Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 607 Call your soul back

As the night grew darker by the second, inside the beautiful structure home belonging to Lu Tian and Yue Ling, the businessman stood in full alert mode. He made sure to tower in front of his wife like a bodyguard as his dark pupil stare dangerously at the man standing in front of the door.

"Why are you here?"

He is someone the government sends when they want a dangerous person capture. Throughout some of his missions, he had run into Nie Chen a handful of times to know that the man is not an ordinary person.

There were even times when he and Nie Chen are after the same person from the underworld. However, instead of working together like comrades, each time they meet, it always led to an enemy dispute.

If possible, he would have thrown the man in prison for all his crimes, but he could never do it because of the Chiefs in Imperial and City Z.

However, his question now is, why is Nie Chen here, standing in his home?

Face with Lu Tian’s eyes full of burning wrath, Nie Chen sighs inside. He can understand why the man is acting this way. After all, they never got along in the first place. So it was only natural for him (Lu Tian) to feel vigilant.

He shifts his gaze from the man to his shoulder. Seeing the top of Yue Ling’s head as she stood behind Lu Tian, he (Nie Chen) heaves another sigh, but this time aloud.

Knowing he could only do one thing, he place both his hands up like a criminal caught in the act.

"Don’t worry, I come in peace. I’m not here to pick a fight with you."

His words fell with a nonchalant look. However, he can see that Lu Tian will never believe him, so he gestures with his chin to the only person who can help him.

"If you don’t believe me, you can ask my boss."

He meant every word. Even if they didn’t along and were always bumping heads, he will never cause any trouble for Yue Ling. Especially when he is standing under her roof.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lu Tian stares at the man with silky long hair and his eyes narrow like he was trying to read the man.

There are only a few people in the world who would dare to be impertinent in front of him and Nie Chen is definitely one of them.

However, when he heard who the man was referring to as his boss, he (Lu Tian) furrow his brows even more.

Standing behind the tall and aloof man, Yue Ling was dumbfounded at first when he suddenly pulled her behind him. She didn’t understand until she heard the short conversation between the two men.

"Tian, it’s okay."

She poke her head from behind Lu Tian and looks at Nie Chen. The man was still holding both his arms up like a criminal standing in front of a police officer.

Her head lightly shook, and she couldn’t help but wonder to what Nie Chen did to get on Lu Tian’s bad side.

However, even if she is curious to know, right now, it was best to calm the vinegar eating man.

"He’s an old friend of mine."

Lu Tian remained cold towards Nie Chen, but hearing his wife’s reassuring words, he calms down even more. Of course, he is only doing this for his wife. If Nie Chen makes the slightest wrong move, he won’t hesitate to intervene.

Like she was able to read his mind, Yue Ling sighs inside. She takes a step out into view and looks back at Nie Chen.

No words escaped her lips, but the look in her eyes told Nie Chen to go to the living room or else she won’t be able to help him when Lu Tian decides to change his mind.

Quick to understand, Nie Chen lowers his hands and flash a wide grin at the couple. He didn’t hesitate to skip his way to the living room.

Although he was acting as cool as a cucumber, deep inside he was sighing in relief and wiping all his sweat away.

It’s true that he is always on bad terms with Lu Tian, but he only did so in order to survive. Without a doubt Lu Tian is way stronger than him, but he (Nie Chen) is someone who will never go down without a fight.

Also, as someone from Fate, he cannot bring shame to his family. If they heard he turned into a coward, they will look at him differently and not as the same Nie Chen they know.

As Nie Chen makes his way pass the couple, Lu Tian’s head did not move, but his glaring eyes made sure to follow the man’s figure. Even when Nie Chen had walked pass him, his eyes remained looking at the side as if he could still see Nie Chen.

"Aiya, why does no one care to close the door."

Yue Ling for out a sarcastic chuckle and walks over to close the front door. She didn’t need to look at Lu Tian because she could still feel the cold aura that was emitting from him.

Quickly thinking of something, she decides to shift his attention elsewhere.

"Are you hungry? Did you eat?"

She closes the door and walks back to him. For now, she will try her best to brighten his mood. Even if he doesn’t ask her, she knows that he has a lot of questions he wants to ask her later.

"I was going to, but your subordinates interrupted me."

Knowing what she is doing, Lu Tian shrug his shoulder and turns away from her. He also brush the coldness around him away because he will never direct such a side of him to her.

He arch a brow when he sees Liu Shan, who is still on his knees in front of the kitchen. The assistant looked like he had turn into an empty shell without a soul and had given up all hope on mankind.

"What’s wrong with him?"

Yue Ling was only one step behind Lu Tian. She looks at her assistant and seeing how lost he looked, the corners of her lip curls up.

"He and Lin Hui were attempting to stop you from eating, but it seems like you already ate."

She spoke her words and walks pass Lu Tian who was staring strangely at Liu Shan. However, just as she took two steps pass him, his deep voice sounds.

"I haven’t eaten yet, but why would they try to stop me from eating the food you made?"

Lu Tian held a deep frown as he ponder in thoughts. He glance at Liu Shan then in the direction of the living room where Lin Hui was. He recalls the two men’s words and he thought about the food on the table.

Why did they make it seem like he was stealing their food?

Yue Ling pause in her steps when she heard what he said. She turns around to look at him and chuckles with one hand pointing at the kitchen.

"I didn’t make that. Nie Chen did."


Lu Tian was rendered speechless. Her words enter one of his ears and instead of exiting out his other ear, the words swirl like a magic inside his head.

His eyes glued in the direction of the living room for a long minute before his head slowly turns to look at his wife.

"You didn’t make that pot of death?"

This time, it was Yue Ling’s turn to be speechless. Never did she think Lu Tian would have such a sense of humor. He even thought of a name for Nie Chen’s dish.

Her smile widens and shook her head.

"Of course not. My cooking can never downgrade to such an extent."

Lu Tian nods his head, but his cheeks slowly turn pink before stopping at red. He was so shocked by her words that he didn’t think before speaking. He even dare to refer the food as the pot of death. What if it was not Nie Chen who made it but his wife?

Seeing the slight change in his expression, Yue Ling smiles with her teeth and turns for the kitchen. From his words, he must not have eaten dinner, so she’ll make something quick for him.

She will also use this time to tell him about what happened while she was out.

Just as she was about to enter the kitchen, she stops and looks down at Liu Shan. She heaves a long sigh and shakes her head at him.

"Alright, call your soul back. Tian didn’t eat the food. You and Lin Hui stopped him in time."

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