Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 644 was a good man

Song Jing Li was rendered speechless by Lu Tian’s response. One corner of his mouth twitch uncontrollably and he stares with a perplex feeling at the man. Why would Yue Ling fall for a man this cold and indifferent?

His hyun was a man with a frail heart, but his heart was still strong and carried a sense of warmth. He was someone easy to get along with and anyone who meets him would want to be his friend.

However, Lu Tian on the other hand, is a man known for his ruthlessness. Even when he is standing face to face with his enemies, he doesn’t show the slightest change in his expression. Just like now.

Does the man even know how to smile? Better yet, does he even know how to love?

As he thought these things in his head, something came to his mind. Could it be that his noona was forced into a relationship by Lu Tian? Is that why she’s with him?


From behind Lu Tian’s sitting figure, Kira clears his throat as he finally shows himself.

When he found out that their guest was none other Lu Tian, he left his position to make some tea since it would be inappropriate if they didn’t give the man anything to drink.

He returned to the room holding a tray with four cups of warm tea and was about to set it down on the table, but he saw Song Jing Li’s grim expression.

Right away, he knew that the young man’s brain had wonder off too far and he had to intervene or else all hell will break loose.

He sends a quick warning look to Song Jing Li before offering a cup to Lu Tian.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Mr. Lu, you must be cold from travelling here in the heavy rain. Please have some warm tea."

He held the cup out to Lu Tian, but around it was a handkerchief. If he remembers correctly, Chief Kim was always specifying that the aloof man has a huge tendency for cleanliness.

Lu Tian glance at the cup then to the man with long hair. He puts out the cigarette in his hand on the ashtray on top of the table. He doesn’t take the cup but reach inside his coat pocket to retrieve his own handkerchief first, then takes the cup from Kira.


Qin Jun, Kira, and Song Jing Li kept a straight face, but deep inside, each person was struck dumbfounded at what they were witnessing.

How can there exist such a man like Lu Tian?

He is someone who’s hands are stained with the blood of his many enemies, yet, he is a clean freak.

Quickly shaking this thought aside, Qin Jun’s expression turns serious and he stares right into Lu Tian’s eyes.

"We didn’t come to Imperial to cause any trouble for you. We only want to find Choi Li Sun and avenge our brother."

His words fell and he thought back to the camera footage that revealed the scheme against Shin. Intense anger rush inside not only him, but also in Kira and Song Jing Li.

"We won’t stop until we find him."

Lu Tian listens to the man and leans back on the chair. He cross one leg over the other and makes a four figure as he takes a sip of the warm tea.

His entire demeanor didn’t look like he was sitting inside an abandoned factory, but like he was in his own office at Lu Corps.

"This is out of your jurisdiction."

Hearing these words, Qin Jun, Kira, and Song Jing Li didn’t know what to say. Each person tries to think of something in order to persuade Lu Tian.

The reason why they had tried to keep themselves unknown was because they know that Lu Tian wouldn’t let them, who are foreigners cause any kind of problems in his country.

However, what else were they supposed to do when the man who murdered their brother is here?

Song Jing Li clench his fists tightly at his side. He takes a step forward and glares viciously at Lu Tian.

"He’s a citizen of City Z. It’s within out rights to capture him for his crime."

Lowering the cup of tea in his hand, Lu Tian looks at Song Jing Li with a nonchalant expression.

"But he’s in Imperial now."

Both Qin Jun and Kira sighed inside while Song Jing Li felt like pulling all his hair out. Was Lu Tian always this frustrating to convince? Why does it feel like he’s playing a game with them?

After what felt like an entire day had gone by, Qin Jun was the first to break the short silence that was engulfing the place.

"Hyun was a good man."

His voice changed and sounded like he was having difficulty speaking. All the emotions that could be seen in his eyes before were now replaced with a dejected light.

"He was an older brother, an uncle to his nephew and he was supposed to be a husband."

Kira and Song Jing Li cast their eyes down as Qin Jun choked each word out in an almost sob.

"On the day of his wedding, he was in a car accident. We thought it was really an accident until we played the footage again."

Qin Jun slowly close his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"It was then that we learned his car had been tampered with and his death was no accident but planned out carefully."

He opens his eyes and the look of dejecting was no longer there. Only the murderous aura of a man determine to seek vengeance.

"All because hyun was one step away from capturing him."

Lu Tian felt the sudden change of temperature in the building cause by the three men. However, he was not bother by it and crease his brows at Qin Jun’s words.

For some odd reason, he found the story similar to his wife’s past, yet, at the same time, quite different.

As he thought this, his mind suddenly drifted to younger brother, Lu Han.

Maybe it is because he has grown to understand the word love from his wife that a thought came to him.

If someone, be it whoever were to murder to his younger brother, he will leave no stones unturned to find the killer.

Of course, this will never happen, because he will make sure that his family is safe and never will he allow another person to harm his wife again.

His eyes slowly blink, and he looks at Qin Jun then the other two men.

"I already gave my word to Chief Kim."

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