Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 154 - 76 Divine Monarch’s Nobility!_i

Chapter 154: Chapter 76 Divine Monarch’s Nobility!_i

That’s all it was!

The casual words of Shen Yuan seemed not to be talking about a Demon Path Giant who had been dominating the world for thousands of years, but rather a roadside weed that could be easily uprooted.

The reverence in the hearts of the mountain gods had reached an indescribable level.

The hostility in the eyes of the Yunfu Mountain Lord had long since disappeared, his anger transforming into respectful adoration.

Although the events Shen Yuan narrated seemed to be just his side of the story, the mountain gods believed in his words wholeheartedly.

As local deities governing these mountains, controlling the echoes of the mountains, the residual information of the earth could tell them the truth of Shen Yuan’s words.

The information from the corpses of several mountain gods and the culprits on the run all matched Shen Yuan’s narration.

Most of the information Shen Yuan talked about was confirmed by the echoes of the mountains, even if there were a few deviations, they were just some insignificant details.

In their eyes, Shen Yuan had already become the savior who rescued the Yunfu Mountain Range from danger.

Even the most stubborn mountain gods and the most arrogant Yunfu Mountain Lord bowed their heads to Shen Yuan in respect.

However, they didn’t realize that all the mountain gods had a preconceived impression of Kuang Tianjie, the Great Demon, believing that he was here to shake the Yunfu Mountains.

They didn’t realize that Kuang Tianjie didn’t even intend to make a move on them…

Shen Yuan glanced at the completely submissive Yunfu Mountain Lord, and sighed inwardly, “Old Monster Kuang’s reputation really works.”

His own Imperial Decree of Truth and Gods Purging Divine Edict were not as effective as scaring them with the reputation of Old Monster Kuang.

Sometimes being powerful didn’t necessarily create deterrence. A killer like Old Monster Kuang would be enough to instill fear in people just by mentioning his name.

Because if Old Monster Kuang really made a move; it wouldn’t be as simple as killing one or two people.

With a wave of his hand, Shen Yuan removed the Imperial Decree of Truth and said to the Yunfu Mountain Lord:

“Speakyour mind!”

The face of the Yunfu Mountain Lord brightened, and he hurriedly thanked Shen Yuan, “Thank you, Divine Monarch, for saving Yunfu Mountain from Old Monster Kuang’s wrath.”

The Yunfu Mountain Lord was no longer as arrogant as before.

In his view, if Old Monster Kuang really made a move on the Yunfu Mountains, the primary target would undoubtedly be himself, the innate deity.

Old Monster Kuang had his own mastery in refining innate deities. If given the chance, the Yunfu Mountain Lord believed he would not be able to escape Old Monster Kuang’s methods.

Even if he held the position of a Heavenly Court Canonical God and could control the earth veins of Yunfu Mountains, against an ancient demon ascending to the realm of immortality, there would be ways to get around his vision.

By the time he realized it, he could have been secretly plotted against.

Thinking about the possible consequences, the reverence in the Yunfu Mountain Lord’s eyes for Shen Yuan deepened.

“I have had a grudge with Old Monster Kuang too, killing him here is a good thing for me,” said Shen Yuan nonchalantly.

At this remark, the eyes of several mountain gods lit up.

They had been curious about Shen Yuan’s true identity, as there were not many gods in Great Xia, and each Divine Monarch was a prominent figure in the history books.

But Shen Yuan didn’t say anything, and they dared not ask abruptly.

Now, Shen Yuan voluntarily mentioned his conflict with Old Monster Kuang, which significantly narrowed the search range.

The Yunfu Mountain Lord’s eyes turned slightly, and then respectfully spoke:

“Divine Monarch, your rescue of the Yunfu Mountains has earned our gratitude. I am willing to present Yunfu Mountains and the mountain gods as your subjects. We hope you will grant our request!”

Upon hearing this, all the mountain gods showed expressions of surprise and joy.

Now that the Spirit Energy Tidal Surge had just returned, Yunfu Mountains, despite being one of the Demons’ Realms, had relatively shallow accumulated credit and only had one blessed land.

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If it were the last Spirit Energy Tidal Surge era, protection from a blessed land would have been enough.

