True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 46 Serve Me

The old man kept knocking on the door continuously shouting the name,

"Juno, come out quickly we have a problem," He yelled at the owner of the house.

Suddenly the door opened and we were surprised by the owner of the voice who answered the old man's angered statements,

"Uncle, why are you here early morning? Let me sleep a little I'm sleepy," She said while yawning.

Velian looked at the girl who sounded a little sleepy. She was a beautiful beastkin girl with light orange coloured hair which gave her a fierce look nevertheless the shades of the bad living condition can be seen in her. She had a moderate breasts which added sexiness to her with the less clothing she wore while answering her clothes. She blushed little seeing strangers looking at her and quickly went inside to change her clothes,

"Uncle, who are they? Did you come here to introduce them to me?" She asked while coming back wearing some proper clothes.

"Dumb girl, can't you see we were attacked and this young lad threatened me to let him meet you," He said while showing a displeased look.

Juno couldn't believe her ears and quickly ordered the other beastmen to surround this human group after gaining her composure a little bit,

"Boy, I don't know who you're but don't expect to leave here alive after harming our fellow kin," She said while unsheathing her rusty sword.

Velian kept looking at all the beastmen surrounding them without panicking but other warriors who came with them were frightened by this turn of events,

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"Do you really think you're in a place to negotiate after stealing our supplies like thieves," Delvi shouted displeased by the behaviour of these people.

Juno showed a helpless expression for a minute hearing Delvi's words but she gained her composure quickly.

"It doesn't matter now, you people are surrounded by us since you saw our village we can't let you go, I'm really sorry," Juno was about to order her people to attack us but suddenly Velian started to talk in a calm voice.

(Will of the King)

He muttered in a low voice that cannot be heard. Suddenly a golden colour aura started to erupt from his body which pressured all of Beastkin's instincts. The most affected were the old man and Juno. They were sweating buckets while looking at Velian like he was some kind of a monster.

Surprisingly, Delvi and the other warriors who came with Velian were not affected by this aura instead they felt their power and stamina boost.

"Veli, what's this? I feel like I'm more powerful than before," Delvi was surprised by the warm feeling she suddenly felt.

"Yes sister, this is one of my effects of the unique skill," Velian whispered to her ear in a quiet voice so that others won't hear.

He turned toward the old man and Juno who was still standing like sticks without moving even a little bit. Their instincts were screaming telling them to run quickly from the death itself. The old man was the most flabbergasted one,

"Even from the patriarch, I didn't feel this much threatening aura, Who's this kid?" He thought while trying to break free from his stiffness.

Juno was the one affected most by this. She almost forgot to breathe right after Velian activated his skill. She was sweating buckets unable to speak. Velian looked at her and quickly reduced the effect so that she won't faint.

During these days Velian was analyzing his skills including his bloodline skill but he couldn't find any lead on it since he had to use it on someone to learn. He decided to wait for a little more before using It but he learned about (Will of the King).

(Will of the king) was a passive skill that didn't directly use in combats but it had a lot of uses even in battles. It allowed Velian to pressure others who are below his power or with weak willpower at the same time it provides a little buff to his allies by boosting stamina, agility and strength. It had a side effect which attracted individuals of the same power if they notice this aura since Velian was stronger than most humans and monsters only one he met superior to him was Dragon Yuvanna.

"Did you calm down Old man and Juno?" He wanted to release them and retracted his skill back so that they will be able to move.

*Cough *Cough

"Kid, you were holding back all along, Who are you? Your power is abnormal are you a human or some kind of beast?" The old man asked while coughing violently.

Juno didn't manage to talk for a few minutes even after Velian released his skill.

"Old man and Beautiful big sister, why don't we talk like civilised living beings without fighting like monsters and of course I'm human," Velian said and hinted at them to calm down.

Delvi showed a dissatisfied expression when Velian called Juno beautiful and her brows twitched when he called her big sister,

"Tch~ Veli, don't go calling every girl like that, I'm your only big sister except Lyra," She thought while glaring at Juno.

"What do you want human child? We promise to never steal from your village so, please don't harm our people," Juno's previous attitude was nowhere to be seen.

"Your mistaken, when did I say I came here because you stole from our village, I came here to see you because I was interested in beastkins, well part of me wanted to hit you for stealing our supplies but when I see your people's state I can understand what you did," Velian said with the same demeanour.

"Then why did you come here? I thought you can here to get revenge on us," This time it was the old man who was confused about his purpose.

"It's simple, Serve under me and I will give a place to your people to live and a bright future," Velian said while pointing his finger at Juno.

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