Undying Life

Chapter 653: Encounter with Xuan Yuan at the Entrance to the Yellow Springs

Chapter 653: Chapter 653: Encounter with Xuan Yuan at the Entrance to the Yellow Springs

Two days later, Zhongshan and his party arrived at the Hellish Abyss. The sky was overcast, and the dense Yin energy had given rise to numerous spirits fluttering around.

Countless mindless ghosts staggered from all directions, converging as if drawn by some unseen force. Crows flew through the sky but eerily avoided the Hellish Abyss, as if a powerful force threatened any living being that approached.

This was a place purely for the gathering of the dead. Even Zhongshan and his companions felt a deep sense of oppression in their hearts upon arrival.

Flying through the air, Zhongshan took a deep breath, suppressing the resistance he felt within.

In front of them, it appeared like a massive basin. All the ghosts converging from the four directions entered this nearly ten-thousand-foot-deep basin, known as the Hellish Abyss.

As they flew towards the interior, they were suddenly enveloped by a strange dark energy. This energy made them feel as if they were carrying heavy burdens, significantly reducing their strength. This sensation was reminiscent of the "Buddhist Forbidden Ten Thousand Mountains" in the living world, where living beings' energies were suppressed except for the dead.

A large number of mindless ghosts were walking towards the interior.

"Are all these ghosts heading towards the Yellow Springs Road?" Zhongshan asked.

"Yes, all the ghosts here are heading to the Yellow Springs Road, attempting to reverse walk the Yellow Springs Road," Mr. Corpse replied.

"Oh? Reverse walk the Yellow Springs Road?" Zhongshan frowned.

"Indeed, Your Majesty has seen part of the Yellow Springs Road before," Mr. Corpse recalled.

"Oh? I've seen it? You mean last time?" Zhongshan was surprised.

"Yes, last time, when we entered the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss for the Great Annihilation event. After we left and were chased by Xiang Xiang Bodhisattva, I opened the Yellow Springs Road to trap her," Mr. Corpse explained.

"You can open the Yellow Springs Road in the living world?" Yin Luori asked, astonished.

Mr. Corpse nodded slightly. Seeing this, Yin Luori became even more intrigued. Opening the Yellow Springs Road in the living world?

Zhongshan remembered. It was a valley, and when Xiang Xiang Bodhisattva descended, the entire valley turned yellow. In the endless yellow light, countless evil spirits were climbing, one grasping another, trying to ascend but never succeeding. It was a magnificent sight with billions of spirits!

"That was the Yellow Springs Road?" Zhongshan frowned.

"That wasn't all of it, just a segment. While it couldn't drag Xiang Xiang Bodhisattva into the Yin Realm, it could trap her for a while. That appearance was the entrance to the Yellow Springs Road in the living world," Mr. Corpse explained.

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Yin Luori fell silent, reassessing Mr. Corpse. Who exactly was this person?

"What is the purpose of the Yellow Springs Road?" Zhongshan asked.

"When people die, one percent become ghosts, with most transitioning directly to the Yin Realm but becoming extremely weak there. However, about one in ten thousand ghosts come down the Yellow Springs Road. These ghosts not only preserve their soul energy but also become rejuvenated by it, and they may even gain certain attributes. For example, some ghosts develop a talent for water-based cultivation after descending the Yellow Springs Road," Mr. Corpse explained.

"Coming down the Yellow Springs Road?" Zhongshan frowned.

"Yinglan came down the Yellow Springs Road! The Tian Family members captured her on the outskirts of the Yellow Springs Road," Wei Taizhong quickly added.

"Hmm. What about reverse walking the Yellow Springs Road?" Zhongshan asked.

"When people die and become ghosts in the Yin Realm, there's a one percent chance they can reincarnate. But these mindless ghosts are different. If they die, they turn to dust, becoming part of the earth. If they gain intelligence, they have a slim chance to reincarnate as living beings. This is where the Yellow Springs Road comes in. If they can reverse walk it, they not only gain intelligence but also the opportunity to be reborn in the living world with enhanced attributes," Mr. Corpse explained.


"But the Yellow Springs Road is not easy to traverse. It's extremely difficult. Most ghosts trying to reverse walk it turn to dust. Still, it's better than wandering aimlessly driven purely by instinct," Mr. Corpse explained.

"Hmm, what about ghosts with intelligence trying to walk the Yellow Springs Road?"

"They can reincarnate with their memories intact," Mr. Corpse confirmed.

"Oh?" Zhongshan was surprised.

"Your Majesty has already met two such individuals," Mr. Corpse continued.


"One is our Grand Zhen Corps Commander Shui Jing, and the other is Nu Qinghui from the Longevity Realm," Mr. Corpse explained.

"Them?" Zhongshan nodded.

So they had successfully reversed walked the Yellow Springs Road, keeping their memories for reincarnation? No wonder!

"Reversing the Yellow Springs Road is extremely difficult. Only one in a million ghosts succeed, whether they are commoners or ordinary ghosts. However, celestials can do it," Mr. Corpse said, frowning.

"Celestials?" Zhongshan was surprised.

