Undying Life

Chapter 723: Gu Shentong’s Scheme

Chapter 723: Chapter 723: Gu Shentong's Scheme

The world was divided into three: Da Ling, Taishui, and Great Qin, each taking their respective shares. There were also scattered smaller empires and kingdoms. These smaller realms were sandwiched between the three great empires, serving as buffers to ease tensions.

Everyone knew these small realms had little future; they were simply awaiting their eventual absorption by one of the three great empires. The three empires didn't move against them immediately not because they feared resistance, but as a matter of political convenience.

Da Ling, Great Qin, and Taishui formed a tripartite power structure. The time for an all-out conflict had not yet come, which allowed these small realms to continue existing for now.

With the fall of the Dayong Dynasty, the world found a new balance, and Shenzhou entered another period of peace.

Observing the global situation, Great Qin was the strongest, followed by Taishui, with Da Ling being the weakest. However, everyone knew Da Ling Empire had the greatest potential. Despite being merely an empire, it had surpassed the ancient celestial dynasties. If it were to rise further, it would undoubtedly create an unprecedented spectacle.

Countless talents continued to flock to the three great empires.

In the past, celestial dynasties were confined to a single corner of the world, but now the territories of these empires were vastly expanded. It was clear to anyone with insight that the rulers of these three empires were rare ambitious figures, all aiming to unify the world.

Who would eventually dominate the world? After this calm period, a storm of epic battles was inevitable.

Thirty years after the tripartite division of the world.

In Da Ling Empire, the Longevity Hall.

Zhong Shan sat on his throne, listening to the reports of his civil and military officials.

"Your Majesty, Confucian academies are becoming increasingly numerous. We have identified 314 within our empire," Shui Jing reported.

"Confucianism is a great path, but unfortunately..." Zhong Shan frowned.

"Unfortunately what?" Shui Jing asked.

"Unfortunately, it cannot be used by us. Monitor all 314 academies. Any who cause trouble, execute them!" Zhong Shan ordered.

"Yes!" Shui Jing nodded immediately.

"Your Majesty, General Zhao Suoxiang requests an audience!" announced a eunuch outside.

"Oh? Summon him!"

"Summon the commander of the eighth legion, Zhao Suoxiang, for an audience!"

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Soon, Zhao Suoxiang entered the hall, and all the officials turned their attention to him.

"Your servant greets Your Majesty!" Zhao Suoxiang said respectfully.

"How did the task go?" Zhong Shan asked.

"I have obtained the 'Great Luo Zhou Tian Star Array' diagram, but I have received new information," Zhao Suoxiang replied with a frown.


"Since the 'Great Luo Zhou Tian Star Array' diagram of Gu Shentong surfaced a year and a half ago, countless strong individuals have vied for it. I successfully acquired the diagram as you commanded, but then I heard of another 'Great Luo Zhou Tian Star Array' diagram appearing. It seems there are about a hundred similar diagrams appearing across Shenzhou. I went to retrieve another one and found it to be identical to the first," Zhao Suoxiang explained with a frown.

"Identical?" Zhong Shan's brow furrowed.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The diagrams are exactly the same, which is highly unusual. It's as if someone is deliberately scattering these diagrams to create chaos," Zhao Suoxiang elaborated.

"Hmm, this must be part of Gu Shentong's scheme," Zhong Shan mused.

"The appearance of multiple identical diagrams could be a way to confuse and mislead those who seek to gain power from the 'Great Luo Zhou Tian Star Array,'" suggested Shui Jing.

"Indeed, it seems Gu Shentong had planned for this long ago. We must tread carefully. Ensure that our forces are prepared for any potential traps or deceptions," Zhong Shan commanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Zhao Suoxiang and Shui Jing responded in unison.

Zhong Shan leaned back on his throne, deep in thought. The re-emergence of Gu Shentong's legacy posed both a challenge and an opportunity. Navigating this complex situation would require cunning and vigilance.

As the officials continued their reports and discussions, Zhong Shan's mind was already devising strategies to counter any threats and capitalize on the potential benefits of these mysterious diagrams. The road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but Zhong Shan was determined to lead Da Ling Empire to greatness.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I believe this might be a deliberate act with some hidden plot involved. Please make a decision," Zhao Suoxiang said, bowing.

"Where are the diagrams?" Zhong Shan asked.

Zhao Suoxiang retrieved two scrolls and gently unfurled one. Instantly, a massive projection erupted from the scroll, showing an endless array of stars rotating in an intricate pattern. It was so mesmerizing that many of the ministers seemed to be lost in it.

Zhong Shan quickly gathered his focus and snapped out of the trance, while some ministers were still entranced by the profound patterns.

Seeing Zhong Shan alert, Zhao Suoxiang promptly rolled up the scroll, bringing the ministers back to their senses.

"What a profound star map, it doesn't seem to be fake," Shui Jing said, frowning.

"Leave one for me and send the other to Yi Tianjian, to Nangong Sheng. Let him decipher it," Zhong Shan ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Zhao Suoxiang responded immediately.

After the court session, Zhong Shan took one of the diagrams and secluded himself to study it.

In a secluded hall, Zhong Shan sat alone on a meditation mat, the 'Great Luo Zhou Tian Star Array' diagram spread out before him. The projection revealed endless stars orbiting in mysterious trajectories, forming a natural grand array.

Gu Shentong was indeed a genius to have comprehended this array.

