Undying Life

Chapter 839: The King of Zichen

Chapter 839: Chapter 839: The King of Zichen

"Didn't you notice? From beginning to end, whenever Zhong Shan needed help, he only called upon Wang Jian and his ten men. Did he mobilize any other forces? He couldn't even if he wanted to," Yi Lanque said, taking a deep breath.

The Yi family's ancestor nodded, a look of amazement in his eyes. Indeed, from start to finish, Zhong Shan appeared to have good luck, but every step was treacherous, and Zhong Shan hadn't made a single misstep.

"Many people struggle for millennia in the Small Thousand World just for this position of the Heavenly Order. Zhong Shan succeeded in establishing the Dazhen Holy Court. The position of 'Life' is easy to lose but incredibly hard to attain. If given another chance, Zhong Shan wouldn't be able to achieve it so smoothly. Now, he just needs to hold on to this 'Life' position. After narrowly escaping death, it seems he is gradually stabilizing," Yi Lanque said.

"Yes, our ancestors mentioned that after the heavens and earth opened, many dynasties in the Small Thousand World would collapse the moment they became Holy Courts. Zhong Shan faced even more crises, yet he managed to stabilize. Just as you said, this man is truly extraordinary," the Yi family's ancestor said, taking a deep breath.


"Can we allow someone like him to remain? Such a monstrous talent—might he become a threat in the future?" The Yi family's ancestor frowned, a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"The Great Thousand World is different from the Small Thousand World. There are many extraordinary people here. One more Zhong Shan won't make a significant difference, and one less won't matter much either. It's better to have one more friend than one more enemy," Yi Lanque advised.

"Agreed," the Yi family's ancestor's expression softened.

"Just follow my lead when the time comes," Yi Lanque said.


At the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, the battle erupted fiercely. In an instant, Yan Hui and the Taichu Holy King were engaged in combat. The sky lit up with a massive ball of thirteen colors as the two supreme powerhouses disappeared from sight.

As for the others, they naturally joined the fray. Wang Jian and the other generals drew their swords and charged, while the strong fighters from Taichu joined the battle.

The battle of sixty-seven Great Immortals was a spectacular sight.

Under the deliberate maneuvering of the Taichu Holy King and Wang Jian, the battlefield shifted southward. As they moved, the air trembled, and the people could no longer see the figures of the immortals, only the endless rainbow of lights and the terrifying explosions.

Yan Hui seemed determined to avenge Kong Lietian, using overwhelming numbers to try and destroy the Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

Wang Jian and his men were formidable warriors, powerful and relentless.

The battle of these Great Immortals was so terrifying that the clouds within a million miles were scattered, and the intense vibrations in the air caused the entire Lingxiao Heavenly Court to tremble slightly.

Zhong Shan stood atop the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, watching the vast battlefield with a furrowed brow.

Then, he turned his gaze from the battlefield to the officials of Dazhen in front of the Changsheng Hall.

Looking at the numerous officials, Zhong Shan took a deep breath and said, "All of you here are officials of the fifth rank or above, correct?"

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"Yes!" the ministers bowed.

"My decision may have seemed sudden, but Dazhen still needs you to continue its operations. I am leaving Dazhen, but my heart remains here. I, Zhong Shan, will return!" Zhong Shan said solemnly.

"May the Holy King enjoy eternal blessings and longevity equal to the heavens!" the ministers bowed deeply.

"I hope for longevity equal to the heavens for both myself and Dazhen. Therefore, I will now make arrangements for Dazhen's future. Remember, today's arrangements are the highest decree. No matter what happens, no one is allowed to violate it. Anyone who dares to go against it will be considered a traitor!" Zhong Shan's eyes flashed with determination.


The ministers stood respectfully, their faces still filled with sorrow, but their demeanor was now extremely solemn.

"Lin Xiao!" Zhong Shan called out.

"Here, Your Majesty!" Lin Xiao immediately stepped forward.

"Lin Xiao, as the commander of the First Legion of the Dazhen Holy Court, you have led the army with unparalleled skill. Today, I bestow upon you the Dazhen military token, granting you command over all the troops of Dazhen in the mortal realm. Let your orders be as unyielding as the mountains!" Zhong Shan said solemnly.

As he spoke, Zhong Shan took out a rainbow-colored military token and handed it to Lin Xiao with great ceremony.

"At your command!" Lin Xiao bit his lip, tears welling up in his eyes, but he held them back.

As Lin Xiao took the token, Zhong Shan held onto it for a moment, looking at Lin Xiao intently. "Lin Xiao, you have been with me the longest and are my most trusted general. As I hand you this token, I speak to you not just as your ruler but as an elder brother."

Elder brother? Hearing Zhong Shan's words, the deep brotherly bond within Lin Xiao surged. He longed to call out "big brother," but he restrained himself.


"No need for sentimental words. Remember, this token is entrusted to you alone. No matter what happens, no matter the circumstances, the token is only for you. You can only return it to me!" Zhong Shan emphasized.

"Hmm!" Lin Xiao nodded.

"In the Kunshan region of the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, I never allowed any construction. It remains as it was eight hundred years ago. We were once soldiers of the Da Kun Kingdom there, fought enemies, and drank together. Visit it when you can while I am away," Zhong Shan said solemnly.


After giving instructions to Lin Xiao, Zhong Shan turned to others.

"Shui Jing!" Zhong Shan called.

"Here, Your Majesty!" Shui Jing responded immediately.

