Tunnel Rat

Chapter 217: Surprise!

Chapter 217: Surprise!

Project: Watch Lizard had run into some problems. Each of the cameras generated a coded signal that was picked up by a collection node, which then sent the signals to Milo's system with his 64-thread encryption protocol. The code used by the cameras was much simpler than the version used by the collection node. Each node had a firewall for protection, giving his programs time to analyze the incoming signals while they were in a buffer and ensuring they were clean. Because he didn't want the failure of a single node to shut down his system, he installed six of them, spread evenly between Sections H and E. An industrial accident, accidental discovery, or purposeful sabotage wouldn't cripple his system.

But multiple nodes were causing a problem. Somehow, the system was generating phantom signal effects. He had more cameras in the system than he had installed and null signals from the phantoms. This caused a slowdown in the nodes, and the buffers were overflowing. One by one, he investigated the locations of all the cameras and came to a shocked conclusion: someone else had installed a similar system in Section H. He gave Victor or John, whoever had set it up, a bit of grudging respect. They'd put in a crappy security system as a decoy and installed a state-of-the-art one. It would normally be impossible to detect the Raxxon cameras, but with six of Milo's nodes searching for signals, he could pinpoint them within a foot of their location. Once a dozen of them were located and taken apart, he used their signals to find the collection node. It was cleverly hidden in a hard-to-reach spot nestled in the power storage batteries that saved up the excess power from the solar system on the roof.

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It was delicate work and meant reprogramming the system offline for an hour. He caused a nearby transformer to overload to cover his tracks, generating a mild EMP effect. It was a flimsy excuse for why some systems shut down for an hour, but better than nothing. Milo was careful to ensure he was nowhere around when it went off. He had no desire to find out what an EMP did to either his sockets or their control over his leg, tail, and suit. He was wearing his suit constantly now, when not in his safe spot or with his family. Even then, he was wearing part of it. It looked like the same material the Claw Master gloves were constructed from. If he had to, his excuse was testing a new prototype. Only a half-lie. A quarter-lie? It was a prototype and was based on Claw Master technology. But he would never make a full suit for anyone but himself.

Once the EMP went off, the second Raxxon system was stripped of power and backup power. He reprogrammed the system and put it under his control. The original signal still went out, but he could control what it sent, if need be, making it simple for him to sneak through areas it covered. He sent all of its recorded data to his own system, turned everything back on, and checked the upgraded system. All the extra cameras were integrated, and things were looking good. He relaxed. The problem had consumed him for two days, driving his paranoia higher until he found the extra cameras. He wanted to assume that this was Victor's doing, but the work predated his coming to live in Section H. Had he been planning his move for much longer?

Milo considered that John Sabbatino had been behind the project and discarded the theory. John knew next to nothing about surveillance technology and didn't like to pay for anything he didn't have to. He'd never have paid the extravagant cost for the system. Nor would people working for him. If the boss didn't approve it, why would they? There was a small chance that it was a third party spying on John or Victor. That theory had problems. They could have just used the existing system much easier. The installation of the cameras and nodes was a large project. Anyone doing that much work in Section H who wasn't supposed to be there would have been noticed. Occam's Razor said it was Victor, and Milo calculated a 99.63% chance the theory was correct. Victor's threat level went up a notch, but Milo had already neutralized his system and put it under his control. He could relax some now.

Relaxing meant stripping off his suit when he got home, cleaning himself up, and eating a good dinner. Tonight he was trying something new. He'd seen them sold by vendors in the streets of Shadowport but never tried them. Later, he investigated what a Shish-kabob was and found it simply meat and vegetables on a stick. He bought some as part of a shipment of flash-frozen instant meals, along with the freezer to keep them in and the special oven to unthaw them. The smell was intriguing to him. It reminded him of the meal Smiley made from meat and mushrooms. He called it 'Bat Stir Fry.' It was an immediate favorite that he served on Thursdays. The shish sticks were almost as good. He followed it up with a spicy pepper-jack cheese.

Next was a long session in his pod, a full medical exam, and some time in the Hollow. He needed a nap in the real world. Installing his security system had worn him out. He could visit the Hollow while it scanned him. Wally had asked him for his medical data as part of their new deal. He wanted to see if Milo's gloves were causing any change in his body. After thinking it over, Milo agreed. His original need for the pod was to ensure he was healthy. As much as part of him hated the idea of giving Wally more data on himself, he knew the A.I. had all of the data from the initial scan already. Restoring the pod's ability to transmit data gave Wally more info on his gloves, which might help Belinda. It also added security if something else in Genesis could trap him. Milo had balanced the risks and decided being at the mercy of someone like the insane CodeMage was far worse than anything else.

He was almost asleep as soon as he lay down in the pod. Ironically, he'd just be waking up as he entered the game. It had been days since he logged in, and he was missing people. He opened his eyes in the dark room, his vision dispelling the shadows and letting him see in total darkness. But he wasn't in time to stop the sharp claw that poked his side, scaring him half to death. He was out of bed, rolling and dodging as a cheerful voice yelled, "Surprise!"

Tallsqueak skidded to a halt, facing a giggling Rosie who was crawling out from under his bed. Her eyes were fixed on him, and he had an overwhelming feeling of being hunted. That was when a claw poked him from behind, sending him into a leap to the ceiling, where he clung, quivering. Buttercup looked up at him. "Surprise!"

Both little girls rolled on the ground, pointing at him and laughing. "Got you good! Double-Surprise, extra points."

He hopped down to the floor, and they gave him bone-crushing hugs that made him thankful for his enhanced skeleton. How strong were they?

"You lost surprise; that means you have to play tag with us before dinner!"

The need for revenge was strong. "Fine, I'll give you a ten-second head start; go!" The girls scampered off to their large play area. Tallsqueak armored up; he would need every advantage he could get.

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