat, they were set ablaze, lighting up like a campfire.

[300 points gained]


[Successful quest completion, you have a total of 1500 points earned]


,m Getting up from his position, he alerted Solis and the others to get out of the way. His revenge on these creatures wasn't complete.

Creating a fire wave that burnt through the forest and the remains of the creature.

Zephyr took a sniff of the air, a smell graced his nose. A flash of a building came to mind.

He held his head, staggering back, and let out a low groan.

'Syth... what's syth?' He wondered, his breathing ragged by his memories triggered upon that weird smell.

"Are you alright?" Lank pointed out, noticing the disturbed expression on Zephyr's face.

"Syth..." He said out of breath, "what is a syth?"

Nix looked behind him at the commotion going on. That word sounded oddly familiar, something he could have sworn Mune had explained to him in the past.

'Mune!' He called out in desperation, wondering why his heart pounded upon hearing those words, especially from someone like Zephyr.

The surrounding area slowed down to this disturbance. Nix looked around him, the birds above flying across the trees all flapped at a very slow pace.

Bringing his attention back down to his team, he noticed how slow they moved.

'Am I a speedster now?' Nix wondered, tilting his head at how strange and wonky everything felt.

A ball of light materialized slowly before bursting open. Nix jumped back at the sight, taking a defensive stance against the strange phenomenon.

The tiny sparkles reveal Mune's curled into a ball, her red hair flying wildly around her and her body outlined in a bright white aura, the green knee-length dress covering only a small portion of her shoulders and flowing down into a beautifully draped neckline.

It's a comfortable fit which gives the dress a relaxed, yet graceful look.

Her arms were covered only halfway down. The sleeves are a loose fit and, in a way, help put focus on her soft skin.

She wasn't the six inches, cute Mune that he once knew, instead she had transformed into a full-grown young adult of 162cm.

Nix's mouth gaped open just a bit at how shocking this took him by surprise.

'What the f*ck?!' He exclaimed, wondering what his system had done to Mune. The reconstruction he recalled had just slapped him on the face again, first, it was the removal of all his accumulated points, then the set timer for his abilities, and now this huge change to Mune's physique!

The only thing he hoped for was the fact that she still remembered who he was.

Slowly, Mune's eyes opened and she let out a yawn, her hair falling back in place, blinking several times until she had her large green eyes fixated on him. Her legs floated just a few inches off the ground.

Even with the new increase, Nix still looked down at her, worried about what she was going to do.


Nix felt the awkward silence, Mune wasn't this cold, she was bubbly, cute, and outspoken, 'What the heck is this? Who are you? Why did you respond to my call?! I want the old Mune back!' He complained in his thoughts, simply staring at Mune suspiciously.

Mune's lips slowly raised and burst into laughter.

Nix blinked several times, unsure if he heard and saw right. 'What's so funny?!' He frowned.

[I got master, good!] She blew a raspberry, wiggling her brows.

Nix's eyes widened at the words, after a few seconds, only then did he process what she meant.

'You would dare trick me?' He pulled her by the hand and ruffled her hair.

Mune pouted, squirming from his grip, [I'm a big lady now, you can't treat me like a baby anymore]

Nix froze upon hearing those words, they sounded right, yet disturbing at the same time, there was no way he was going to let her grow up. She was perfect the way she was.

'The system said you were created from my desires, so it would seem my desires have changed just a bit because of Lumina. That doesn't mean I want you to change your personality–stay the funny one, okay?' He pleads, pulling on her cheeks until he gets an answer.

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