"Shui Jing, as the commander of the Sixth Legion of the Dazhen Holy Court, you have governed with wisdom and stability. Today, I bestow upon you the seal of the Prime Minister of Dazhen, granting you command over all civil officials in the mortal realm. Let your orders be as resolute as the mountains!" Zhong Shan said solemnly.

As he spoke, Zhong Shan took out the Prime Minister's seal and handed it to Shui Jing with great ceremony.

"At your command!" Shui Jing accepted it with solemn dignity.

"Shui Jing, you are the most knowledgeable person in Dazhen. With you leading the civil officials, I am at ease!" Zhong Shan said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"I trust you! During my absence, I leave you with three words to remember, especially in times of great change," Zhong Shan said.

"I will remember them well. Please, Your Majesty, enlighten me," Shui Jing said.

"The three words are: 'Why is this?'" Zhong Shan said with deep meaning.

Why is this? Why? Just those three words? Shui Jing didn't understand at first and looked at Zhong Shan.

"I know you don't understand now, but keep these words in mind. When the time comes, you will understand their significance," Zhong Shan said.

"Yes!" Shui Jing nodded, still puzzled.

Finally, Zhong Shan turned to Shui Wuhen.

"Shui Wuhen!" Zhong Shan called.

"Here, Your Majesty!"

"Shui Wuhen, as the commander of the Fifth Legion of the Dazhen Holy Court, I now confer upon you the title of 'King of Zichen,' the first non-family noble of the Dazhen Holy Court. You will govern the mortal realm of Dazhen on my behalf during my absence, with authority as if I were present!" Zhong Shan said, taking out a large purple seal.

"At your command!" Shui Wuhen knelt to accept the seal, understanding the weight of the responsibility bestowed upon him.

Zichen King? Govern Dazhen in the mortal realm?

Almost everyone's expression changed. Many had speculated about the distribution of power within Dazhen. Some thought the Holy King would establish a council of elders to rule, while others believed he might appoint a single person to lead. But no one expected it to be Shui Wuhen.

Shui Wuhen was loyal, but Lin Xiao's loyalty was no less, and perhaps even more. In terms of governance and political acumen, Shui Wuhen was strong, but not stronger than Shui Jing. In terms of military command, Shui Wuhen couldn't match Lin Xiao, and even in governance, Lin Xiao was superior.

Why then would the Holy King appoint Shui Wuhen as the first external noble and give him command over all of Dazhen?

Nearly all the officials were bewildered. Although Lin Xiao and Shui Jing didn't oppose the decision, they too were puzzled. Shui Wuhen? Could it be that he had hidden depths?

"Your Majesty, I am unworthy of such a heavy responsibility. I lack both virtue and talent to bear such a burden," Shui Wuhen immediately knelt and protested.

"Precisely because it is a heavy responsibility that I choose you. Among the nine legion commanders of Dazhen, you were kept in the mortal realm because you are the most suitable. I do not make mistakes in judgment. Dazhen will thrive best under your leadership in my absence. Take the seal," Zhong Shan said solemnly.

The nine legion commanders? Only Shui Wuhen was fit for this role?

The officials were perplexed. Wasn't Xiao Wang, Yi Yan, Shui Jing, or Zhong Zheng suitable? How was Shui Wuhen the best choice? Considering that usurping power was impossible due to the heavenly fortune, why was Shui Wuhen chosen?

"I accept the decree!" Shui Wuhen, accepting the heavy responsibility, took the purple seal.

Zichen King! Everyone was now pondering why Shui Wuhen was chosen by Zhong Shan. No one had expected Zhong Shan to appoint him as the 'King of Zichen.' Zhong Shan's intentions were far-reaching, and perhaps only when this title was truly needed would everyone understand the wisdom behind it.

"Before I leave, I give you one more piece of advice. Keep it in your heart. When faced with insurmountable difficulties, you will find it useful," Zhong Shan said earnestly.

"Please, Your Majesty, enlighten me," Shui Wuhen asked, puzzled.

All the officials looked at Zhong Shan.

"When you face an insurmountable challenge, ask yourself, 'What do I truly desire?'" Zhong Shan said with great gravity.

What do I truly desire? What did that mean? No one understood. Was this supposed to be advice?

Seeing Shui Wuhen's confusion, Zhong Shan shook his head. "When the time comes, you will understand."


Just like his words to Shui Jing, Zhong Shan gave another riddle. A riddle that no one could decipher, but everyone knew it held great importance because the Holy King spoke with such solemnity.

"Does anyone have any objections?" Zhong Shan asked the officials.

"We accept the decree!" the officials bowed.

Zhong Shan nodded, looking around solemnly before speaking again.

"People of Dazhen, heed my order!" Zhong Shan's voice echoed across Dazhen.

Countless citizens, still mourning, rushed to the city lord's mansions for answers. Suddenly hearing Zhong Shan's voice, they stopped in their tracks.

"I will enter the Taichu Holy Court as a hostage. The Dazhen Holy Court will be temporarily led by Zichen King Shui Wuhen, with full authority as if I were present!"

The voice echoed throughout Dazhen.

It became a fact. Almost all the citizens knew this was reality, their faces filled with sorrow.

"May the Holy King enjoy eternal blessings and longevity equal to the heavens!" All the people bowed toward the Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

"The rise and fall of the world is everyone's responsibility. Though I leave Dazhen temporarily, we must all strive together!"

This was Zhong Shan's final message.

Strive together? Countless citizens clenched their fists, gritting their teeth as they knelt. This was a humiliation from the Taichu Holy Court, a tragic moment for Dazhen. The people, bearing this humiliation and sorrow, silently made grand resolutions in their hearts.

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