But this Spirit Energy Tidal Surge coincided with the ten thousand year period of the Great Schism, so inevitably there would be turbulence, and having only one blessed land as the background might not be enough.

If they could cling to a Divine Monarch, using his power they would be able to survive the crisis smoothly.

Listened to this, Shen Yuan was slightly taken aback. If he were a real Divine Monarch, he would have gladly accepted the allegiance of the Yunfu Mountain Lord.

By just nodding, the demon realm spanning thousands of miles, including the blessed land within the mountains, could all become his possessions.

But only Shen Yuan knew that his ability to suppress these incense offering deities relied completely on the Gods Purging Divine Edict, and had nothing to do with the so-called Divine Monarch position.

If he chose to accept, he feared that his abnormality would soon be detected by the Yunfu Mountain Lord and other incense offering deities.

Yet if he outright refused, it would indeed arouse suspicion.

As he contemplated inwardly, on the surface, Shen Yuan sighed and said:

“Although you Yunfu Monster Race have strayed, you might find the way back after I issue the Laws of Heaven and Earth.

I could accept you under my command.”

All the mountain deities showed joy, and the Yunfu Mountain Lord was about to open his mouth.

But in the next moment, Shen Yuan changed his tone and said:

“If you want to follow me, there is one thing you must know.”

“Ten thousand years ago, Old Monster Kuang and I were involved in a dispute. We both managed to escape but left a huge potential problem behind.

Several decades later, a powerful sect descended onto the divine system that I controlled. An Almighty Earth Immortal from their sect inflicted a devastating blow on me and destroyed my divine system.

Although I rebuilt the divine system in these ten-thousand years, that sect has been hunting in this world, chasing and killing deities under my command.

Are you sure you want to join the divine system that I control?”

Upon hearing this, the faces of the mountain gods filled with expectation suddenly froze.

The Yunfu Mountain Lord, who was about to speak, shivered all over and hurriedly swallowed back the words he was about to speak.

“An…an Earth Immortal?”

The Yunfu Mountain Lord’s voice was somewhat distorted and the other Qi Training Stage Mountain Gods were also somewhat taken aback.

The Primal Chaos Realm had a high standing and though it was rare to find powerful immortals before the Great Schism, it wasn’t unheard of.

Old Monster Kuang, the Divine Monarch as well as various other famous monks were all powerful figures in the Immortal Realm.

But when it came to Earth Immortals, that was an entirely different concept.

Even in the vast expanse of the Upper World, Earth Immortals who held sway over Grotto Heavens were undoubtedly the paramount figures, and becoming part of the Heavenly Court would surely class them among the Canonical Gods of the Eight Bureaus.

Having a sect that produced Earth Immortals as an enemy was sure proof of the great power of the divine forces under Shen Yuan’s command. But, it also implied unpredictable risks.

The Yunfu mountains situated here couldn’t be relocated by any means. This meant that once they were exposed, they would inevitably be targeted by that great sect that possessed an Earth Immortal.

Considering the possible scenarios, the Yunfu Mountain Lord felt a shiver run through his mind.

“I-Is it possible for the Divine Monarch to share the name of that sect?”

Shen Yuan solemnly shook his head and pointed towards the sky.

“Their names can’t be recorded in books, and nobody can utter their names.

As soon as I speak, the sect in question will surely sense it.”

The Mountain Gods held their collective breaths.

“Unable to record, unable to speak, mentioning its name triggers a response — just how powerful is this entity?”

At this moment, not a single Mountain God entertained the idea of joining Shen Yuan’s divine formation anymore.

Succeeded in leading all the Mountain Gods into a trap, Shen Yuan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

The sect Shen Yuan referred to was, of course, the Falling Clouds Sect.

Now, since he was the only one left in the Falling Clouds Sect, all the rights to explain lay with him.

The Falling Clouds Sect certainly produced an Almighty Earth Immortal, and because of an attempt to carry the Sect along with him to ascend through the Great Schism, he suffered divine retribution and perished.

The name of the Falling Clouds Sect couldn’t be recorded, and even Yunmeng Dragon Monarch and Old Monster Kuang, who survived from ten thousand years ago, couldn’t utter the name of the Falling Clouds Sect. This alone proved that the traces of Falling Cloud Sect’s existence had been erased.

