Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 134: Like it 02

Chapter 134

At this moment on the internet, a video has gone viral across various social media platforms, with a title that reads "(Ji Xiaonian's High School Days)" topping the trending list.

"No way? If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have noticed the resemblance!"

"Really? Ji Xiaonian has never mentioned this kind of thing on any shows."

"Don't you remember? She said on a variety show that she's from the countryside."

"So being from the countryside means you can be bullied???"

"This video looks like it's been around for a while, based on the blogger who posted it, and the person who submitted it is also 21, and Ji Xiaonian is 21 too..."

"Holy shit, this is really creepy!"

"What, was Ji Xiaonian's life that miserable?"

"Suddenly, I feel so sorry for her."

"Haha, with so many people beating her up, doesn't Ji Xiaonian need to reflect on herself a bit? Isn't it her own problem?"

"Yeah, if you don't provoke them, they won't come and beat you up, right?"

"It takes two to tango."

"With my short temper, you folks up there, I really want to hurl abuse at you."

"Please don't be a keyboard warrior, thank you."

The trending topic caused quite a stir, and many people came to the official account to offer their condolences, and Ji Xiaonian's CP fans also came to ask if it was true.

He Yi received a call from the company and rushed over to deal with the rumors circulating on the internet.

While it's called a rumor, even she herself is no longer certain, because even she feels that the person in the video is becoming more and more like Ji Xiaonian, or to be more precise, like the old Ji Xiaonian.

The old her was just like that, with a lifeless gaze, and despite having such a pretty face, she gave off a sense of gloominess.

On the surface, she was cold and unapproachable, with an air of arrogance, but in reality, she was using this exterior to conceal her inner insecurity.

He Yi never really understood her, couldn't see through her, but could still see that the old Ji Xiaonian was a person without a sense of security.

She never knew about Ji Xiaonian's past, not even the details of her relationship with Cheng Liran, only knowing that at that time, Ji Xiaonian must have loved him deeply.

She would go to great lengths to buy luxury goods, just to dress up nicely, saying that it would make her more worthy of him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Later that night, Ji Nian woke up and felt much better, reverting to her energetic self.

Yu Luobai also woke up, hugging her with a gentle expression and asking, "Are you hungry?"

Ji Nian blushed and nodded, her voice slightly hoarse as she replied, "A little."

"Peng He just sent a message, he'll be bringing food over soon. Let me get you a glass of water first." Yu Luobai kissed her forehead and got up to pour her a glass of water.

Ji Nian watched his figure and suddenly felt a sense of warmth in her heart.

"Teacher Yu," Ji Nian called out.

Yu Luobai turned around and asked, "What is it?"

"Why are you so good to me?" Ji Nian asked, puzzled.

Yu Luobai walked over and tapped her forehead, saying helplessly, "You're my girlfriend, if I'm not good to you, who else would I be good to?"

Ji Nian's lips curved into a small smile as she took the water and started drinking.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and Peng He came in with a large bag, seeing the woman's eyes filled with laughter, he said, "Hey, is our lady in a better mood?"

Ji Nian glanced at him without much enthusiasm and replied, "It's okay."

"Come on, let's all eat, I made it, and I also simmered some chicken soup for you," Peng He said proudly.

Ji Nian was surprised and asked, "You can cook?"

"Of course!" Peng He replied with a haughty expression. "I'm a full-fledged manager."

"Impressive." Ji Nian gave him a thumbs up.

Once the food was laid out on the table, Ji Nian, smelling the aroma of the dishes, felt even hungrier and walked over in her slippers.

Yu Luobai gestured for her to sit down, opened a lunchbox, and handed it to her, also placing the soup in front of her, saying, "Drink the soup first."

Ji Nian obediently nodded and started drinking the soup, not even bothering to pick up the spoon.

Yu Luobai looked at her tenderly and used his chopsticks to pick up some dishes and place them in her bowl.

Peng He made a "tsk tsk tsk" sound, truly amazed at how this person who never talked about love before is now displaying such a doting attitude.

Ji Nian finished the soup, with a piece of meat in her mouth, feeling completely refreshed in body and mind. She asked Peng He, "Aren't you eating?"

"I already had my meal earlier," Peng He replied with a smile.

Ji Nian was busy eating, and she was really hungry. She gave Peng He a big thumbs up and complimented, "Your cooking is great!"

Peng He smiled and looked at her, picking up his phone to start scrolling through it.

Yu Luobai looked at her with a helpless expression and said, "Eat slowly."

Ji Nian was happily eating the meat, and indeed, no matter what time it is, good food can always heal the heart.

"I have to say, these netizens are really funny," Peng He said, looking at the news and laughing. "The video of the girl being beaten up that's trending, some people are saying it's Xiaonian, and they're quite convincing about it."

Ji Nian's hand holding the chopsticks paused for a moment, and she lowered her head slightly, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"He Yi is probably busy right now, figuring out how to issue a statement," Peng He said with a laugh.

Ji Nian forced a smile and asked, "What are they saying online?"

"They just say the girl in the video looks a lot like you," Peng He replied with a smile.

"Looks like me?" Yu Luobai reached out and asked Peng He for the phone.

Ji Nian paused, and the calm mood she had just regained seemed to be disturbed again. She felt a slight pain in her heart, not obvious, but she could sense that the original host was feeling sad.

Yu Luobai looked at the screenshot of the video on Weibo, suddenly pausing. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it looked very similar, yet also not quite the same. The gaze and aura were different.

"Yeah, the more you look, the more it seems to resemble her, but if you look closely, it's also not quite the same. The demeanor and vibe are different," Peng He said with a laugh, taking back his phone.

Ji Nian inwardly heaved a sigh of relief. She pretended to be nonchalant and said, "This kind of negative video should not be circulated. It will have a bad influence on underage kids, and they might even imitate it, which wouldn't be good."

"That's a good point. The government should also strengthen management of such situations. In fact, when I was in school, I saw similar cases where the bullied person was quite pitiful," Peng He said sympathetically.

"Did you participate in something like that?" Ji Nian asked.

"How is that possible! I was an exemplary student," Peng He exclaimed in shock.

"Actually, children are like a blank canvas. Their character or the things they do can be changed by the environment and external factors," Ji Nian, who had been a teacher for many years, said.

"High school is a rebellious period. At this stage, children have their own independent thoughts. Family factors, family education, and school education all need to instill the right values in them and not let them blindly follow the crowd," she continued.

"That's quite insightful," Peng He said, impressed. "I didn't expect you to understand these things so well."

Yu Luobai was also surprised, as he rarely heard Ji Nian speak such profound words.

Ji Nian smiled and said, "It's just simple logic. Education is really important, after all."

"In the future, my children definitely won't do these kinds of bullying acts," Peng He said seriously.

Yu Luobai nodded in agreement, saying, "I'll also make sure to educate our children properly."

Ji Nian turned to look at him, her face flushing red. She glared at him, thinking he was being too shameless.

Peng He felt like he was stuck in the middle of a lovey-dovey couple and said irritably, "I'm still here, you know, don't get all mushy."

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