Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 229: Advancements in Medicine

Chapter 229: Advancements in Medicine

In the Chemistry department of Kufstein, the lead chemist Aldo von Passau had just made a significant discovery. Something that Berengar had previously hinted to but in no way explained in detail. Upon discovering such a thing, the man began to question how Berengar could know this reality. He was starting to believe that God sent Berengar to lead humanity into a new golden age.

This significant discovery was basic Germ Theory. As part of Berengar's chemistry department, which the young Duke had spent a considerable sum to construct, microscopes were included within the facility's tools. In Berengar's past life, he was an engineer, not a biologist, or a chemist.

However, to graduate from university, he had to have a fundamental knowledge of these subjects. Because of this, he had taught the men in his current chemistry department the basic level of knowledge that pertained to chemistry.

However, these men, especially Aldo, were exceptionally brilliant and eager to learn; as such, they quickly adapted to Berengar's teachings and tested them to see themselves if what Berengar had taught them was pure truth. Of course, Berengar had also taught them the basics of science, such as the scientific method.

While Berengar insisted on creating certain chemicals for medical production like disinfectant alcohol and certain antibiotics used in what was considered over-the-counter antibiotic cream in his previous life, he did not explain how these things functioned. Instead, he said with a wry smile on his face.

"You're the chemist; figure it out!"

The arrogant expression on the young Duke's face as if he knew more about the subject than a man who had spent a lifetime studying the mysteries of the world like Aldo so thoroughly outraged the chemist that he sought to prove Berengar wrong by using his methods against him.

In the end, Aldo had made a particular discovery by using a microscope on a sample of blood from an infected cattle, and that was the existence of bacteria and how some bacteria can cause disease. This discovery caused a great deal of shock within Aldo's mind, and he immediately wanted to replicate this infection on some of the field mice he had gathered.

As such, Aldo would spend the next few weeks cultivating harmful bacteria and infected field mice, where he would use the antibacterial cream on one group while not using it on another to see if he had discovered the function of Berengar's so-called "Antibacterial cream."

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In the meantime, Aldo would begin to draft a report on his findings, where he would then hand it to Berengar personally and see the reaction on the man's face. Thus Aldo spent hours writing his conclusions into a somewhat scholarly thesis. After finishing it and allowing it to dry, it was late at night, and as such, Aldo waited until morning to report his findings.


While Aldo was advancing his knowledge on chemistry, and basic germ theory, Ewald, who was Berengar's court physician, was permitted by Berengar to study basic anatomy. As such, he had been granted the ability to conduct research on the corpses of several of the dead enemy soldiers Berengar had brought back from the battlefield.

Every time Ewald cut into a cadaver, and examine not only the anatomy that a human was comprised of but also the cause of death of the enemy soldier the man, he was shocked to find his discoveries.

It was not just anatomy that the physician was allowed to practice; he too experimented with microscopes on the blood of humans, both alive and dead, and that of animals. Berengar was more than happy to point the man in the direction that he was most needed in.

As such, the man began to make progress in the fields of surgery and blood transfusions. Through the continued experimentation of both life and deceased human blood, and with proper direction from Berengar and his knowledge from his past life, Ewald had also made a breakthrough in one of the fields he was studying.

That breakthrough was the existence of different blood types. He had determined that there were a total of three blood types, A, B, and C, as he labeled them. However, he could not rule out the possibility of a fourth. As such, he would continue in his research endeavors in the future, but for now, he wanted to report his findings to Berengar as quickly as possible.

If the young Duke was impressed by his performance, he might get more funding and staff to continue his research. As such, after cleaning up his laboratory, he headed towards Berengar's office with great haste. Interestingly enough, he would arrive at Berengar's study at the same time as Aldo.


When Berengar's Court Physician and the head of his Chemistry department burst into his door unannounced, he could tell something significant had happened. When he saw the two men clambering among one another to report their findings first, Berengar raised a hand, signaling them to calm themselves before speaking.

