Undying Life

Chapter 994 - 995: My Name is Zhong Shan

Chapter 994: Chapter 995: My Name is Zhong Shan

As Nian Youyou glanced at the countless ghost cultivators offering their congratulations, the various powerful factions gathered in Yama Hall's plaza, and finally, at her two "big brothers," a cold glint flashed in her eyes.

King Yama looked over at Judge Lu. Judge Lu gave King Yama another reassuring nod.

King Yama straightened his chest and addressed the countless ghost cultivators who had come to celebrate.

"People of the Underworld, today is my wedding day. I thank you all for coming to offer your congratulations! Now, in front of everyone, we shall bow to Heaven and Earth to solemnize this union!" King Yama announced loudly.

"Congratulations to King Yama!"

"Best wishes to King Yama!"


Voices of congratulations echoed chaotically from all directions, and the wedding was reaching a fever pitch, about to culminate.

"I object to this marriage!"

Suddenly, a discordant shout rang out from the crowd.

The force of this voice was so strong that it abruptly silenced nearly all the congratulatory remarks.

Who would dare to be so bold? In the underworld, during King Yama's wedding, someone actually dared to object? Were they courting death?

Every ghost cultivator's face was filled with extreme shock.

Even Burning Lamp, Maitreya Buddha, Bull Demon King, and Nezha showed expressions of surprise as they all turned to look toward the source of the shout.

Nian Ben and the Crown Prince exchanged glances.

"It's happening?" Nian Ben asked curiously.

Indeed, this was the event that Judge Lu had specifically warned them about the night before. It was really happening? What was King Yama up to? Why was he pulling this stunt now?

After the shout, the surrounding ghost cultivators quickly stepped back, revealing the figure of a toad demon dressed in yellow robes. Why was it a toad demon? Because the demon's head hadn't fully transformed into a human shape—it was still an ugly, warty toad head.

"King Yama, since today is your big day, I'll help you deal with this!" Bull Demon King suddenly shouted.

"No need!" King Yama quickly called out.

After all, he had been waiting for this "disturbance" for so long, for this "heroic" moment to impress Nian Youyou—how could he let someone else steal the opportunity?

Bull Demon King raised an eyebrow, then nodded and sat back down, watching King Yama with great curiosity.

King Yama maintained a calm demeanor as he called out to the distant toad demon, "Who are you, daring to disrupt my wedding?"

"My name is Zhao Da Toad, and I disapprove of your marriage, King Yama," the toad demon shouted back.

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"Oh? And why is that?" Contrary to his usual demeanor, King Yama actually allowed the defiant demon to speak.

"We all saw Nian Youyou when she arrived in Yama City. Just because you're King Yama, does that mean you can monopolize her? We don't agree. Such an extremely beautiful immortal—I want her too! I protest, King Yama! I'm the most handsome toad in the Toad Clan, and I'm fully capable of taking care of Nian Youyou. I want to take her away!" Zhao Da Toad shouted.

"I want to take Nian Youyou away?" Nearly every cultivator present darkened at this ridiculous display. This guy was way too confident! Handsome?

The Bull Demon King's eyes bulged, Burning Lamp and Maitreya Buddha exchanged strange looks, and Nezha, after years of frustration, finally let out a laugh.

Nian Ben and the Crown Prince looked at each other, unsure of what to say.

Meanwhile, Judge Lu had a satisfied smile—Zhao Da Toad was playing his role perfectly.

Nian Youyou observed coldly from the side. How could she not see through King Yama's intentions? During her time here, she had learned King Yama's character well—cowardly, timid, vain, and petty. How could he be this calm?

But at this moment, King Yama was indeed calm.

"So, you're here to disrupt my wedding?" King Yama asked in a deep voice.

"That's right! I can't stand the thought of such a beauty being ruined by you. I'm here to give her the happiness she deserves!" the toad demon shouted again, clearly full of himself.


A minor demon with a weak stomach in the distance had already started to vomit.

The scene grew increasingly awkward.

"I, King Yama, rule with virtue and reason. I won't blame you for trying to disrupt my wedding, but spouting big words without the ability to back them up is asking for death. Come on, I'll give you a chance. Let's see how strong you really are!" King Yama took a step forward, speaking with exaggerated magnanimity.

"Bring it on!" the toad demon shouted as he marched forward.

The show was about to begin, and the surrounding cultivators parted to create a path, eager to witness this bizarre spectacle.

"A mere toad demon trying to ruin this wedding? You're courting death!" another guest shouted, unable to tolerate the absurdity any longer.

King Yama panicked. He couldn't let anyone else intervene. "Ladies and gentlemen, today's events are a private matter of the underworld. I've promised to give the challenger a fair chance, so please, don't interfere. A true person of honor should win with virtue!"


What could the guests say to that? Well, since you want to handle it yourself, we won't interfere.

By this time, the toad demon had arrived in front of King Yama, holding a pair of hammers. He looked at King Yama and said, "Here I come—watch closely!"

The toad demon was actually afraid that King Yama might underestimate him and get hurt. If that happened, it would be terribly unfortunate for him.


One of the hammers came crashing down, generating a powerful gust of wind.


King Yama caught the hammer with one hand, stepping forward with a powerful stance, and with his other fist, he punched the toad demon squarely in the stomach.