As for what Shen Yuan said about sensing something the moment he said the name of his sect, Falling Cloud Sect, it was pure nonsense.

When Shen Yuan muttered to himself, of course, he knew clearly.

But these words fell into the ears of those Mountain Gods who held an unwavering belief in Shen Yuan, and they were perceived to be an entirely different concept.

Having barely passed off the incident as trivial, the gaze of the Yunfu Mountain Lord towards Shen Yuan held a hint of hesitation and guilt.

In his view, Shen Yuan had confronted Old Monster Kuang for the sake of Yunfu Mountains and thereafter corrected the misguided Incense Offering Divinity Path, leading all the Mountain Gods onto the right path.

Everything that Shen Yuan had done was a great favor to the Yunfu mountains.

If he were to serve under Shen Yuan, he could repay some of his debts. But now, even serving under him was impossible. All that the Yunfu mountains owed Shen Yuan now boiled down to a deep-seated sense of indebtedness.

Considering this, the Yunfu Mountain Lord gritted his teeth and opened his mouth wide. A space gate gradually appeared in his mouth, causing the mountains to tremble.

“We couldn’t repay the debt we owe to the Divine Monarch. As such, we could only invite the Divine Monarch to enter Yunfu’s blessed land. Whatever the Divine Monarch desires within the blessed land, he is free to choose. I won’t hold any grudges.”

This action from the Yunfu Mountain Lord startled Shen Yuan, the thick Spirit Energy dispersing into the world as the space gate gradually formed. Shen Yuan could feel that several powerful Divine Senses were lying in wait around the space gate.

Those were the powerful Demon Kings from within Yunfu’s blessed land. Having awakened from their three-thousand-year slumber during the Spirit Energy depletion period, they dared not show up in the world, unable to adapt to the rules of Heaven and Earth, they were hiding within the blessed land.

The moment Shen Yuan stepped within, he would collide head-on with these Demon Kings.

It should be noted that these Demon Kings were not the incense offering deities. The Gods Purging Divine Edict could not control these Demon Kings at all.

A gentle sway of his sleeves and the spatial fluctuations caused by Pot’s Heaven Divine Power instantly spread, thoroughly disrupting the gradually forming space gate.

The expanding space gate collapsed immediately and the peering Divine Senses completely returned into the blessed land.

The Yunfu Mountain Lord looked stunned and somewhat confused.

Shen Yuan’s expression turned serious:

“My battle against Kuang Tianjie and the correction of the Incense Offering Divinity Path was not for my personal gain.

The Yunfu Mountain God’s eyes shone with admiration as he once again bowed his head respectfully and said:

“The Divine Monarch is truly noble!”

The other Yunfu Mountain Gods also bowed in succession:

“The Divine Monarch is truly noble!”

To these Monster Races, Shen Yuan had declined the precious gifts from the Yunfu’s blessed land. This act alone signified his unparalleled noble character.

Only Shen Yuan knew that it wasn’t that he didn’t want the collection from the Yunfu’s blessed land, it was that he did not dare to enter it.

He felt a pang in his heart, but on the surface, he had to feign a calm demeanor. Shen Yuan felt absolutely exhausted.

Just then, as if he had made an extremely important decision, the Yunfu Mountain Lord reached into his own body with his gigantic palm which caused the mountains to shake.

A moment later, the Yunfu Mountain Lord opened his gigantic palm solemnly and said:

“The righteous Divine Monarch does not want to accept the gift from the Yunfu blessed land. However, this treasure will be of great use to the Divine Monarch, please accept it!”

Shen Yuan looked at the Yunfu Mountain Lord’s palm, and saw a gigantic Human-sized stone in it. This was a natural stone that kept shifting into the shape of a Human form.

Even the facial features seemed to hint at a Human face. When Shen Yuan looked at the rock, the indistinct face unexpectedly shifted into a figure identical to Shen Yuan.

“The Incense Offering Divinity Path treasure, the best material for crafting an External Incarnation in the Human Clan”

“A Life Origin Stone!”

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