Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 147: Contact with the Byzantines

Chapter 147: Contact with the Byzantines

A man with short dark hair in the form of a caesar cut and emerald green eyes sat within the confines of his luxurious carriage. He was in his late twenties and quite handsome, so much so that he could give Berengar a run for his money. He had the regal features of a Roman patrician, and he wore lavish silk robes in the style that was common among the upper echelon of the aristocracy of the Byzantine Empire. Even though the German realm was currently in a state of total war, he had traveled across Europe for many months in an attempt to gain an audience with the man known as Berengar von Kufstein.

Berengar had long since made use of the trade networks throughout Europe and the Mediterranean to acquire silk from the Byzantine Empire to fulfill the demands for his textile industry. However, his name did not carry much weight in the eastern world. After all, even now as a Count, he was not a significant figure in the world's affairs.

His most well-known quality was being declared as a heretic by the Catholic Church. Though the Orthodox Church was a separate branch of Christianity from the Catholics, they were still quite amicable with their western brothers in this timeline. As such, being declared a heretic by the Catholic church practically carried over to the Eastern Orthodox Church. Yet, the man in the carriage did not care about such details. Instead, he had a business proposal for Berengar in which he believed the young Count could not refuse.

The man arriving in Kufstein shortly was a powerful nobleman who held the equivalent position of a Duke in the Byzantine aristocracy. Supposedly, Arethas Maniakes could trace his lineage to one of the greatest Roman Emperors of all time, Aurelian. A man who was so profound, he quite possibly could have prevented the collapse of the Roman Empire if the treacherous Praetorian Guard had not assassinated him before his work was finished.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Arethas was in his own right an exemplary statesman and General, having personally led the charge into Egypt in years prior. He secured a foothold in the war against the Mamluke Sultanate, which currently held control over the region. However, despite his impressive victories that had allowed the Byzantines to acquire their advantage in Egypt, he could not believe the rumors he had heard about Berengar.

If Berengar knew a powerful Strategos of the Byzantine Empire was coming to meet him, he would have prepared a feast; after all, such a position was far higher than he currently held. Yet, the man decided to show up unannounced to test Berengar and his character. A nobleman from another region coming into your territory unannounced was a sign of disrespect, and this was not unknown to Arethas.

However, when the man laid his eyes on the intricate defenses of the City of Kufstein, he could not help but be impressed. Such mighty walls were comparable to the Theodosian walls of Constantinople, no... they might even be superior in defensive capabilities. After arriving at the checkpoint of the city's gates. Arethas noticed that the garrison was all wearing a degree of plate armor and carrying strange weapons slung across their backs.

Though he did not know how these weapons functioned and were less impressed with them, his attention was drawn to the impressive armor the troops wore, just how wealthy was Berengar to equip all of his troops in plate armor! Even if it only covered their torso, back, neck, thighs, and head. It was enough to protect the vital points of their bodies without limiting mobility. The garrison allowed him to pass after hearing the man was a powerful representative from the Byzantine Empire. As such, his carriage and escort quickly rode into the city of Kufstein, which was filled with tenements, homes, shops, and all kinds of wonders. It was no longer a small agricultural town but a full-fledged city, though much of it was still undergoing construction.

Despite being attracted by the nature of the City, which was much smaller than Constantinople, yet still was grand in its own right. The Strategos made his way towards the Castle, where the Castle's guards abruptly stopped him. Arethas stepped out of the carriage and explained his reasoning for visiting. He spoke in German with a thick Greek accent, which did not go unnoticed by the sentries.

"I am Strategos Arethas Maniakes from the Byzantine Empire; I have come to discuss a business transition with the Count of this region."

Confused with the man's identity, the guards did not react at first. However, the man seemed to be dressed in luxurious clothing and possibly have a high standing in the Byzantine Empire. As such, they decided to let him pass, but only after confiscating the weapons from him and his guard. Berengar had become quite cautious ever since he took ahold of Tyrol; he would not allow armed visitors in his presence in fear that they might try to assassinate him after all his reforms were becoming quite unpopular among the nobility within Tyrol.

Arethas quickly agreed to these demands and had his guards disarm themselves before entering the Castle's gates. When Arethas entered the Castle, he was not overly impressed; after all, his palace was far more luxurious; of course, he did not know that the Castle was only temporary living for Berengar at this point, while his grand palace, which was loosely based on the Sch?nbrunn Palace from his previous life was being constructed.

After entering the Great Hall, Arethas witnessed Berengar sitting upon his seat of power, with his head resting on his fist. The young Count was currently dressed in luxurious velvet attire in his house's black and gold color scheme. The clothing was, of course, based on Tudor fashion, and he even had a fur-lined sleeveless cloak over his exquisite doublet. A pair of jewels hung from his neck where were made of gold and black garnet.

While sitting upon his seat of power, Berengar exuded a sense of natural authority, so much so that even Arethas, who held a far more prestigious position, could tell that Berengar was not a man to be trifled with. Before Arethas could introduce himself to the fearsome Count, Berengar noticed the man's approach into his Great Hall and gazed upon the man with a stoic expression while expressing his thoughts.

"Who are you, and why should I care?"

Berengar was quite perturbed that his rest had been interrupted by an unknown man from the East. Berengar had been hard at work all day long, and his seat of power was one of the few places he could just sit back and allow his mind a proper recovery. Despite his minor irritation, he could immediately tell by the fashion in which the man wore that he was someone of great importance, yet he had arrived within Berengar's territory, in his home without announcing himself. The level of disrespect shown could not be understated.

Seeing how Berengar reacted, Arethas was quite shocked; the young Count gazed upon him as if he was nothing of worth, and this was quite entertaining to the mighty Strategos. As such, he boldly proclaimed his position within his own society and his intention for arriving.

"I am Strategos Arethas Maniakes; I have traveled far from the borders of the Byzantine Emperor to seek an audience with your Excellency. I have a business proposal that you may be interested in."

Despite the rudeness in which the man had shown, Berengar was quite interested in two things. The man was essentially a Duke within the mighty Byzantine Empire, and he had a business proposal for him. However, despite his interest, Berengar decided to return this man's kindness with an equally rude gesture.

"I am intrigued. However, I am currently busy and will need some time to prepare; come back in three days..."

Ultimately Berengar decided to snub the man; for the time being, the level of disrespect he was shown had to be paid in kind before he could move forward. It was petty, but if he accepted this disrespect, it meant that any nobleman of higher birth could walk over him. As such, he decided to show his authority and sent the man back to the City Below. In the meantime, Berengar had intended to verify this man's identity by inquiring about the so-called Strategos Arethas Maniakes through his trade connections.

Though Arethas wanted to protest, the glaring sapphire eyes which belonged to the young Count sent shivers down his spine. After all, he was disarmed and standing in his great hall which was surrounded by a group of armed men. As such Arethas played it safe and decided to return to the City and rest for a few days before returning. One his way out of the Castle a wide grin appeared across them man's face as he expressed his thoughts aloud.

"Well played..."

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