The toad demon was sent flying, leaving a trail of blood in the air as King Yama's mighty fist drove him upward.

Defeated in a single blow!

"King Yama is so powerful!"

"King Yama's Invincible Divine Fist is incredible!"

"Well done!"


Cheers erupted from the crowd below.

The toad demon crashed to the ground, clutching his chest as if he were seriously injured.

"King Yama's divine power is unmatched. Zhao Da Toad admits defeat. I suppose I was mistaken—only King Yama is worthy of possessing a beauty like Nian Youyou," the toad demon said, feigning remorse.

Burning Lamp and Maitreya Buddha exchanged glances, as did Nian Ben and the Crown Prince. Everyone shared a sense of absurdity at the scene.

"Who else dares?" King Yama called out, brimming with confidence.

"And me—White Bone!" someone shouted.

It was a skeleton, an exceptionally eerie one at that, which began striding forward.

"Very well, today I'll conquer all with virtue!" King Yama was already intoxicated with the thrill of his earlier punch.

What followed was King Yama's display of overwhelming might, quickly defeating four challengers who had come to disrupt the wedding.

Behind the bejeweled phoenix crown and veil, a look of contempt flashed in Nian Youyou's eyes.

Among the various powerful factions present, some were thoroughly entertained, while those who saw through the charade couldn't help but twitch with suppressed laughter. They had long heard that King Yama was merely a puppet of the Heavenly Court, with little real power, but this was beyond ridiculous.

Nian Ben and the Crown Prince exchanged glances, beginning to realize that they might have overestimated King Yama.

King Yama, still riding the high of defeating the four "powerful" challengers, shouted triumphantly, "Who else dares?"

In that moment, King Yama felt as though he was invincible, standing at the pinnacle of the world, undefeated and unmatched.

But the crowd fell silent; no one else stepped forward.

Nian Youyou, after her initial disdain, felt a wave of disappointment. What a group of worthless fools. If Zhong Shan were here, he could knock all of them down with a single palm strike!

Unaware, Nian Youyou's thoughts began to drift, and she found herself thinking of that man she could never forget.

"Is there no one else? No one dares?" King Yama called out again.

The crowd remained quiet, and just as King Yama was preparing to claim Nian Youyou's heart, a powerful voice echoed through the hall.

"I do!"

The voice reverberated across the entire plaza, drawing everyone's attention in its direction.

Upon hearing this voice, the pupils of Bull Demon King, Nezha, Burning Lamp, Maitreya Buddha, and even Nian Ben shrank in shock.

That voice? Why does it sound so familiar?

As for Nian Youyou, her wandering thoughts snapped back to reality.

Following the direction where the crowd was parting, she looked toward the source of the voice.

In the distance, at the back of the crowd, stood four figures. Leading them was a man in a black robe, exuding an air of absolute authority. His presence was overwhelming, with an aura of nobility that made one's heart tremble, while the three others appeared to be his subordinates.

It was Zhong Shan. That powerful shout just now had come from him.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" ...

The moment they saw Zhong Shan, Burning Lamp, Maitreya Buddha, Nian Ben, the Crown Prince, Bull Demon King, and Nezha all stood up from their seats.

"Everyone, no need to worry. I'm here! Just watch—don't interfere. I've got this!" King Yama quickly reassured the group behind him.

"Don't interfere? I'm here?"

Bull Demon King, Nezha, Burning Lamp, and Maitreya Buddha exchanged complex glances toward King Yama.

King Yama, still basking in his recent victory over the four "challengers," felt thoroughly confident and enjoyed the moment.

Nian Ben and the Crown Prince had already widened their eyes in disbelief. Nian Ben wanted to say something, but the Crown Prince stopped him.

"Big Brother, what...?"

"What do you want to say?"


"Let's wait and see."


Judge Lu, on the other hand, was filled with confusion. This person wasn't someone he had arranged. Should he rush up and inform King Yama? But King Yama had just confidently told everyone not to interfere, saying he had it under control! If he interrupted now, wouldn't that be like slapping King Yama in the face in front of everyone? Would he have to expose the scandal about hiring fake challengers to disrupt the wedding?

When Nian Youyou saw Zhong Shan, her eyes immediately filled with joy. It was him—he had really come!

For a moment, Nian Youyou felt a wave of emotion, a tightness in her chest. But that joy was quickly replaced by a surge of fear. Had she betrayed Zhong Shan again with her actions?

Her mixed emotions made her expression incredibly complex.

King Yama, having ordered everyone to stand down, turned his attention back to Zhong Shan.

The moment he saw Zhong Shan, a flash of jealousy flickered in King Yama's heart. Although Zhong Shan didn't have the most handsome face, he exuded a deep, steady charisma—a mature man's charm fully expressed. He wasn't very handsome, but he was undeniably manly!

Compared to his own dark and aging appearance, King Yama couldn't help but feel envious.

What was Judge Lu thinking? Didn't he say he would find some unsightly rabble? How did he find someone like this? Hmph, no matter—I'll show him who's in charge soon enough!

"Who are you, daring to disrupt my wedding?" King Yama demanded.

"My name is Zhong Shan!" Zhong Shan replied in a deep voice, taking step after step toward Nian Youyou.

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8

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