Undying Warlord

Chapter 541 A Thousand Years (2)

As for the Zephyr Steps, Dilan's comprehension of Green Magic helped him a lot to control the winds in a very precise manner. This made it easier for him to start practicing the movement technique but that was just the start of another obstacle course for him..

He faced countless tribulations and ended up cutting off his feet more often than he wanted to acknowledge. And he didn't even know why he was cutting off his feet…it was just a mistake he seemed to repeat while controlling the winds inside his feet. In the Zephyr Steps technique he had to push mana inside his feet and circulate winds around his feet. With the complex use of mana and the winds around him, Dilan's speed could accelerate by leaps and bounds.

Of course, that was only the case if he could control the Zephyr Step movement technique properly…and that was easier said than done.

After a thousand years, Dilan had yet to advance to the second step of the movement technique, BUT at least he had made some progress and his feet were not being accidentally cut off anymore!

However, the worst technique in terms of pain was definitely the Immortal Godbringer Ammasutra technique. The Technique was a combination of a Weapon Aura and a manifested Domain. The perk of the technique was that it used Life force and the Power of the Soul to create one of the strongest Weapon Auras in the blink of an eye without the need to prepare anything in advance. As for the Domain, one would have to create a Domain with the strongest force in his or her body. If the strongest Affinity in someone's possession was the control of wind, one would have to comprehend how to summon a Wind Domain in the first place.

In Dilan's case, he would have to learn how to summon a Domain of Destruction. His Weapon Aura was the Immortality Aura because he was granted with the power to use far more Lifeforce and Soul Power than anyone else. After bearing tremendous pain and relentless efforts, Dilan was given his first opportunity to shroud his weapon in the Immortality Aura only nine hundred years after he had entered the City of Trials.

For a mere mortal at the third Tier, this was a spectacular achievement that had never been seen or heard of before. Nonetheless, Dilan was far from being satisfied. Without a True Destruction Trait, he not only faced problems in summoning the First Slash in his Sword Style but he also struggled with summoning a Destruction Domain.

At one point, he grew extremely worried about his incapability to wield the Power of Destruction as smoothly as he desired. However, instead of falling into a deep pit of regret and frustration, Dilan got up from the ground. He started from scratch and began to study the Power of Destruction from the very beginning again.

Even if his talent for the power of Destruction was not high, it was still present, and that was more than what he could have wished for. He could gain perfect control of the Power of Destruction, it would just take a little bit longer.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As for the only technique that did not make him go through hellish pain and the fear of death lurking around him was the Perfect Essence Cultivation Technique.

However, the problem with that technique was his Instructor- the Old Librarian, the Great Wise, and the impatient old man, who demanded the best achievements from Dilan in the shortest amount of time.

The Great Wise trash-talked him whenever possible. After they started studying together, it was as if the Old Librarian's personality had changed completely. There was no compassion or goodwill left within the old bones of the Great Wise. He was just like a Tyrant, treating his students like shit…and Dilan was that student.

But despite the bad treatment and his dictator-like attitude, the Great Wise was definitely the deserved owner of this title. He was very knowledgeable, he always knew when Dilan made a mistake, and he gave the perfect solution to the problem Dilan faced.

Unfortunately, the way he conveyed the solutions was frustrating.

And last but not least, the teachings of the Fallen Celestial were the easiest for Dilan to survive. In a matter of thousand years, the Fallen Celestial showed him countless affinities. He made him feel the elemental powers all over his body so that his constitution could slowly get accustomed to the sensation of the Elements.

The Fallen Celestial didn't stress himself in the slightest but he was making use of every single second he was granted to hone and teach Dilan's body rather than Dilan himself.

This was the most important before initiating the true awakening of Dilan's constitution, after all!

After a thousand years had passed, Dilan had gotten somewhat close to the Soul Shards. All of them lived in one huge Mansion and the Soul Shard's common goal was to make Dilan's life in the City of Trials as miserable as possible.

After a thousand years Dilan was somewhat accustomed to that and he was actually looking forward to it. He might go through unbearable pain every single day that would have made any other person quit right away but he could also feel the improvements he made. His body was still that of a perfectly ordinary human, but the power he could unleash with the use of his Life force and mana was far from anything mortal beings could do, no matter how strong they were.

Ever since he had fought his father, Dilan knew that the use of abilities was extremely important. However, what he didn't realize until he entered the City of Trials was that even abilities had their limits. If he could unleash power ten times stronger than his stats, it wouldn't be impossible for Dilan to exhibit the power to fight Gods. Unleashing such power didn't seem impossible with the use of the techniques, knowledge, and powers he gained inside the City of Trial, and Dilan looked forward to the next few thousand years, his growth, and his return!

But it was just when Dilan was ready to spend several more thousand years in the City of Trials that something unexpected happened.

Everything in front of him went blank, and he was temporarily expelled from the City of Trials!

'What the hell is going on?! Hello!!!' Dilan shouted out loud but no sound left his mouth. Nobody heard him, and he didn't hear the slightest sound from his surroundings either.

Everything was dark and empty, not even his feet found an anchor as the ground seemed to have disappeared as well.

Dilan was not sure what happened and time seemed to pass at an eternally slow pace. He had no idea how much time had passed when his lungs felt a sudden input of air.

Everything around him swirled at a dizzying speed and the bright light of the City of Trials returned to him.

He was breathing heavily, and his head continued to spin. If he had something in his stomach, Dilan would have vomited by now.

"This fucking bullshit…" Dilan cursed out loud, realizing that he could speak once again.

After he found the strength to return to his legs, he looked up, just to see the devastating expressions of a few Soul Shards.

"What the hell happened?" He repeated the same question as before but nobody answered at first.

Dilan had to ask several times about what was going on before the Queen of Immortality, the owner of the Immortal Godbringer Ammasutra technique, revealed the truth.

"The Eternal Darkness was here!"

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