Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 235: The Search for the Missing Princess

Chapter 235: The Search for the Missing Princess

After Honoria's disappearance, the Imperial family of the Byzantine Empire was in a state of panic. Especially the Emperor, with his daughter missing, it meant that his alliance to France was in shambles. The French King held Emperor Vetranis responsible for his daughter's disappearance. He stated that if she were not found within a specific time, the de Valois dynasty would consider the betrothal broken.

Emperor Vetranis was currently sitting on his throne nibbling at his fingernails, a bad habit he had picked up during his youth that he commonly resorted to when he was anxious. His daughter was missing, without the slightest clue as to her whereabouts. The French Prince Aubry had returned home bringing news of the reason for her disappearance, thus causing the French Monarchy to make excessive demands of the Emperor as compensation.

If the Emperor could not find his daughter soon, the betrothal would be broken, and so too would the military and economic alliance between the two countries. As such, he was in a complete and total state of panic. Vetranis let out his frustration by cursing his daughter in the middle of his throne room.

"You fucking bitch! You better be alive and unspoiled, or I swear to God I will march through the gates of hell to discipline you!"

It was at that moment Honoria's older brother Decentius entered the room. He held onto a prostitute from the same brothel that Melissa had previously worked at. The investigation into Honoria's disappearance had led to the brothel, and this woman had seen Melissa leaving with the girl.

From the looks of it, she had been roughed up by Decentius and his soldiers; there were many bruises on her face and across her body. Decentius tossed the woman to the floor as he began to yell at her.

"Tell the Emperor what you told me!"

Hearing the screaming voice of Decenitus, the woman instinctively flinched before stumbling over her words.

"Basilia... The Princess... The princess came into the brothel and then left with Basilia. That is all I know!"

Emperor Vetranis immediately pounded the armrest of his throne before raising his voice at the woman.

"Who is this, Basilia? Where is she from? Does she have any family in the city? Where can I find her?"

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The woman began to curl back in fear. However, she was swiftly kicked by Decentius repeatedly until she begged for mercy.

"I don't know! I don't even know if Basilia is her real name. Lots of girls at the brothel use false names! She never talked about herself or her family. I honestly don't know anything about her other than she worked at the brothel. Maybe some of her clients might know the truth, but I don't!"

This Basilia was none other than Melissa; Melissa was a bright young woman, at least in the streetwise ways; she changed her name for work and even wore a wig; Thus her actual appearance was unknown. Now that she had left the city, it would be impossible to find out about her real identity.

The Emperor and his goons were completely back to square one; the intelligence that the prostitute had provided was practically useless. All they knew was that Honoria entered a brothel and left with a lady of the night.

Vetranis was furious that his daughter was missing, and he had no viable information about her whereabouts. Thus he quickly lashed out at the woman kneeling beneath him.

"Get this whore out of my sight!"

With that, the guards dragged the woman out of the room and kicked her out of the palace. As for Decentius, he kneeled before his father and made a solemn vow.

"I promise I will find the bitch, and bring her back to you!"

Hearing this, Emperor Vetranis tossed his goblet at his son, which smacked the young prince in the face and poured wine all over his body. After doing so, the Emperor quickly chastised his son.

"Don't you talk about your sister that way! She may have run away and caused us immense trouble, but she is still your sister and a member of this imperial dynasty!"

Decentius had heard his father call Honoria the same term not long before, and yet he was being so thoroughly humiliated for repeating the Emperor's words? Decentius gritted his teeth in rage, despite this, he choked back the vile words he had planned for his father and forced himself to be calm. He realized that nobody in his family was thinking straight at the moment. Thus despite the Emperor's outburst, the second prince of the Empire accepted the punishment.

While this was ongoing, Arethas had walked into the room; he was fully garbed in his grand armor and knelt before the Emperor next to Decentius. After doing so, he quickly announced his reason for visiting.

"Your majesty, I know these are hard times, and I do not wish to add to your concerns, but I have dire news from the city of Alexandria. The Mamlukes have retaken the city and driven our forces out past the Suez. I know your daughter is missing, and you grieve for her absence. Yet, if you do not send aid to our forces in Egypt, all of our work from these past few years will go to waste!"

Hearing this news, Vetranis nearly chipped a tooth from the intense grinding he had begun. After listening to Arethas' words, he knew he had no choice.

"Arethas you have been a good friend, and I greatly value the assistance you have provided in the search for Honoria. I understand your desire to stay behind in Constantinople and continue the search for my missing daughter.

Yet, I am afraid only you and your army, which is now equipped with the weapons you have purchased from the west, can change the tides of war. Thus it is with a heavy heart I must order you to sail your armies south and crush the Mamluke Sultanate once and for all!"

Hearing this, Arethas was dismayed; he genuinely wanted to find Honoria as quickly as possible before something horrible happened to her. Yet, at the same time, he understood the Emperor's reasoning and did not protest. He merely nodded silently before standing up and cupping his hands with a silent prayer. After doing so, he began to address the Emperor.

"I pray to God in Heaven that you can find the princess before she gets herself into trouble. I swear on my life and honor that I will do everything in my power to retake what we have lost in North Africa and send the Saracens back to hell where they were birthed!"

Hearing this, a bitter smile formed on Vetranis face; without his excellent friend Arethas to aid him during this crisis, he did not know how he would manage to hold on. Yet, he knew only Arethas' army would be able to crush the enemy in Egypt. Thus it was with a heavy heart that he sent his greatest friend and ally off to war once more.

"I pray for your victory, good Arethas, go with haste and reclaim the long-lost lands of our mighty Empire!"

After hearing this, Arethas saluted the Emperor with a grim expression on his face. After doing so, he turned and walked out of the building. Seeing that his commanding officer was just ordered to war, Decentius quickly followed in pursuit; however, he stopped at the entrance, where Arethas placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Decentius, you must stay here with your father!"

Decentius immediately felt taken aback and began to question Arethas' orders.

"What? Why? Am I not your Tourmarches!?!"

Arethas sighed heavily before comforting the youth.

"You are and are by far the greatest of the officers beneath my command. However, you are also your father's son, and the Emperor needs you and your assistance now more than ever. I fear what will become of him if he does not find your sister soon. God forbid something horrible happens to the poor girl."

Decentius wanted to protest this decision, but he could see that Arethas had made up his mind, and as such, he removed the mighty Strategos' hand from his shoulders before looking him in the eye with a serious gaze as he made a solemn vow.

"I promise, whether my sister is alive or dead, I will find her, and I will bring her home!"

Hearing this, Arethas smiled; he knew that under Decentius' command, the search for Honoria would be under competent leadership; in doing so, he could worry less as he focused on his conquest of North Africa. After hearing this, the man turned away from the second prince and marched towards the harbor.

He had a long journey ahead and a war to win. It would not be easy, but with the advantage of the arkebuse and combined with the pike and shot strategy he had devised, in large part due to Berengar's assistance, he would be able to overcome the tremendous odds before him.

As such, the search for the missing princess would continue; despite having no leads towards her whereabouts, the Byzantine Imperial Family would spend a significant expense and effort looking for Honoria. They would never guess that she was on her way to a distant country solely because she had heard good things about a certain Austrian nobleman.

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