Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 284: Appointing an Admiral

Chapter 284: Appointing an Admiral

The sun shined down upon the Adriatic sea; off the coast of Trieste, there were a total of ten frigates lined up. These ships were among the largest available in Europe, and each held forty-four 24 lb cannons onboard. These ships were none other than the Berengar-Class Frigates that had been manufactured since the shipyards had finished construction.

These ships were crewed by hundreds if not thousands of men; among them were various officers. Many of whom had shown a tacit understanding of naval doctrine and tactics since the establishment of the Navy.

Berengar had spared no expense in raising sailors, marines, and officers alike in the construction of his Navy. He had even begun construction of a Naval Academy in Trieste. Though for the time being the Officers underwent the same crash course of warfare and doctrine that their counterparts in the army went over. The difference was that the curriculum was specially tailored for the Navy.

Among the ranks of these fine officers was a minor Austrian nobleman by the name of Emmerich von L?tzing. This man had proven time and again his capability in learning and employing naval doctrine. So much so that he had caught Berengar's eye.

The Duchy of Austria held a relatively large territory, and as such, there were plenty of talented individuals within the realm; some of them had potential in areas that had yet to be established. Emmerich was one of these men.

Until recently, there was no such thing as an Austrian Navy, and as such, the man had no idea the degree of natural talent he had for Naval Warfare. However, after enlisting in the Austrian Navy and going through basic training as well as Officer school, none stood out as much as Emmerich had.

One could say that Emmerich had the same level of potential in the field of Naval Warfare that Eckhard had on the land. The difference was that Emmerich was considerably younger than Eckhard and less experienced.

Berengar gazed at the sailors and officers gathered for this occasion and smiled upon them. These men were the first among his Naval personnel, and as such, they would form the backbone of his vision for a Grand Armada.? As he stood there smiling before his soldiers, Berengar began to clear his throat before addressing the men in uniform.

"I stand before each, and every one of you humbled as I admire the spirit that has driven you to the lengths you have achieved this day. These few vessels that have been constructed are just the beginning of your journey as members of the Austrian Navy.

In the upcoming years, we will expand the number of vessels under our control and the size of them as well. These Frigates are just a sample of the advancements in Naval technology that have come to be under my reign.

Before long, there will be no force on this great Earth that can stand against you! The amount of firepower you all have available to you at the moment pales in comparison to what you will wield in the future!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Today is a joyous occasion as it marks the establishment of the First Austrian Fleet that will be stationed here in Trieste. With the establishment of the First Fleet, there needs to be a man to command it, and though all of the officers among your ranks have proven yourselves capable in your own right. Ultimately the position of Admiral has fallen to one man in particular.

Emmerich von L?tzing, step forward!"

The moment Berengar made this decree, the man in question did as he was ordered and stood before Berengar. He was dressed in the typical uniform afforded to an officer in Berengar's Navy. The colors, in particular, were black, charcoal and gold.

When compared to Eckhard, he was considerably younger; Emmerich was in his early thirties; he was a tall and fit man with a robust bone structure that showed itself in his face. He had short brown hair and a matching beard.

The man stood at attention, saluting Berengar as he waited for the Duke to convey his thoughts. As such, Berengar began to express his reasoning for selecting Emmerich as the Admiral of his Navy.

"Emmerich von L?tzing, out of all of my Naval Officers, you have stood out as the most exceptional. Your talent for Naval Warfare and your understanding of the tactics I have presented in your learning material has shocked me.

I believe it is no exaggeration to say that you command the respect of the sailors and officers alike, and as such, I see no reason not to present you with the rank of Admiral."

After saying this, Berengar presented the man with a ceremonial sword. This ceremonial sword was also functional and had been designed around the sword that his army used. The hilt was protected by the same intricate guard based upon the British 1788 Heavy Cavalry sword from his previous life.

However, there was one considerable difference; the blade was based upon the US 1860 Naval Cutlass from Berengar's past life. Unlike the sword utilized by the army, this weapon had a single-edged, curved blade.

This blade was made out of Damascus steel imported from the east, while the hilt was constructed of black leather, wrapped in a gold wire; the guard itself was made from brass. This sword was the symbol of the Admiral's authority, and as such, the man unsheathed the blade and inspected it in front of his sailors.

After doing so, a round of applause erupted, with Berengar himself congratulating the man on his rise to such a prominent position. Berengar placed his hand on the man's shoulder after sheathed the sword and stowed it away. With a gentle smile on his face, Berengar spoke to the man in a soothing tone.

"I expect great things from you, Emmerich. The world is vast and filled with unfathomable depths. It is your job to conquer the oceans in the name of Austria. The road ahead is a difficult one, but with my backing, I am certain that you will rise to the occasion and make our Nation proud!

Having heard this, Emmerich nodded his head with a stoic expression and expressed his thanks.

"Thank you, your grace. I shall remember the kindness you have shown me this day."

However, Berengar responded unexpectedly as he shook his head and lectured the man.

"Don't thank me, thank your effort and your God-given talent. You have earned this!"

After saying this, a band began to play the song "Kameraden auf See." It was a German Naval song from his previous life and had a relatively upbeat sound; as such, Berengar thought it was perfect for this occasion and had given the sheet music to the Naval band to play at the ceremony.

As the band played the song, a small parade began to celebrate the occasion. As such, Berengar stood next to Emmerich as the two men watched the display of festivities. Emmerich had no idea that Berengar had prepared such an excessive event for what he thought was just a minor occasion.

Berengar had a flair for extravagance, and a Naval Parade could very quickly be used as a propaganda piece. As such, he had decided to make proper use of this occasion to display the brilliance of the Austrian Navy.

The Austrian Banners and Flag that Berengar had created were being waved in the parade, and the people of Trieste had gathered to witness the event. Sailors, Soldiers, and Citizens alike had begun to watch on the sides as the Austrian Naval personnel celebrated the occasion.

At the head of the parade watching over the event were Berengar and Emmerich. Despite the festivities and the loud sounds it produced, Berengar managed to lean over and whisper to his new Admiral.

"Magnificent, isn't it? Just wait until you see what I have in store for the future of the Navy."

While Emmerich knew that Berengar intended to expand the Navy substantially, he had no idea that Berengar intended to become the world's supreme Naval Power, much like Britain had managed to accomplish in his past life.

To Berengar, his future German Empire would need a powerful Navy to maintain control over its many colonies. As such, he intended to create the largest and most powerful Navy in the world. Besides, with his current technological capabilities, it would be generations before the rest of the world caught up to the present might of his vessels.

By then, the German Navy could be filled with ironclads; whether or not Bernegar would be able to live long enough to see such a future was another story. After all, producing an industrial society powered by steam engines was a far-off goal and was not easily achieved in a single lifetime.

Thus Berengar watched on with a broad smile as the Naval parade continued, envisioning the future of his Grand Armada within his mind and the dominance he believed it would have over the world. He had learned from his previous life's history. He knew for Germany to become the pre-eminent global power, it would need the ability to project force around the globe, and the only way to do that was with a powerful Navy!


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