Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 212 Sleeping On The Job

The collector's eyes widened in fear at Nix's glowing blue eyes. Stunned by such an action, he stared wide-eyed at Nix unable to speak.

He suddenly felt his chin crease under the touch of Nix. "Uwah!"

Nix shook his head to the reaction, he was expecting much more resistance to the clenching gesture he was making on his chin.

"As an undead, you should be able to withstand pain. What's that I hear?" Nix cupped the back of his ear, pretending he needed to hear his groans better.

The collector's body trembled at the words of Nix.

There was no way he was meant to know of their kind, how could he know they were undead? Most importantly, what was the gift he was currently using? It wasn't that of a fire ranker.

"Don't tell me you can't talk." He laughed, crushing his windpipe.

"Nnnghh!" A groan escaped from his lips. This was far too dangerous even for him to bear.

He internally wished that he hadn't gone against the fire ranker, he could only blame himself for being too slow in killing Zhao.

'Please spare me.' He internally begged, scared for his life that was doomed never to be brought back if he were to die again in the unfortunate situation.

Nix watched as the collector's mouth opened and closed, unable to speak out the words in his thoughts.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Looking behind him and over to Lank, he had a devilish grin at his friend.

Lank flinched, pushing himself back again and uncertain about what Nix planned on doing. He could recall he did say he had killed before, seeing him in a crazed outlook, he couldn't help but agree with the notion.

All he could be thankful for was the fact that he was on Nix's side, which meant he couldn't be a partaker of the scary demeanor of his friend.

'Do not piss him off in the future, got it!' Lank sweatdropped and stared wide-eyed at Nix.

Nix never said a word, not until he saw Lank's scared eyes did he begin to have second thoughts.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in worry, the glow in his eyes fading as his thoughts wavered, his hold on the collector loosening.

The collector felt at ease, the pressure was no longer as forceful as in the first instance, and this was the right time to attack while his adversary was distracted.

Lank nodded his head to Nix's words, feeling the care of a once deranged friend. He had wanted to tell him to stop as they needed to simply subdue the collector and get the needed information from him.

All that was diverted to warn Nix of the looming danger in front of him. "Nix, behind you!"

Nix whipped his head to the said threat and ducked under the slash of the claw from the collector.


The collector yelled in pain as he watched his claws get ripped out in front of him.

"Such an eyesore!" Nix sneered, his intent only intensifies as the collector tries to use an ounce of a chance to get at him.

Nix held onto the collector's white hair and laughed, "if you were older, I would have postponed your imminent death like Mr. Zhao, but considering this is just an aesthetic..."


"Ahhhh!" The collector let out an excruciating pain as strands of his hair were ripped out of his scalp, watching as Nix let go of his hair to the floor.


Giving an uppercut, he had a grin as he watched the collector fly into the air.

Activating his levitation, he chased after the collector, not giving him enough time to react or drop to the floor.


He punched him in the stomach, causing the collector to pummel quickly to the ground.


A cloud of smoke rose in the air in his wake.



Lank hurriedly got to his feet, there was no way he could stay anymore and watch the show.

He looked around for any sign of the others, finally understanding that he hadn't paid attention to his surroundings.

'Where are you g–'

Lank's eyes were glued on an unconscious Obsidian. "Dude..."

He rushed towards Obsidian in a hurry.


"What the heck are you doing sleeping on the job?" Lank hissed, hoping to get through to Obsidian. Shaking him slightly to gain a response. "Wake up, you idiot!"


Obsidian instinctively pushed back on the hand that held his face. Giving a punch to Lank's stomach.

"Dude!" Lank exclaimed, holding his stomach and frowning.

He could decide on which was better–to leave Obsidian all on his own and suffer the brawl that might or might not get to his part of the arena or wake him so they could join forces and help Nix when the need arises but in the end, take a beating in the stomach.

"What are you..." Obsidian muttered, staring at Lank in awe.

Lank felt a sense of satisfaction from the way Obsidian looked at him. He suddenly felt special and superior. 'Yes I know, you feel sorry for hitting your savior but you just don't know the way of we ferals that still know the human way of things.'

"You're alive?" Obsidian blurted out in a daze, he had not expected him to survive that duel with that amateurish move he did with the other collector.

'The collector!' His thoughts jolted to the memory of the real threats.

Lank's lips were drawn into a thin line, this wasn't the sort of response he was hoping to get with that sort of gaze, and felt it more like a slap to his face at such words.

His displeased furrowed brows and narrow eyes glued on a confused Obsidian who was looking around them as he was searching for something.

"What's the issue?" Lank asked, curious as to why Obsidian's attention was divided.

When Obsidian looked behind him, his attention was hooked by the sight. "Please tell me if you see what I'm looking at?" He pointed in the direction of the sphere of blue flames which continuously overlapped itself obscuring something from the outside, much like his dark sphere barrier.

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