"Aldo, you go first."

With this, the man smugly smirked at Ewald before reporting his findings.

"Your Grace, I believe you will be pleased to know that I finally solved the question I asked you long ago?"

Berengar smiled upon hearing this, as he was well aware of what Aldo had been studying for some time and thus motioned for the man to continue, as he set down his report upon Berengar's desk that pertained to his understanding of basic germ theory, and as Berengar read through it, his smile became even broader. While Berengar was reading through his report, Aldo began to speak the results of his experiments aloud.

"Your Grace, I do not know how you were aware of this, but it has become clear to me that you know far more than you let on. The more I experimented with the blood of infected beings, the more I found proof of these so-called bacteria and the ability for them to cause sickness in humans and animals.

I am currently experimenting on a few field mice as to the effectiveness of the antibacterial cream you have ordered me to make, and I promise we will see results shortly. However, I have a feeling you already know how the results will turn out. Thus I decided to report my findings before that study was completed."

Berengar merely smiled at Aldo before complimenting the man.

"You truly are a genius, Aldo; I am beyond impressed with your results in so little time. Continue your good work, and I might be able to give you a few new chemical compounds soon for you to work with! I will also reward you for your findings. Name what it is you desire, and so long as it is within my ability, I will grant it to you."

Aldo bowed respectfully to Berengar before making his request

"If it is not too much trouble, I would like you to send me a fresh bash of young and educated minds so I can help mold them into future Chemists!"

Berengar thought about it for a few moments before responding.

"As soon as I have a group of potential candidates, I will send them your way; you have my word."

With this, Aldo smiled before thanking Berengar

"Thank you, your grace!"

With that, Berengar turned his attention to Ewald, where he began to ask the man what was on his mind.

"Did you have something to report to me as well, Ewald?"

The physician smiled before announcing his results.

"I, too, have made a significant discovery! By experimenting with human blood, I have found several different blood types; they are determined by the presence or lack thereof of specific antigens in the blood. I currently have seen three of these so-called blood types, A, B, and C!

A has the A antigen in the red blood cell and the B antibody in the plasma! B has the B antigen in the red blood cell and the A antibody in the plasma! C has neither A nor B antigens in the blood cells, but both A and B antibodies in the plasma!"

After hearing this, Berengar immediately understood C to the O blood group from his previous life, and thus he decided to declare it as such.

"Should C be called O because there are zero antigens in the blood cells?"

The man thought about it for a few moments before nodding his head in agreement.

"That makes sense."

As with Aldo, all of these scientific terms that the man used were presented by Berengar when he aided them in their studies; without it, they would have no idea what to look for. Under Berengar's guidance, these two men had made significant breakthroughs in the areas of medicine, and Berengar could not be more proud.? As such, Berengar's smile was about as large as it could be when he praised Ewald.

"Well done, Ewald, I too shall grant you a reward for your efforts; tell me what it is you desire?"

The man nodded his head in excitement upon hearing this and made his terms known.

"As with Aldo, I too desire more staffing, but I would also ask for more funding as well."

Berengar nodded his head in agreement when he heard this and accepted the request.

"Done, I will approve of more funding to the scientific fields and split it between your two departments; as for the request for additional staff, I will make the same promise I made with Aldo. As soon as proper candidates present themselves, I will send them your way immediately!"

With this, the two men were exceptionally thankful to Berengar and bowed their heads with respect before departing. After they were long gone from Bernegar's presence, the young Duke pulled out a glass and poured some of the distilled spirits he had been manufacturing into it where he took a sip before sighing heavily, as Berengar did so he expressed the thoughts on his mind aloud.

"Everything is progressing smoothly."

These scientific breakthroughs were just the beginning; he could not wait until the day his people had proper medical care that was not reliant on the backward ways of medieval understanding. This was a significant first step into establishing an era of scientific thinking, especially in medicine!

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