Undying Life

Chapter 952: He Will Avenge Me

Chapter 952: Chapter 952: He Will Avenge Me

The Mítiān Sage, clad in white, hovered high above, gazing down at the serpentine-robed Serpent Queen below.

People couldn't discern the sage's features, for he represented the heavens, and the heavens have no fixed form—they encompass all forms. A sage is the same. The presence of the Mítiān Sage exuded no aura, yet an inexplicable sense of majesty penetrated everyone's hearts.

In an instant, almost everyone felt a tremor in their hearts, as if facing divine might. A feeling of reverence suddenly emerged within them. Indeed, some who lacked firm resolve had already knelt down. This was a true sage, not a mere remnant of divine consciousness taking over a body.

With the sage's arrival, silence reigned supreme, and the world seemed to come to a halt.

Many didn't dare to look up, and those who did felt that the entire world had faded away, leaving only one focal point—the Mítiān Sage.


The great green snake under the Serpent Queen hissed, seemingly resisting the sage, emitting low growls while glaring coldly at him.

"A remnant of Nüwa's bloodline. Alas, Nüwa is dead, and no amount of pride can change that," the Mítiān Sage said lightly. His voice was soft, as if it penetrated everyone's hearts.

"Mítiān Sage, what grudge do we have that you must follow me?" Magu asked coldly.

Grudge? The surrounding experts were shocked. Did the Serpent Queen have a grudge against a sage?

"You and I have no grudge, but destiny cannot be defied. You should stop struggling," the Mítiān Sage said calmly. His words seemed to resonate with everyone, making them feel that the sage's words were indeed correct.

"Hahaha, destiny? That's just your excuse. Mítiān Sage, you covet the 'Chī Mèi Wǎng Liǎng,' the Four Ghosts Heavenly Dao Formation? You merely want to turn me into a 'Chì' divine weapon!" Magu retorted with scorn.

Chī Mèi Wǎng Liǎng, Four Ghosts Heavenly Dao Formation? Chì divine weapon?

From a distance, Zhong Shan's heart sank. The Mítiān Sage wanted to forge a sage's artifact and turn Magu into a human-shaped weapon?

"Destiny cannot be defied. I am merely acting on behalf of the heavens," the Mítiān Sage replied serenely.

"Hmph, acting on behalf of the heavens? Do you know who I am?" Magu asked coldly.

"Who are you?" the Mítiān Sage responded indifferently.

As he spoke, Magu's hat suddenly fell, revealing an extremely ugly face, marred with countless scars like centipedes.

"Is that the Serpent Queen?"

"Why is her face so hideous?"

"It's not hideous, it's scarred—countless scars like centipedes! Why is she like this?"

The onlookers were perplexed.

"You should know who I am. Think carefully about the consequences before you try to kill me!" Magu said sternly.

Everyone around looked at Magu in bewilderment. What was going on? Was she threatening a sage? Who could she be, other than the Serpent Queen?

People's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Seven sages defied destiny, were struck down, and perished. Do you think you can threaten me with them, Bao Si?" the Mítiān Sage replied calmly.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Bao Si? Zhong Shan's heart skipped a beat upon hearing the name. The historical figure of Bao Si was known for her beauty and the chaos she brought upon the Zhou Dynasty. Was Magu revealing herself as Bao Si?

The spectators were stunned. The Serpent Queen was actually Bao Si? The same Bao Si who was known for her unparalleled beauty and the downfall of an empire?

Magu's expression was resolute. "He will avenge me!"

The Mítiān Sage's eyes narrowed slightly. "You think he can save you? Your husband, Fuxi, is long gone. No one can oppose destiny."

"You underestimate him. Even in death, his influence is profound," Magu replied.

The tension in the air was palpable. The Mítiān Sage floated serenely, yet his presence was suffocating.

Zhong Shan observed the exchange with growing intrigue. The stakes were high, and the true power dynamics were just beginning to unfold.

Bao Si?

Many did not understand this name, but the Ancestor Immortals and some of the powerful Ancient Immortals present felt their hearts skip a beat.

