Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 316 - Lisa's Unlucky Day

Her first day working as a hotel waitress to replace Putri as she got sick didn't go according  to her expectations. Lisa did not think that she would have to face the crazy duo after so long. These two days would be pretty much disastrous for her. Lisa instantly regretted her decision to help Putri.

"Are you done, Mrs. Veronica? Have you finished your speech? I still have work to do so I'll take my leave if we have nothing to talk about," Lisa said in a lazy tone with her eyelids half closed.

Karina stepped closer to Lisa and then read her ID tag with a surprised look. "Putri? Huh, so you change your name now? You really are not afraid of being beaten by your father, aren't you? How dare you change your surname just like that?" Karina shouted again, pushing Lisa's shoulder.

Getting mistreatment from her former step-sister put Lisa's patience on the line. If only she hadn't agreed to help Putri, Lisa would have slapped and even punched these two crazies before her. However, in order to defend Putri's good name, Lisa still had to hold back her anger.

"It has nothing to do with you, Karina. Do you care about me that much? It's better if you get out of my life and never bother me again. It's fair enough, right?" Lisa replied firmly.

The problem was that both Karina and Veronica were not stupid. The two evil women suspected Lisa deliberately changing her name so that she could clean her image from the embarrassment of the past. They both knew that changing names was not as easy as turning their palms.

"Duh, you must have changed your name on purpose to cover up all your rotten deeds, right? I'm not as stupid as you are! Who are you trying to fool here?" Karina mocked again.

Lisa didn't want to make things worse and drew the attention of other visitors and employees. 

"Then I'll excuse myself, have a good rest," Lisa said before leaving Karina and Veronica.


Throughout the morning until noon, Lisa worked incessantly until her back felt sore and leg cramps. She did not expect that being a hotel waitress would drain her strength like this. No wonder Putri collapsed in the hospital. She might've been overworking herself, or so Lisa thought.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When Lisa was putting the dirty sheets in the laundry, the manager suddenly called her from the intercom.

"Putri!" The manager said from across.

Lisa was surprised to hear the call coming from the intercom. She did not realize that she was currently working as a replacement for Putri. "Yes sir, I'm here. Do you need any help?"

"Guests from room 605 ask for hot water, please deliver it to their room, okay?" The manager ordered.

"Fine, be there soon," Lisa replied briefly.

While preparing hot water, Lisa remembered that Karina and Veronica came this morning and occupied room 605. Oh no, surely those two crazies wanted to trick her on purpose and harm her.

What else could their intention have been? Every room in this hotel was equipped with a water heater and a bottle of mineral water. They both could have heated the water themselves. 

'You spoiled brats!' Lisa thought irritably. But orders from the manager were still orders, and like it or not, Lisa had to obey it to protect Putri's good name. She did not want Putri to be punished just because she was being careless.

Lisa immediately rushed to the 6th floor and knocked on room number 605. She really didn't want to look at the crazy duo's faces for the second time but she couldn't do anything about it.

When the door opened, Lisa held out the flask and said with a sharp voice, "Excuse me, hot water is ready!"

"Is this how this hotel provides their service? Where are your manners!?" Veronica complained when she saw Lisa reluctantly holding out the flask.

"Guests are king! So you have to serve us better! How can you not have good manners as a waitress! Just watch out, if it happens again, I will not hesitate to complain to the hotel manager!" Veronica threatened with an irritated face and furrowed brows.

'This bitch is so damn ugly, does she not realize that?' Lisa thought. She thought that Veronica's makeup was no less tacky than her daughter, Karina. Her complexion made her look like a freaking clown, with bright pink lipstick and mismatched foundation. 

The two evil women even deliberately made fun of Lisa so that they both had reasons to complain, and that Lisa would lose her job. However, what Lisa was currently worried about was that her being a waitress wasn't her real job. What if Putri's name got bad because of the two evil women? Or that the hotel would be forced to fire Putri because of the complaints and taunts?

Lisa's position was really difficult!

She arranged her foggy thoughts, and had to calm down even though the crazy duo bullied her. Lisa then politely bent over and said, "I'm sorry, I was a little negligent. This is hot water, madam."

Veronica grabbed the flask and slammed the door without leaving a message. Lisa stood frozen from where she was, watching the door slam right in front of her face.

"You damn whore, I should be the one to sulk!" Lisa complained to herself.

When she arrived in the servants' room, the telephone inside rang. Lisa immediately picked up the call and then listened carefully.

"Putri! Guests from room 605 complained that they asked for hot water but you gave them cold water! Please send more hot water to room 605!" The manager exclaimed from across.

Lisa was surprised to hear that sentence. "Seriously? No way sir. I swear I put hot water in the flask and delivered it to room 605! They must be deliberately tricking me sir!"

However, the manager didn't care about Lisa's reasons. The guest remained king, that's the motto of the Cendana hotel. "I don't care! Anyway, the guests from room 605 ask for hot water now, you have to bring it to them again!"

Helpless with her situation, Lisa had to deliver hot water again to room 605. She then said yes and hung up on her manager's call.

'You bastard, you guys are trying to do me dirty on purpose like this,' Lisa complained irritably in her mind.

Arriving at the 6th floor and knocking on the door to room 605 for the second time, Lisa saw Karina open the door and said, "Can you do your job properly? I asked for hot water, but you gave me cold water instead. If you don't work well, how do you want to earn money!? I didn't expect that Cendana hotel's service would be this bad!"

Lisa suppressed all the anger in her heart that started to boil and was ready to brush it off by putting on an expressionless face. She looked at Karina's unsightly face with a lazy look and said, "Is it true that I bought the wrong water or did you both deliberately exchange hot water for cold water to harm me? Okay, here is the hot water. Watch out, it's still hot."

Lisa handed the flask to Karina then left room 605 quickly, without waiting for the girl's reaction.

In her heart, Lisa was very sure that the two snakes were trying to injure her so that Lisa ould be fired from the hotel. She didn't mind, even not caring if she lost her job as a waitress, but the problem was that the job was not hers. Lisa didn't want Putri to get a warning from the management because of her.

In the afternoon, when Lisa was done with the work she should be doing for the day, she changed clothes and got ready to go back to her boarding house. However, the phone in the staff room suddenly rang. Lisa then picked it up and listened carefully.

"Putri! Room 605 wants to order a meal! Please deliver the food they ordered from the restaurant to their room!"

Hearing the order from her manager just now made Lisa take a deep breath. What else could Karina and Veronica want from her?

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