Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 632 I must be James

Inside one of the luxurious restaurant’s private room, Yue Ling was as quiet as the night. She stares at Qin Xue who sat at the other end of the table. Her expression didn’t show any nervousness, nor did it hold any anger.

Truthfully, she had forgotten all about the incident that day at Imperial Military Hospital. She just didn’t think it was necessary to remember since she knows that Qin Xue is a good person and nothing like her parents.

The ends of her mouth slowly curls up as she sighs a smile.

"You don’t have to apologize. It’s natural for any parent to worry about their own child after experiencing what you had to go through."

Averting her gaze to the table in front of her, she picks up the menu and starts to see what she wants to eat.

"Let’s order some food and drinks. It’ll be on me since I was the last to arrive."

Hearing her suddenly dismiss the topic, Qin Xue didn’t know what else to say as there was so much that had gathered in her mind. However, as she continues to stare at Yue Ling looking at the menu, she could only sigh a smile and pick up her own menu.

If Yue Ling doesn’t want to talk about it, it means that she still sees her (Qin Xue) as a friend.

Thinking this, Qin Xue felt herself at ease. Yue Ling had said she’ll pay for their meal, but how can she let her guest pay when she was the one who suggested this lunch date.

Lightly shaking her head, she decides that once they are close to finishing their meal, she will say she has to use the restroom but sneak away to pay for the food.

Shi Yan sat quietly between the two older women. She was confused about what is going on and couldn’t help but look at Yue Ling then to Qin Xue.

However, seeing them looking at the menu, she shrugs her shoulders and picks up her menu. For now, she’ll just enjoy her time with them as she doesn’t know when she’ll see them again.

While Yue Ling enjoyed lunch with Qin Xue and Shi Yan, back at Lu Corps, Lu Tian remained inside his office with eyes glued on the computer screen.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His fingers tap over the keyboard like a pianist performing in a live concert. However, like he had found enough of what he needed, his fingers suddenly stops, and he leans back on his chair as he exhale sharply.

Lifting his right hand, he pinch the space between his brows to free his mind from all thoughts.

However, no matter how much he massages his head, his mind kept wondering to the report from his assistant.

Calmly lowering his hand, he reach over his desk and press a number on the office phone. The line rang only once, before Xu Long’s voice comes through the speaker.

["Can I assist you with anything boss?"]

"My office."

Without saying another word, he ends the call and rise from his seat. Walking over to the floor to ceiling window, he could only sigh again as this spot is the main spot in his office for him to think.

He place both his hands inside the pockets of his pants and gaze down to the bustling street below. Unlike before, it was crowded with more people and cars traveling to and from.

As he stares down at the cars, his mind starts to wonder into the abyss.

Ever since he started working the case with Chief Kim on capturing Choi Li Sun, he has run into the middle-aged man’s special force only a handful of time in the underworld.

Mostly with the man name Qin Jun.

However, in that small amount of times, he can conclude that the man is highly trained and one of the best in City Z.

It’s no wonder Chief Kim won’t give any intel when Xu Long asked. The middle-aged man already guessed that even without telling, he (Lu Tian) will be able to find out.

His eyes slowly blink, and his thoughts continue. Though he has met Qin Jun in person in the past, the two of them never got to hold a real conversation. As for the other two, he is sure he has never crossed path with them before.

*Knock knock

A sudden knock sounds at the door and interrupts Lu Tian’s line of thoughts. He doesn’t turn to see who it is but could hear the door open follow by quiet footsteps.


Xu Long, being the only employee allow to enter his boss’s office, calls out like he was walking into a death trap. He had been sitting in his office trying to locate the man his boss wanted him to find.

However, when he was just about to get a clue, the phone in his office rang and scared the living crap out of him. Hearing his boss on the other line, he was sure his soul had left his body and is now trying to find his body.

Returning from his thoughts, he notices that his boss was not sitting at the desk. Turning his head a little, he finds the aloof man standing like a pillar in front of the floor to ceiling window.

He swallows a hard gulp and raise his hand to wipe away the sweat that had yet to form on his forehead.

"Boss, is there anything I can get for you?" Food, water? Maybe call the boss lady to help ease your mind.

He spoke the remaining words in his head to enlighten himself a little. He doesn’t know why his boss called him, but he can tell that something is bothering the man.

Maybe informing his boss lady isn’t a bad idea after all.

Lu Tian remained in place with his back turn to his assistant. Taking out one hand from inside his pocket, he points in the direction of his desk.


Hearing the word, Xu Long crease his brows. He was muddle head at first, but following his boss’s pointed finger, his eyes shook uncontrollable.

Without waiting for further instructions, he strides over to the desk and does what no assistant dares to do.

He doesn’t stop in front of the desk, but strides around it and sits down on his boss’s almighty chair.

Eyes glued on the computer screen, he place his palm over the mouse and scans over the information his boss had found.

There was a minimal of information about three men and attached to each page was a photo of them. Even though this is his first time seeing their faces, he is sure that these men are the ones from Chief Kim’s side.

The first photo was of a man in his early thirties. His short hair was parted to one side. In the photo, he wasn’t smiling, but he was very handsome to the eyes, yet at the same time looked dangerous.

Xu Long came to agree that the man’s looks were not inferior to Lu Tian’s.

In the second photo was a man with long silky dark hair. Unlike the first man, this man’s appearance was more on the tempting side. If it wasn’t for the mention of his gender, Xu Long swore he was looking at an enchantress.

Lastly, the third photo was also of a man. However, he looked younger than the first two. His facial features gave off an innocent look like that of a boy who has never experience any hardship.

Xu Long continues to scroll through the information found by his boss.

He could not believe that in this short amount of time, the aloof man was able to find better information than himself. If this continues, what kind of work will he have left to do in the future?

Glancing at the names of the three men, his head slightly tilts to the left.

"Qin Jun. Yamato Kira. Song Jing Li."

He murmurs the names to himself as the space between his eyebrows crease into three tight lines. His head then tilts to the opposite side and he leans back on the chair.


Stroking his chin with one hand, he stares intensely at the man with long silky hair.

"Yamato Kira."

Thinking about something, his shoulder trembles ever so lightly as he chuckles with his mouth closed.

"Does this man think he is in some kind of anime?"

He strokes his chin again as his eyes slightly narrow and his smile curls up into one similar to a villain.

"If he’s Yamato Kira, I must be James Long Bond."

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