Bao Si?

The most beautiful woman in the world from ancient times? How could that be possible? The disfigured woman before them bore no resemblance to the legendary beauty.

Bao Si, the Empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and consort of King You of Zhou?

The mighty figures could never forget that era, the golden age of the Great Zhou Dynasty when a single beacon could summon ten thousand allies, and even sages gathered to pay tribute!

The Great Zhou Dynasty had perished! Everything about Great Zhou had vanished, King You was dead, and Bao Si was dead!

How could this disfigured woman be Bao Si?

But a sage had spoken; who could doubt it? She had survived?

"You do know who I am!" Bao Si said coldly.

"Defying destiny is impossible. Because of Nüwa, you survived, but destiny is unchangeable. Those who should die must die. This is destiny," the Mítiān Sage said lightly.

As he spoke, the Mítiān Sage flipped his hand, and a dark shadow appeared near Magu.

The shadow was surrounded by dense black mist, obscuring its features, but a towering dark pillar of light was faintly visible.

"Chī! You have indeed already collected 'Chī.' The Mítiān Sage's artifact. Haha, just as we discussed long ago, the Mítiān Sage's artifacts are always despicable!" Magu spat out, ripping away any pretense.

"Despicable? Who else said that?" Mítiān's tone wavered slightly.

"Nüwa said it, Taishang said it, Tongtian said it, and even Hongjun said it. All seven sages have said it!" Bao Si retorted coldly.

As she spoke, the large snake beneath her suddenly roared at the 'Chī.'

With that roar, the surrounding space rippled with immense force. The mighty snake clashed with 'Chī' in a fierce battle.

Zhong Shan could see that the giant green snake was also enveloped by a massive green Heavenly Dao.

"Hongjun truly said that?" A flicker of emotion passed through Mítiān's voice.

"Yes, they all said it. No one respects you. Hiding in the Small Thousand World, haha, a lone sage without the courage to 'hear' or 'see,' cowardly as a rat!" Bao Si shouted.

The Mítiān Sage could bear no more. With a wave of his hand, a black cage appeared around Bao Si, attempting to imprison her.

"I know I can't escape this calamity today. I never expected to. Mítiān, just wait! Someone will avenge me. Today you turn me into a puppet; tomorrow, someone will turn you into a puppet! Just wait, wait!" Bao Si screamed.


Nearby, the great green snake exploded violently, creating a terrifying shockwave that formed a massive wave, expanding the space outward. Countless mountains were pulverized into fine sand, and a gigantic black hole appeared in the sky, sucking in everything around it.

The great green snake's self-destruction aimed to destroy Mítiān's 'Chī.'

Knowing she was doomed, Bao Si went mad.

With the explosion, 'Chī' shook violently, seemingly heavily damaged.

"Courting death!" The Mítiān Sage retrieved 'Chī,' finally showing anger.

He reached down with his hand.

Seeing this, the surrounding Ancestor Immortals and Ancient Immortals couldn't help but feel a deep sense of dread. The wrath of a sage was not something to be taken lightly.

Mítiān's hand descended like the judgment of the heavens, aiming to crush Bao Si.

Bao Si stood defiantly, staring back at Mítiān with unwavering eyes.

"You think you can kill me so easily? I will not go quietly!" Bao Si shouted, her voice filled with a fierce resolve that sent chills through those watching.

Just as Mítiān's hand was about to make contact, a powerful aura burst forth from Bao Si, and she initiated a desperate counterattack, drawing on every last ounce of her strength.

The clash between Bao Si's defiance and Mítiān's overwhelming power was a sight to behold, shaking the very fabric of the Nüwa Realm.

The onlookers, though trembling with fear and awe, couldn't look away. This was a battle between the unstoppable force of a sage and the unyielding spirit of a legendary figure.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the clash faded, the outcome hung in the balance, leaving everyone breathless with anticipation.

"You want to refine me? Ha!" Bao Si's face showed a hint of madness.


The black cage firmly trapped Bao Si.

"You want to self-destruct? Trying tricks in front of me?" Mítiān showed a look of disdain.

