Trapped in a gacha game, I will steal all the heroines.

Chapter 99 They Messed With The Wrong Person.

The man with orange hair was looking unfriendly at Dantalian while counting gold coins. Seeing that he had not been answered and most of the men in the place no longer wanted to get close to Dantalian, he repeated the same question, "Could you tell me why you're so angry, sir?"

After placing the last gold coin into the bag and pushing it aside, the man rested his elbows on the counter, looking directly at Dantalian. At that moment, Dantalian had a serene expression, but his eyes seemed to pierce through the man's head.

"Who gave you permission to do this?" Dantalian spoke, walking slowly towards the counter.

"So, you're the type to hit first and ask questions later?" The man behind the counter said with a smirk.

"You're lucky I haven't killed anyone yet... Now it's your turn," Dantalian gestured with his right hand, using his finger to draw the man's attention. "Answer me immediately."

The man, with arrogance, turned his face to the side, noticing three girls watching everything from the windows. 'Ohhh, so that's why?' he thought.

"Since you want to know, why don't you beg?" The man spoke disdainfully, glancing briefly at the window. 'I already gave one to the leader; I'll keep these ones.'

Dantalian sighed, stopping in front of the counter, observing the man's relaxed posture as if he knew that Dantalian couldn't do anything to him.

However, that was a grave mistake, one that he would bitterly regret, not knowing that Dantalian had limited his strength to the level of his useless subordinates.

"Beg? Does that word even exist? Because I don't remember its existence." Dantalian's voice entered the man's ears like a sharp blade, stirring his instinct of danger. But before he could react, an enormous fist collided with his mouth, throwing him backwards.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Ahhhhhh... My teeth... You broke them, I..." The man's mouth showed almost no change, except for a small amount of blood dripping from the corner.

"Don't worry; I didn't punch too hard," Dantalian said with a smile on his face, leaping over the counter. His fist had a thin layer of golden energy, healing the damage caused by the punch before it became something more serious.

'Hannn? That wasn't strong?' The man thought, hearing Dantalian's heavy steps before he stopped in front of him.

"So, will you tell me who gave you permission?" Dantalian stood tall in front of the man, now seated with his back against the wall, feeling a sharp pain in his jaw.

The man, seeing the situation, smiled, and a psychotic expression appeared as he began to speak. "Hahaha, do you think we need permission for something like this? I just came in, beat up everyone who was here, and took the beautiful girl with red eyes to the boss."

In a fraction of a second, the man's arm struck Dantalian's face, causing an explosion that filled the place with the smell of gunpowder. "What an idiot, hahahahah, he died just like most of the others... Boys, don't mess with the women outside; they are..."

The man stopped speaking when he felt like a high-level monster marked him as its prey. This sensation froze him in place.

"Bunch of useless fools," Dantalian's voice showed profound disgust, but it didn't seem to be directed at the man in front of him, who now appeared like a living statue. Suddenly, in a flash of consciousness, the man started spewing nonsense.

"What?? How are you still alive?" The man stopped speaking and realized the world had turned upside down. "What the hell is this?"

Dantalian was standing still from the beginning, now holding the man upside down by his leg. 'When did he do this?'

But before the man could even think of an answer, he felt the bone in his right leg start to break.

"Hahaha," one of the other men who had been silent and paralyzed until now started laughing nervously. However, he was quick to realize that attempting to escape wouldn't end well for him.

"Anyone daring to leave this place will die in the most terrible way, not by my hands, but by the women outside. I am busy here..." 

The sound of the guild door opening was heard, and the three girls entered, all wearing smiles.

"This is what you get for messing with what belongs to the master," Amanda spoke, sounding happier than she probably should.

"Adding to what my Master said, the three of us are quite creative, and our powers are very useful for torture. So, you better answer properly," Fiona said, pointing her finger in the man's face. She then fired an ice spike that pierced his left ear, creating an icy earring.

Due to the intense cold, the pain the man began to feel wasn't from Fiona's attack but from the icy burn, forcing him to touch and remove the ice spike as quickly as possible. 'Ugh... It's still burning; Isis is still burning. Argh.'

Fiona yawned, sitting on top of a table and giving the men near her a disgusted look.

"Ah, we're sorry... We're leaving now," one of the men spoke, and all three of them distanced themselves from Fiona.

"For someone who took control of the hero Dantalian's guild, you guys are so weak, even worse than the orcs we encountered along the way," Freytan said, glancing at the table and noticing a foul smell. "Urgh, disgusting... We'll have to burn all these tables."

Freytan quickly stood up, looking at the men with anger. "You bunch of pigs... You should be in a pigsty."

Fiona and Amanda smiled at Freytan; both of them knew what she was actually doing.

"We apologize... We promise to renovate everything. So, please don't be so harsh with all of us, Miss... I mean, Master."

Freytan clapped her hands and pointed to the ground, speaking with a gentle smile, "Alright, then, everyone, heads down, don't move until I say so."

"Yes, Master, we'll do that."

Dantalian shook his head, thinking, 'So, that's how she managed to control so many women and men without resorting to anything extreme.'

"Alright, Dantalian, well, I think you should take care of this one. It seems he's dying," Freytan said, pointing at the man Dantalian was holding, his blood already rushing to his head.

"Oh, thank you," Dantalian said, releasing the man and looking at Fiona. He then said, "Fiona, freeze everyone here, but only kill this one. He deserves to be frozen slowly from the inside out."

The three girls widened their eyes, fixing their gazes on Dantalian. They were so surprised that they couldn't even speak.

"Well... He messed with the Dealer, and though they should have received a worse fate for mistreating her, for now, this is all I can think of," Dantalian sighed, looking at the unconscious man, stepping on his stomach, and using the golden energy to awaken him.

"There you go; do it with him awake. Now, I'm going to have a word with their leader and maybe bring some heat for our friends here." Dantalian crouched, covering his legs with golden energy, and jumped up, piercing the ceiling before landing on top of it.

"Uff," Dantalian sighed, touching the wall and allowing the golden energy to seep through the cracks in the ceiling, forming the word 'Lie' on the floor in front of the three girls. 

Fiona looked at the other two and said, "Can I electrocute all of them, though? I know what Master said, but electrocuting them would be satisfying as well."

"Please, don't kill me. I swear, I swear I'll tell you everything..." This was one of the many pleas that the men uttered while their leader remained silent, thinking, 'You're screwed when you meet the Master; he's the one who will make you die in the most terrible way possible.'

Amanda, seeing the confident expression on the man's face, would narrow her eyes with a feline look and say, "Can I beat him up? I don't like his attitude."

"Huh? What's wrong with you, woman? Do you know who I am? I'm one of the best thieves in this region." The man's body vanished from the ground, appearing behind Amanda with a huge smile on his face, thinking, 'This one has the weakest energy among the three; she'll be...'

But once again, he was mistaken. He didn't even get to finish his thought because he received a swift kick to the groin from Amanda.

"Shut up! You don't deserve any recognition," Amanda declared, pausing for two seconds before kicking the man's stomach, pulling out an arrow, and throwing it with her own hands into his crotch, saying, "I don't want any more of you in this world."

' I was supposed to be the villain here... but it seems in the end, I'm the most chill... Seriously, my owner , how did you manage to control these two? ' Fiona thought, covering her ears with pieces of ice to avoid hearing the screams of pain from the man after losing his balls.

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