Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 108 - A Glimmer Of Hope

"It's too late, Ndien. A manager my age would be considered old!" Lisa snorted irritably as she buried her face in the pillow.

"Has your job application passed or not?"

"I've sent about 50 applications online but there is no response at all. Ah, I'm tired of it Ndien! What if I take a break? My neck hurts so much from looking at my laptop all day!"

"Don't be discouraged, Lis," said Andien excitedly. "As long as you are alive, it means that God is still giving you the opportunity to fight!"

Hearing Andien's words, Lisa's anxious heart turned a little lighter and relieved. She was still young, she thought, so she shouldn't have given up this early.

That night, Andien and Lisa had dinner as usual. The two friends dined with a can of soft drinks and snacks while discussing trivial matters and daily life stories of each respective life.

"By the way Lis," Andien asked suddenly.

Lisa turned her gaze to Andien and cleared her throat.

"How can Oscar want a girl like Clara? That woman clearly has a rotten heart!"

Lisa shrugged her shoulders, giving her friends an unconcerned expression. "I don't understand. At most, he just needs to satisfy his desires and he doesn't really love Clara!"

"But Clara likes to show off her engagement ring to us in the office, Lis. I don't know if she's stupid or crazy. Is it even allowed for employees to marry the president of the same company?" Andien continued while sipping the noodles' sauce.

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"Oscar caused all of this. Clara can treat anyone so arbitrarily in the office thanks to him. Oscar broke many company rules, right? But just calm down, you said the company wants an audit next week, right? Let them expel that demon Clara!" Lisa said with a fiery voice.

"I understand how you feel, your husband was taken by an actor who is far more perfect than you physically. I know it hurts the deepest part of your heart, Lis." Andien tried to cheer up her best friend, who still seemed unable to forget the pain when the demonic woman snatched Oscar from her.

"Never mind, it's not worth it to think about them. Besides, I understand Oscar's behavior. He doesn't really love Clara, he just pretends so that he can use her to do whatever he wants. How stupid was I for thinking Oscar was in love with me," said Lisa as she sipped her drink.

Andien looked down. She wondered whether her question about Oscar and Clara made Lisa even more offended. She regretted asking that question. Normally, she would apologize, but she was too ashamed to do it.

"I'm still hurt and I feel helpless that I can't prove Clara killed my child. You still remember my story, right? That she pushed me down the stairs until I ended up having a miscarriage?"

Lisa squeezed the can of coke hard until it bent. The more Lisa remembered Clara's face, the more furious she became.

"That bastard Clara should be responsible!"

"Okay, Lis, what's important now is that you're free. Hopefully in the future, that bastard Clara doesn't come to see you anymore," Andien added, trying to calm Lisa down.

"I swear I better be bothered by Karina than Clara!" Lisa said spontaneously. She opened the second soda can and took a quick sip.

"Karina is nothing, Lis, she's just resigning!"

"Ah, I'm dizzy. Hey, do you have any other beer?" Lisa asked.

Andien shook her head. They finished two beers yesterday, there's no way they would have another beer today!

"Ah, you're not cool, Ndien," Lisa snorted irritably.

"Lis, you better go straight to sleep. You are going to look for another job tomorrow morning. Next time you can look for a walk-in interview, don't forget to prepare your resume and others," Andien suggested as she cleared the dining table.

Hearing that, Lisa lifted her face and looked at Andien blankly. Then she thought for a moment.

"You're right."

Andien tapped Lisa's shoulder firmly. Her expression grew cheerful. "I see, this is the real Lisa I know! I'm optimistic about you!"


The next day, Andien woke Lisa who was still fast asleep at 6 am. Lisa was shocked when she felt the pillow hit her head. Wasn't she no longer working? Why did she have to get up so early?

"Ndien, I'm unemployed ... How come you wake me up?" Lisa said with an annoyed face.

"Lis, you promised to find a walk-in interview, right?" Andien reminded her.

Hearing that, Lisa immediately got up from her bed and rushed to the bathroom to finish her business in the morning.

Lisa came out of the bathroom looking neat and tidy. She prepared job application files and resumes that she previously printed.

"Double check everything Lis, don't you miss anything?" Andien asked, reminding her.

"Okay Ndien, I'm ready. Uh, I'm a little nervous," Lisa said shakily.

The two women then left the apartment and went in different directions. Andien went on an online motorcycle taxi to the Petersson Communication office, while Lisa stood in line at the bus stop to take the busway to the company she was going to.

Lisa gripped her tote bag tightly, didn't let it fall or lose a penny in a pickpocket or she would end up on the side of the road for failing to apply for a job!

She had walked miles and visited dozens of office buildings, but none of them received her.

The first company she went to rejected Lisa's resume because she was quite old.

The second company rejected Lisa's application because it was not in accordance with the company's wants and needs.

Dozens of companies she had visited did not accept Lisa's job applications for various reasons.

Lisa was very tired. She had spent a whole day only to find a job but she landed none!


The day turned into night. Andien came home with more food and drinks. When she went inside, she saw Lisa sitting pensive on the sofa hugging a pillow. Her face looked sad. Andien thought that Lisa must be in despair.

"Lis, how come you're so sluggish? You didn't land any job, huh?" Andien asked, worried.

"I give up Ndien, no company will accept my application," Lisa said languidly. Her voice sounded desperate.

"Aaaah, if we were the boss, it would be nice to pick employees to our likings. But that's impossible for a corporate slave like me. I can only work for them and earn some paycheck," Andien said with a sigh.

Hearing Andien's statement made Lisa awakened to something she had never thought before.

"It's true what you said, Ndien!"

Andien looked at Lisa confusedly. What did Lisa mean?

"Why am I not just self-employed! And become my own boss? I can make money and provide jobs for less fortunate people to have the opportunity to enjoy life!"

Andien was silent for a moment, she still didn't understand what Lisa meant until finally she said, "Ah, that's right, Lis! You can start an online shop, right? It's quite trendy, Lis!"

"Isn't it true Ndien? Ah, finally I got enlightenment, thanks to you!"

Lisa was really happy. A ray of hope appeared illuminating her path after a big storm rocked her life. Lisa finally gained her confidence and became optimistic again.

"Anyway, Lis. You still have money from Oscar, right? Why don't you use it for your starting capital? Andien asked.

"So that's the problem, my money from Oscar is already gone. My savings are also not enough for initial capital. Wait, I'll think first."

The two friends were silent in thought for a long time. Andien's apartment suddenly fell silent.

"Ah, I know who to borrow money from!" Lisa exclaimed, breaking the silence.

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