Bao Si's defiant face turned pale. She glared at Mítiān, spitting out a mouthful of black blood. "I will be waiting for you. You will become a puppet too!" Bao Si's expression became increasingly despondent.

"When Hongjun was alive, I might have feared you. But Hongjun is dead, and all seven sages have fallen. As for your husband? King You of Zhou? I've never met him, but I'm certain he was just a pawn of Hongjun, cooperating with him. You dare to threaten me?" Mítiān's tone was full of scorn.


With a loud explosion, Bao Si reverted to her true form—a gigantic nine-tailed fox. At that moment, Bao Si closed her eyes for the last time.

Before closing her eyes, Bao Si weakly said her final words, "He will avenge me!"

"He will avenge me!" Her voice was resolute. Even Zhong Shan noticed that when Bao Si uttered these words, she had a sweet smile on her face, a smile filled with fond memories just before her death.

Ignoring Bao Si's words, Mítiān reached out, and her body disappeared in an instant.

The sage had left, and everyone felt a heavy weight on their hearts.

The surrounding mountains and land had been pulverized into fine sand. The power to destroy the world with a mere gesture—that was a sage. Before a sage, everything was like an ant.

And the legendary "Four Ghosts Heavenly Dao Formation" of the Mítiān Sage had now collected the second "Chì."

A sage! Unmatchable! Everyone was filled with deep fear, and it took a long time before people began to move again.

In a distant valley, Zhong Shan watched Bao Si die, his heart heavy with emotion.

It wasn't that Zhong Shan didn't want to help Bao Si, but that he simply couldn't. With a sage watching, even trying to send her to the underworld was impossible. Ji Gongnie had reincarnated and taken the name Niefanchen, but would it matter? Mítiān Sage didn't care about King You of Zhou.

A pawn of Hongjun? Perhaps. Zhong Shan thought, Once Niefanchen grows stronger, we'll see what happens to this world!

After Mítiān Sage left, numerous powerful individuals dared to approach and inspect the area. Countless experts rushed in, but Zhong Shan did not join them. Instead, he returned to the small valley, his heart weighed down.

Examining the Demon-Summoning Banner in his hand, Zhong Shan attempted to transport it to the underworld, only to find that it was impossible. It seemed as if a force in the yang realm was pulling the banner back.

Zhong Shan didn't force it. He simply placed the Demon-Summoning Banner close to his chest, hiding it.

Not long after, Luo Xingchen returned.

"Saint King, it's done. All the Demon-Summoning Banners have been distributed throughout the Nüwa Realm!" Luo Xingchen reported.


"Saint King, what happened just now? The shockwaves were incredibly strong."

"A sage was here."

"A sage?"

Zhong Shan recounted the events, leaving Luo Xingchen in deep silence.

"Saint King, what do we do next? Should we leave the Nüwa Realm immediately?" Luo Xingchen asked, frowning.

"Leave? No one can leave now! The entrance to the Nüwa Realm is surely sealed by powerful figures," Zhong Shan said gravely.

At the entrance to the Nüwa Realm, numerous powerful figures were gathered, but no one was entering or leaving. Suddenly, two great immortals attempted to charge through the entrance.


The two were halted in mid-air. A red-robed figure reached out and retrieved a scroll of the Demon-Summoning Banner from one of the great immortals.

The red-robed figure quickly flew to the edge of the Nüwa Realm's entrance and handed the scroll to a red-haired elder.

"Master, we found another Demon-Summoning Banner!" the red-robed figure said with a peculiar expression.

The elder's hand flashed with red light, and the Demon-Summoning Banner burned to ashes.

"A fake," the elder said flatly.

The red-robed figure nodded, turning to address those attempting to leave, "No one is allowed to leave until the real Demon-Summoning Banner appears!"

"Why can't we leave? We don't have the Demon-Summoning Banner!" someone suddenly shouted.

A nearby person pulled him aside and whispered, "Don't shout. Two Ancestor Immortals are guarding the exit. Shouting won't help!"

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8

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