Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 216 Verify Who Is In Nix's Body

Stepping out, Zephyr leaned on the wall and gawked at Lumina. "What's a pretty lady doing around a loser like him?"

As innocent as he thought his joke to be, he got heated glares from all three females.

"That's my brother you jerkass!" Luna snapped.

"And our friend." Lumina and Gia said in unison.

'My mistake.' Zephyr instantly regretted his words.

Alex tilted his head in confusion at the presence of another male, he had wondered why he wanted to let out a curse to this strange face so easily.

Solis stifled a laugh, it was fun having to know he had someone who could actively defend him.

"What are you doing here peekaboo?" He sneered, sensing trouble.

"Peekaboo? You know this leech?" Luna spat, giving Zephyr a quick body scan.

'Leech?' Zephyr repeated, stunned by this lady's sharp tongue.

"Sadly I do, and that's the word Obsidian uses for him and it kinda stuck." He laughed at the memory.

"His name is Zephyr." Solis reluctantly introduced.

Immediately Luna heard the mention of Obsidian, her curiosity was suddenly divided. "Where is he? What sort of mission did you all go for?"

Zephyr observed Luna for a while, quickly understanding that she must share some sort of feeling for Obsidian.

'What a weird female.' He clicked his tongue.

"You must be happy to be the lucky brother-in-law." Zephyr blurted out.

"You must be the lucky idiot who's about to get his ass handed over to him." Lumina cut in, her hands folded under her bust and soulful green eyes narrowed at him in suspicion.

'Feisty, I like that.' Zephyr thought with a smirk.

Lumina felt oddly irritated with his presence, even Arion seemed to be fairly better than the white-haired male in front of her.

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"Don't give me that stupid smirk." Her green eyes glowed with brimming rage.

Zephyr jumped back in shock at how dangerous her glare was, he had temporarily forgotten this was the very female that had spotted him, there was no way she was fairly normal–none of them could be.

Gathering enough confidence to speak, he began. "How could you tell that I–"

"Sneaking up on us? Eavesdropping like a criminal? Need I say more?" She raised a brow to the sort of question he was demanding from her.

If it weren't for the fact that she was curious about who would try to commit such an act in the organization, she would have attacked without restraint.

The others all nodded their head to Lumina's suggestions, although they weren't as much interested in what he had said, the fact that Lumina was right about them being spied on sparked their curiosity.

She raised her hand slowly, then pointed at his chest.

They all zoned out by her action.

"Huh?" Zephyr wondered and pointed at himself in confusion.

"Of course, your tiny brain wouldn't understand mere human gestures." Lumina clicked her tongue.

Although she was talking to Zephyr, they all felt a slap to their pride for being in the same position as he was.

'Am I considered a threat to her?' Zephyr wondered why she uses demoralizing words for him.

"In simple terms–Bio-Electricity, your heart produces electricity naturally, and that I can feel from a ten-meter radius." She said with a smirk.

The others secretly nodded their head in understanding but said nothing as they were actively interested in what would be the outcome of Zephyr.

Zephyr rubbed his chin and processed the information, "so what are you? An electro girl?"

'What the hell is this idiot spouting?' Lumina rolled her eyes in disgust.

"It would interest you to know that I can kick start that heart to work overload with a little jolt," Lumina suggested, a spark of electricity moving on her palm and a mischievous grin plastered.

'What the f*ck? Another person with this dangerous ability?' Zephyr took several steps back, wary of this beautiful female.

He constantly told himself that he should be cautious about how he threads so as not to invoke problems his way.

"How the heck do you have an ability with that crazed fellow?!" He exclaimed.

Lumina's eyes widened at his words, not only did Solis say something similar but even Zephyr reaffirmed?

"What did you say?" She questioned through gritted teeth.

"How the heck do you have such an ability?" He repeated, more confused by what he was cajoled to say.

Lumina's eyes glowed and deduced his connection to Solis, "you were there when it all happened. You're the one who helped Solis out, right?"

Slowly nodding his head, he felt as though he had sold himself to an evil demoness by answering.

"Lead the way!" She ordered.

"To where?"

Zephyr scratched the back of his head, internally cursing at Mr. Zhao for putting him in such a difficult situation. Without knowing what they were planning, there was no way he could report back.

"Where the others are, silly!" Lumina snapped, grabbing a hold of his wrist.

Solis burst out in laughter, happy that he would go back to that crazy-infested arena and meet those set of incarnate demons.

Turning her attention to Solis. "You're tagging along."

'Oh come on!' Solis stomped his feet.

He had thoroughly enjoyed just staying without doing a thing, it was enough to stress surviving the mission and the arena.

But going back?

"You've got to be kidding, right?" Solis forced out a laugh, hopeful that she was just kidding.

All the words fell on deaf ears as she was lost in her thoughts, 'could it be?'

"She's not kidding." Luna sounded a warning to them, her sole focus was on getting Obsidian back, safe and sound.

Solis had a pout, mumbling incoherent words.

Zephyr made sure not to ask what would happen to him if he declined. He already had a taste of what those words could bring to him if he would object.

"Tell Lank that I'm eagerly expecting his return." Gia timidly raised to Solis, her cheeks stained with light pink.

"Remember mine when you meet Obsidian." Luna joined in enthusiastically.

Solis let out a sigh and nodded his head, not only was he going to risk his life but he was also going to take a part-time job as an errand boy.

"I'm coming along." Alex cut in, wanting a feel of what was going on outside the walled room of the organization.

"Really?" Lumina raised a brow and smiled.

Although she had heard a snippet of his ability from Nix, it would be more fun to see to what extent he would give when faced with a tough situation.

"Of course." He replied coolly, "it would be fun to see Nix in action." He chuckled at how cool Nix seemed to him.

His manner of approaching him was fairly better than the rest.

'Yet another who is sickly devoted to that spruik!' Zephyr sneered in his thoughts, hating how this Nix had a good rapport with others unlike him.

"Sorry I can't take extra cargo." He tried to let go of Alex. The fewer those who were on Nix's side, the better chances for him to gain some ground.

He wondered if Lumina was also interested in Nix, a lady like her would draw attention wherever she went.

The fact that she had a sharp tongue and a dangerous ability only added to her charm.

"Shut it Zephyr, we were five the last time that was transported for our mission and eight to the arena. Surely four wouldn't be too much of a hassle for you." Solis cut in, wiggling his brows to how well he had ruined Zephyr's plan.

Zephyr internally rained curses on Solis for that quick and effective way of ruining his plan.

"It must have slipped my mind." Zephyr replied through gritted teeth, "thank you for reminding me."

"You're welcome," Solis replied with an eye-shut smile.

Alex walked over to where they stood, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Finally." He exhaled while stretching his body.

"Hold on to me, for your sake," Zephyr said and mumbled on the latter part.

Doing as he said, they instantly vanished from Gia and Luna's view.


Back in the arena,

"Do we need to verify who is in Nix's body?" Lank whispered to Obsidian.


Obsidian couldn't take the question anymore, that was the umpteenth time he would ask the very question while they watched Nix rip out the heart of the dead collector.

Lank had gotten used to the pain to a degree and wasn't fazed by such a hit to his head.

"Aren't you worried about my friend and your mentor?" He hissed, narrowing his eyes to Nix slowly approaching.

Obsidian shrugged, he didn't see anything wrong with what Nix had done, his sense of morality wasn't in any way affected so there was no way that he would go against him.

"If you say he is your friend, could you at least show some faith in him?" Obsidian questioned, poking a finger at Lank.

"One down, another to take care of," Nix muttered to himself with a devilish grin, eyes latched onto the ball of flame he had created a while ago.

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