Undying Life

Chapter 954: Xue Mei = Unlucky?

Chapter 954: Chapter 954: Xue Mei = Unlucky?

Zhong Shan faced Ancestor Xue Mei.

As soon as the Supreme Deadly Eye opened, the world went silent. The near-sage aura was so oppressive that everyone felt as if they couldn't breathe. Yet, amidst this oppression, their hearts were filled with excitement.

What a powerful eye technique! Could this be the infamous eye technique that brings bad luck to others?

How would Ancestor Xue Mei, an Ancestral Immortal, fare against this eye technique?

On the opposite peak, under the expectant eyes of the onlookers, Ancestor Xue Mei also activated another eye technique, the Plum Blossom Eye!

A truly renowned and powerful eye technique!

"The Art of Duplication?" people exclaimed in surprise!

In a hidden valley, Ying, Guiguzi, and Bai Qi had already taken a concealed position.

"The Art of Duplication? The eighth greatest divine ability in the world?" Guiguzi said calmly.

"It's rumored that the Art of Duplication can copy any divine ability ranked ninth or lower, even time-related divine abilities. Ancestor Xue Mei has really hidden her capabilities well!" Bai Qi remarked.

"The Art of Duplication? Still far from perfect!" Ying said disdainfully.

"Far from perfect?"

"The Plum Blossom Eye is indeed the Art of Duplication, but a truly mature Art of Duplication would have three plum blossoms in each pupil. Ancestor Xue Mei only has one. One blossom is merely a rudimentary form, far from the true Art of Duplication!" Guiguzi shook his head.

"But Ancestor Xue Mei has at least mastered the rudimentary form!" Bai Qi questioned.

"A rudimentary form? Some people spend their entire lives stuck in the rudimentary form and never progress! Divine abilities are not so easily comprehended. One blossom versus three blossoms is a world of difference!" Guiguzi said solemnly.

"Indeed!" Bai Qi nodded.

"On the contrary, Zhong Shan's eye technique is unique and unprecedented. I wonder if it can rank in the top thirty!" Guiguzi mused.

"Zhong Shan's divine ability can rank in the top thirty?" Bai Qi said in surprise.

"If it truly brings bad luck to others, then it certainly can!" Ying said lightly.


In the distance, Zhong Shan stood at the peak of a mountain, his single eye coldly staring at Ancestor Xue Mei.

Seeing the plum blossoms in Ancestor Xue Mei's pupils and hearing the discussions among the powerful beings around him, Zhong Shan understood. Duplication? She wanted to duplicate the Supreme Deadly Eye?

Duplicating the Supreme Deadly Eye was absolutely impossible because she did not have the Red Luan Pink Lotus, nor the lotus pond to house it.

Taking a deep breath, Zhong Shan focused on Ancestor Xue Mei.

Suddenly, the blue light in Zhong Shan's eye surged, like a tidal wave, sweeping towards Ancestor Xue Mei.

As for those watching behind Ancestor Xue Mei, they were just unlucky to be in Zhong Shan's path.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The powerful blue light shot out, tightening the entire space, plunging everything into silence. Everyone widened their eyes, watching the upcoming scene.

The blue light surged forward, forcefully covering Ancestor Xue Mei.

Strangely, Ancestor Xue Mei did not use the Heavenly Dao, seemingly very confident in her Plum Blossom Eye.

Seeing Zhong Shan unleash his eye technique, a cold smile appeared on Ancestor Xue Mei's lips. The plum blossoms in her eyes rotated, and the space before her suddenly shimmered, like rippling water, creating waves. Before her, a massive, bizarrely extended plane emerged, intercepting the oncoming blue light.

The pair of plum blossom eyes suddenly generated a powerful pulling force, causing the endless blue light to be eerily absorbed, forming two torrents that shot into Ancestor Xue Mei's pupils.


Ancestor Xue Mei was absorbing it?

The scene looked as if Zhong Shan's emitted blue light was being reversed, all absorbed into Ancestor Xue Mei's eyes.

The surrounding experts were wide-eyed.

"Ancestor Xue Mei is absorbing the blue light, using the Plum Blossom Eye to counter Zhong Shan's eye technique!"

"What a formidable Plum Blossom Eye!"

"The Art of Duplication is terrifying. After this, won't Zhong Shan's techniques be at Ancestor Xue Mei's disposal?"

"The Plum Blossom Eye, the Art of Duplication?"

Cries of astonishment echoed from all directions, marveling at Ancestor Xue Mei's eye technique. Everyone was filled with awe.

Not only were the surrounding experts wide-eyed, but so was Zhong Shan!

Zhong Shan's right eye was open, his mouth slightly agape as he looked at Ancestor Xue Mei.

What was she doing? Absorbing all the deadly light, misfortune, and bad luck? What audacity!

It must be known that when Randeng became an Ancestral Immortal, he was only covered by a small portion of the myriad blue lights. Yet, Ancestor Xue Mei was absorbing all of it?

"Complete absorption!" Cries of astonishment rang out.

People were still in shock over Ancestor Xue Mei's feat when suddenly, almost everyone fell silent.

Ancestor Xue Mei's expression changed, and with a roar, a massive aura blew outwards in all directions.

The powerful aura made everyone feel a chill, as if covered by a blanket of snow.

"Has Ancestor Xue Mei merged with the Heavenly Dao?"

"What's happening to Ancestor Xue Mei? Why merge with the Heavenly Dao now? Is analyzing Zhong Shan's eye technique that difficult?"

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, something happened!"

As people discussed, they all stared at Ancestor Xue Mei. Suddenly, a look of pain appeared on her face, and the two plum blossoms in her eyes trembled violently.


With two faint sounds, sharp-eyed observers began to shout.