"Yes, celestials. The Yellow Springs Road is different in every small thousand world. In this small thousand world, I have researched it and found that celestials can traverse the Yellow Springs Road between the two realms. Thus, for celestials wanting to enter the living world of this small thousand world, the best way is to enter the Yin Realm first and then use the Yellow Springs Road to reach the living world," Mr. Corpse explained seriously.

"You're saying that in this small thousand world, celestials can use the Yellow Springs Road, but in other small thousand worlds, they cannot?" Zhongshan asked, frowning.

"Your Majesty is wise, seeing through it at once. Indeed, not all small thousand worlds are like this. Only in this small thousand world can celestials use the shortcut to the living world. However, only the celestials from this small thousand world know this secret," Mr. Corpse said.

"Hmm," Zhongshan nodded.

Suddenly, a blue light shot up from the ghost crowd below, aimed at the four of them.

"Hmph!" Yin Luori snorted coldly. The blue light exploded and vanished.

They were under attack?

Zhongshan looked down curiously. Below, an extremely ugly black ghost looked at its hand in disbelief, chattering in astonishment.

The blue light had come from it, but it couldn't understand why it dissipated halfway.

"A little Ghost King, seeking death!" Yin Luori snorted coldly.

He reached out and pointed down.

"Ahhhh!" A scream echoed as the small Ghost King was crushed by Yin Luori's finger.

"Among the endless ghosts, some inevitably gain intelligence," Mr. Corpse explained.

"Hmm," Zhongshan nodded, not paying much attention.

"Your Majesty, the Tian Family is in that direction," Wei Taizhong pointed.

"No, we go to the Yellow Springs Road first, to the place where Yinglan was captured!" Zhongshan ordered.


The group followed the path the countless ghosts were walking, quickly flying in that direction—

Five days later, they stopped.

From a distance, Zhongshan saw the so-called Yellow Springs Road. A massive yellow column seemed to connect heaven and earth, cascading like a rolling river from the sky, sweeping everything around it. The column reached the sky above and plunged into the earth below.

Below lay a vast sea of yellow springs, its waves roaring tumultuously. This was the Yellow Springs, and the yellow column like a river's surge was the Yellow Springs Road.

The Yellow Springs Road extended into the depths of the starry sky, disappearing gradually into the distance, leading straight to the living world. Countless ghosts plunged into the yellow sea, swimming tirelessly. The entire sea was filled with ghostly heads bobbing up and down, creating a haunting sight.

These ghosts aimed to ascend the Yellow Springs Road. They desperately swam upstream, attempting to climb the rolling, heavenly river. However, the downward torrent washed away many ghosts, dispersing their souls. Despite this, the ghosts persisted, heads continuously emerging from the torrent, swimming and climbing relentlessly.

The Yellow Springs Road was an arduous journey, and many ghosts were dispersed by its force.

"Swimming upstream is as difficult as ascending to the heavens!" Yin Luori remarked in awe.

Even though he had seen the Yellow Springs Road multiple times, Yin Luori couldn't help but marvel at it.

"The Yellow Springs Road is very mysterious. The water from the Yellow Springs only has its unique properties here. Once taken out, it becomes ordinary yellow water," Mr. Corpse explained, scooping up a handful of the Yellow Springs water.

"Unique properties?" Zhongshan asked, puzzled.

"Above this sea of Yellow Springs, there is a unique power. Mortals can't fly here. If they try, it feels as if their powers are drained, causing them to fall into the Yellow Springs. Inside, it's even more so. On the Yellow Springs Road, all are equal; no one can use their powers, except for celestials," Mr. Corpse said.

Zhongshan frowned, observing the Yellow Springs Sea and the towering Yellow Springs Road. The world held so many wonders.

"Your Majesty, Yinglan was captured over there," Wei Taizhong pointed to a distant spot.

"Yinglan had just crossed the Yellow Springs Road and was immediately captured by the Tian Family?" Zhongshan's eyes grew cold.

The group of four flew towards the place where Yinglan was captured.

As they neared, Zhongshan surveyed the surroundings. There were no traces left by Yinglan, only numerous ghosts heading towards the Yellow Springs Sea.

"Huh?" Yin Luori frowned, looking into the distance.

"What is it?" the others asked.

"There's someone over there!" Yin Luori said, frowning.

"Someone? From the Tian Family?" Zhongshan's eyes turned colder.

"Doesn't look like it!" Yin Luori shook his head.

Not like it?

The group flew towards the figure.

At the peak of a ten-thousand-foot-high mountain, there was a large platform. The platform was undisturbed by ghosts, and on it sat a man with white hair and a white robe, meditating with his eyes half-closed and his hands forming a seal before his chest.

"Xuan Yuan?" Zhongshan exclaimed in surprise.

Xuan Yuan? The master of the Creation God Palace, Xuan Yuan, was here? Wasn't he supposed to be in the living world? How did he end up in the Yin Realm, sitting before the Yellow Springs Road?

As Zhongshan approached, Xuan Yuan slowly opened his eyes, his silver pupils fixing on Zhongshan. A look of surprise flashed in his eyes as well.

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