Tunnel Rat

Chapter 149: March of the Spiders

Chapter 149: March of the Spiders

The avenging army of the Iron Spider trudged onward to victory. Their crafty general had chosen to move through the lower tunnels. And she had set an easy pace for them. Rather than running fast along the web ways they were moving through the tunnels, taking their time and hunting for food. And the general led the way. She was marching along slowly at the front of the army, followed by her two banner bearers, her fearsome presence keeping small enemies at bay. The few times that any creature was visible, the gunner on her back mowed it down with a dwarven battle gun.

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There was plenty of time to dig small mammals and large beetles from their lairs, and plenty of food in these unused caverns. The spiders generally moved around by the web ways, quickly moving through the large spaces on thin, gossamer strands. Many of the spiders in the army were happy to have such a holiday.

On the second day, a halt was called, and they were ordered to create a nest and put out scouts. They would be staying here and resting before the battle. H'spat, one of the Queen's special advisors had spread the word. The exalted noble moved through the army, passing the orders talking to some of the lesser spiders. She explained that General Iron Spider wished for them to share in the glory. The lesser spiders moved to the front of the march, and the Queen's Guard Units and the fearsome Wolf Spiders moved further back. The elite units took this small slight with much grace, moving to the rear and setting up their camps. The lesser spiders were in good morale, with plenty of easy food to catch, time to sleep, and an easy pace. After talking to each of the units in the army, the advisor went forward again to confer with the general about when they would begin marching the next day.

"How long until that useless limb is repaired? It's been trouble since those two idiots let a kobold work on me. I swear half its work was breaking a week later." The General was resting on a large rock, legs splayed around her so her mechanic could more easily work on repairs. It was not comfortable, but they didn't have a harness to lift her up like they used in repair shops.

Her mechanic spat out a long stream of tobacco on the ground. "Not early, that's fer sure, fer sure. This leg is all mucketied-mucked up. I'm going to have to hammer some new parts and jury-rig a spring to get it working. You're going to have to start using all those eyes to watch where you step, I've only got so many parts with me."

Grobit had the armor of the damage leg removed and was trying to repair the joint that had frozen up after a bad trip. The mechanical spider legs had been repaired so many times over the years that no two were similar at this point. The ingenious Goblin tinkerer had a surprise in store every single time he tore off the outer plating. He packed a large supply of extra parts and was always looking for more bits to add to it.

But that's what made this gal a work of art! Countless dwarven, goblin, rat-kin, and even elvish mechanics had worked on her. She could take an amazing amount of damage in battle. But she wasn't really built for long marches over rough terrain. He'd suggested time and again that a nice set of wheels would let her go faster, but his suggestions were always turned down. Probably for the best, though. He'd still be riding up top and a spider on roller skates might not give the best ride.

By the next morning, he'd gotten the leg back in shape and they took off again, at the general's slow pace. H'spat sent forward scouts to mark the route, and to roll any lose rocks out of the way. They were on a time schedule, and even though the advisor had counted on a slow trip, this was pushing it.

As the host of spiders marched slowly along, they came to a choice of two ways to go. The Iron Spider led her army down the marked path towards the mushroom fields of Limburger Hollow. The Queen's Gard and Wolfen units took a break to eat lunch, and then took the other branch that led up to the web ways and their rendezvous with the main force of the Spider Army. They picked up their pace. They had a long way to go, and a short time to get there!

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