Having a single diagram emerge in Shenzhou was already rare, so why did a hundred appear all of a sudden? There must be a plot behind these hundred diagrams, but what could it be?

Zhong Shan couldn't figure it out immediately, but he hoped to uncover the plot by studying the diagram.

As he delved deeper into the diagram, Zhong Shan became increasingly astonished. Such a grand array encompassing all the stars in the sky was unimaginable. This array indeed spanned the entire starry sky, and only someone like Gu Shentong could have depicted it so meticulously.


Zhong Shan suddenly felt a surge of dread, his hair standing on end.

In an instant, Zhong Shan realized the nature of the plot and why the diagrams had emerged.

This was Gu Shentong's scheme, a plot aimed at himself. Zhong Shan was filled with terror. Gu Shentong, the cunning Gu Shentong, had planned this before his death.

Zhong Shan tried to withdraw his mind, but it seemed trapped in the 'Great Luo Zhou Tian Star Array.'

His mind was completely immersed, and then he sensed another presence—a powerful, god-like will.

Gu Shentong, it was Gu Shentong!

Zhong Shan recognized the aura instantly. It was the lingering will of Gu Shentong. Was it inside his body?

Zhong Shan felt a chill run down his spine.

Gu Shentong's will expanded and intensified.

Externally, the 'Great Luo Zhou Tian Star Array' held Zhong Shan's mind, while internally, Gu Shentong's will kept pushing against Zhong Shan's consciousness, rendering him immobile.

Zhong Shan could feel everything on his body, the cold sweat on his forehead, his back drenched, but he couldn't control his body. Not a single movement.

That will was from Nu Qinghui, implanted into Zhong Shan's body long ago. Yes, it was from that time, lying dormant until today.

As Zhong Shan struggled internally, he realized he had to fight this invasion. The stakes were too high, and surrendering to Gu Shentong's will was not an option. He had to find a way to reclaim control of his body and mind, to outwit the cunning scheme that had been set in motion years before.

Gu Shentong's scheme was intentional, meticulously timed, and aimed at releasing the array diagrams across the world. A hundred diagrams, meant for the top echelons of Shenzhou, would ensure that one of the elite would obtain a diagram, making it easier for him to possess them. Such far-reaching calculations filled Zhong Shan with dread.

Right now, he could only feel his body but had no control over it. He forced himself to calm down and quickly assessed his condition. Zhong Shan realized that Gu Shentong's will was not strong but used a secret technique to immobilize his "mind and will."

What is he trying to do? This way, Gu Shentong can't possess me.

"Come out, Gu Shentong, come out!" Zhong Shan roared in his mind.

"Is it really you, Zhong Shan?"

Suddenly, a thought pierced Zhong Shan's mind. It was Gu Shentong's voice. They could now communicate through their thoughts.

"Yes, it's me. Are you Gu Shentong?"

"I originally thought it would be Gu Zhengyi, but to find myself in you? What a pity. It seems my main body has failed."

"Failure was inevitable because Gu Shentong left you as a backup plan. To open the heavens, one must be resolute and leave no room for retreat. Leaving you was the final flaw in his plan!" Zhong Shan said.

Seeing that this will couldn't forcibly possess him, Zhong Shan conversed while contemplating how to expel it from his body.

"I am Gu Shentong!" the will declared.

"No, you're not. Gu Shentong is dead!" Zhong Shan retorted.

"No, I left this will behind, replicating all my memories and personality. The main body is dead, but I am Gu Shentong!"

"You are not. You're just a will containing Gu Shentong's memories, like a memory crystal. Can a memory crystal claim to be someone? Do you have the experiences of Gu Shentong's journey to open the heavens stored within you?" Zhong Shan countered.

"Haha, you're indeed one of the people I had my eye on, Zhong Shan. You're impressive. Unfortunately, you're dealing with me. Trying to manipulate me with words is futile," Gu Shentong's will chuckled.

Zhong Shan's tactic had failed.

"So, do you claim to be Gu Shentong?" Zhong Shan pressed on.

"Haha, this tactic won't work on me. Does it matter whether I am Gu Shentong or not? I can be, or I can not be. I am myself. As long as I possess you, I will regain an independent personality. Possessing you is all that matters!" Gu Shentong's will said confidently.

"You can't possess me. You won't be able to. Within my body, you can't even control my actions or perceive my senses," Zhong Shan said coldly.

"That doesn't matter now. As long as I can later. For now, all I need is to connect to the 'Great Luo Zhou Tian Star Array' diagram and bind your will."

"You think stalling for time will help you? Hahaha..." Zhong Shan sneered.

"And what if it does?" Gu Shentong's will responded indifferently.

"Do you really plan to possess me this way? It's absolutely impossible."

"When I instructed Nu Qinghui, I had already anticipated today. I had her choose from six people. Gu Zhengyi was the first, and you were the sixth. Unexpectedly, she chose you. I've studied all your information! I've calculated today's scenario with utmost precision. You cannot escape," Gu Shentong's will said calmly.

Hearing Gu Shentong's words, Zhong Shan felt a chill. This Gu Shentong was indeed a terrifying figure. Had he really foreseen today?

The realization hit Zhong Shan hard. Gu Shentong's intricate scheme spanned years, and his will now sought to take over Zhong Shan's body. But Zhong Shan couldn't afford to let that happen. He needed to find a way to reclaim control, expel the invasive will, and turn the tide against this sinister plot.

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