"The plum blossoms shattered!"

"The plum blossoms in Ancestor Xue Mei's eyes have shattered!"

"They dispersed, both plum blossoms have dispersed!"

Not only did the plum blossoms in her pupils shatter, but blood tears also bizarrely flowed from her once powerful eyes.

"Zhong Shan, I'm going to kill you~~~~~~~~!"

Ancestor Xue Mei let out a heart-wrenching cry.

With a great roar, people vaguely saw a white pillar connecting heaven and earth. Ancestor Xue Mei, merged with the Heavenly Dao, had gone berserk!

The roar pierced the clouds, as if the entire Nuwa realm was enveloped in her heart-wrenching cry.

Ancestor Xue Mei had gone mad!

The surroundings were no different. The terrifying aura blast toppled many nearby peaks. Waves of space rippled outwards with Ancestor Xue Mei's roar.

Hatred, endless hatred, surged through Ancestor Xue Mei as she erupted in fury!

As the surrounding experts retreated, they couldn't help but feel strange. There was only one thought in their minds: 'The Plum Blossom Eye has been broken.'

The Plum Blossom Eye broken? It had to be. If it weren't, Ancestor Xue Mei wouldn't be wailing so heartbreakingly, so desperately.

Meanwhile, Zhong Shan's eye technique was marked with terror. First, it had pulled Randeng down from Ancestral Immortal, and now it had shattered the Plum Blossom Eye.

"Is Zhong Shan's eye technique really that powerful?" Bai Qi exclaimed in surprise.

Beside him, Guiguzi nodded and said, "It's powerful, but Ancestor Xue Mei brought this upon herself!"


"If Ancestor Xue Mei had initially merged with the Heavenly Dao and used it as a shield, Zhong Shan's blue light wouldn't have been able to reach her. The blue light can't penetrate the Heavenly Dao. But, in her greed to duplicate Zhong Shan's eye technique, she didn't use the Heavenly Dao from the start!" Guiguzi explained.

"Indeed, she truly deserves the name 'Unlucky Ancestor Xue Mei'—her misfortune is overwhelming!" Bai Qi said, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.

In the distance, Zhong Shan saw Ancestor Xue Mei's scream and knew she had met her misfortune!

Taking advantage of Ancestor Xue Mei's scream, Zhong Shan also spoke up.

"Citizens of Great Ying, heed my command! I am Zhong Shan. All citizens except the soldiers fighting the enemy, raise your right hands and lend me your boundless strength!" Zhong Shan's voice was drowned in Ancestor Xue Mei's roar.

However, it resonated through another realm.

In the mortal realm, in the Great Ying Imperial Court, the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, in the Hall of Longevity, on the imperial court:

"Report to Prince Zichen, the five southern cities have fallen. The imperial army's Great Immortals have slain our generals, leaving our troops leaderless. Now, countless soldiers are defending the Wushuang Fortress, urgently requesting high-ranking commanders!" an official urgently reported.

At that moment, another guard rushed into the Hall of Longevity!

"Report to Prince Zichen, the Taiji Sacred Court has sent an envoy to demand our surrender. He is waiting outside the hall!" the guard reported.

"Get rid of him. Execute the envoy at the Southern Heavenly Gate and proclaim to the world that Great Ying will endure forever!" Prince Zichen, Shui Wuhen, commanded.

"Yes!" The guard retreated.

The court erupted in discussion, filled with reports of defeat and surrounded by enemies. Every day brought news of further losses.

Shui Wuhen looked at Lin Xiao and Shui Jing.

"General, Chancellor, what do you think?" Shui Wuhen asked anxiously.

"The enemy's momentum is overwhelming. There are too many enemy troops, and our high-ranking commanders are being assassinated by powerful enemies. The situation is dire," Lin Xiao said bitterly.

Shui Jing shook his feather fan and sighed, "Various courts are sending experts to kill our high-ranking commanders, continuously eating away at our territory. It's tough. There are too many enemies."

The other officials in the court were equally disheartened, constantly discussing and filled with worry.

Shui Wuhen's hair was mostly white at this point, an impossible occurrence for a cultivator, but prolonged anxiety had taken its toll, revealing his haggard state.

"The Saint King entrusted Great Ying to me. I must hold on to the end for him!" Shui Wuhen murmured.

At that moment, outside the Hall of Longevity, the sky's boundless fate and merit suddenly roared as if boiling water.



The clouds of fate echoed with two earth-shaking dragon roars, as if filled with immense joy.

In the midst of everyone's astonishment, a familiar voice rang in their ears.

"Citizens of Great Ying, heed my command! I am Zhong Shan. All citizens except the soldiers fighting the enemy, raise your right hands and lend me your boundless strength!"

The powerful and resonant voice echoed in everyone's ears and hearts.

Not just in the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, but across the entire Great Ying, throughout the former land of Shenzhou, wherever Great Ying's citizens were, they suddenly heard Zhong Shan's voice.

"The Saint King's voice!" Shui Wuhen was the first to react.

"Did you hear that? It's the Saint King's voice! The Saint King, it's the Saint King!" Shui Wuhen shouted to the court officials, tears of excitement welling up in his eyes.

"The Saint King!"

"Long live the Saint King!"

"May the Saint King enjoy eternal happiness and longevity equal to heaven!"

People shouted various titles in excitement.

In an instant, everyone in the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, except the guards, suddenly knelt down.

Throughout Great Ying, in every city, except for the soldiers defending against enemies, nearly everyone knelt down in excitement.

The Saint King? The Saint King's voice, the Saint King has returned?

Countless people bowed, countless cheers spread across the land.

"Raise your right hand!"

"Raise your right hand!"

"Raise your right hand~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

In the entire Great Ying, there were calls to raise the right hand!

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