True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 164 Visiting The Kingdom

"No, we don't need that many, this viscounty needs people to protect it and support you, so I will take 100 men and women both,"

Refusing Juno's offer, Velian proceeded to get ready to make their visit to the kingdom. He purposely didn't wear anything fancy to make him look like a normal merchant.

He wanted people to underestimate and let down their guard so he can finish this war without going overboard with his power.

"Are you two ready?" Looking at the two women beside him getting ready with their newly made clothes, Velian questioned as it was time to leave.

"We are ready, Juno, Remi, Lyra and Naomi will look after this viscounty in our absence so I feel a little relieved," Wearing her one-piece dress which looked gorgeous without any fancy design, Daphnia said with a beautiful-looking smile.

"I wonder how Sariya and others doing, I hope they are ok,"

"They are ok, I used my doppel to take a peek, they are doing fine,"

To Daphnia's concern, Velian answered as he didn't want her to be needlessly worried.

After getting ready, they left the Cedric mansion and went in the direction of the gate with everyone looking at them a rather intense look.

"Looks like they still doubt us," Delviny being the warrior with extraordinary senses noticed everything, she opened her mouth with dissatisfaction seen it.

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"Let them, I didn't expect them to believe me in such a small time, we will show our future projects to them and they will quickly see what's best for them," Talking about how they are going to convince people, Velian and other two reached the gate where soldiers are already standing with their weapons.

Velian noticed Juno, Lyra and Naomi also looking at them, they came to say farewell to Velian as they won't be able to meet him for a few days.

"Be careful girls, if something happens you have full authority to order a retreat or just contact me," He hugged Juno, Lyra and Naomi under everyone's surprised eyes.

They started to talk among themselves after seeing this, it was juicy news for everyone as Juno's tribe people started to poke fun at her.

Naomi also had a reddened face but she took it rather well compared to Juno who couldn't even stop her tail from wagging like a cute cat.

"Brother isn't holding back anymore, right mother?" Seen his action, Delviny questioned as he was curious to know about her mother's reaction.

"Well, he has no reason to hold back, except you and me," She didn't really care about people seeing their relationship but still it was a strange feeling for her.

Having a relationship with her own felt like something absurd when she thought about it but the moment she looked at Velian's face, all her worries vanished as her mind got stronger every second.

"Naomi, did you do what I asked you to do?" While others were busy talking about what they saw, Velian quickly questioned Naomi who quickly changed her face into a more serious one.

"Yes, I send ten of our people three days before your visit and asked them to do what you asked, master," She said with a respectful stone. Naomi always knew how to differentiate personal life from work as she could easily change her moods like a chameleon.

"Well then, we will be back as soon as we finish our discussion, so don't worry about us and support girls to develop this territory,"

Everyone bowed their heads showing respect to Velian, while he got onto the carriage to travel. Both Delviny and Daphnia disliked carriage travelling after experiencing Velian's levitating skill because of how inefficient and uncomfortable it was. They had no choice but to take a carriage since this was an official visit.

On their way to the kingdom, they encountered many monster attacks as well as bandit attacks but, none of them knew they were just walking to their death attacking the carriage with more than two SS ranked.

Within two days, Velian's carriage successfully managed to reach the royal capital of the Rapidclaw kingdom. It wasn't hard for them to find it as, after a certain point, roads were properly built and cleaned giving the crew a proper path to walk on.

"Stop it, who are you, people?" The guard in front of the gate shouted but soon he realised how big this crew was. He quickly rang the bell warning of a possible attack without knowing who they were, but soon the prime minister came to see them after getting the news about the arrival of a big group.

"So this is their army, bigger than we expected," He muttered to himself looking at them through the wall, after a few minutes he quickly ordered the guards to open the gate for them.

"Let's see who this abnormality is,"

As soon as they opened the gate, Velian's group advanced under everyone's curious eyes. There was a heavy guard on the city in case a conflict broke out but with the lack of troops in the kingdom it didn't look any different from a normal day.

"Ohh~ looks like we are quite popular here," Delviny took a peek only to see citizens looking at their carriage with interested eyes.

Most of them had pale faces or scrawny bodies shaping how much they suffered. The women-to-men ratio in the kingdom was so much unbalanced that even if one man took four women as still that wouldn't be enough to balance.

The main reason for this difference was men dying in war.

"Veli, be careful, I know we have power but still even the slightest mistake can lead to our demise, so-" Daphnia advised like a proper mother before they arrived at their destination which was the castle.

"I know mother, I won't be careless, my plans are already in motion, they will regret it if they try to use a trap, so don't worry,"

With those words, all three of them got out of the carriage as soon as it stopped near the castle.

"Oh~ look who's here to welcome us," Hearing Velian's words, Daphnia and Delviny quickly looked at the figure in front of them.

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