Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 669 Its really her

Chapter 669 It“s really her

Under the clear blue sky, three black cars pull up to a stop in front of An Qing’s grand and luxurious building. Seeing the cars that were luxury in both name and appearance, the people going to and from An Qing were curious and stops to observe.

"Eh, who is it?"

"Why did these cars suddenly stop? Could it be a very important guest visiting An Qing?"

A whisper of commotion escalates from workers and bystanders. Ever since the news of Chen Limei’s removal as CEO of An Qing, there hasn’t been anything circulating about the fashion company.

The crowd slowly gathers to get a closer look at who is inside the three cars. They were also cautious and stayed at a good distance as they were afraid to offend someone they shouldn’t have.

However, due to the dark windows of each car, no one could see inside.

As everyone’s curiosity grew, the doors to the first and third car flung open at a steady pace.

Lin Hui, Qi Li, and Tang Zhonghui step out into view as Gui Tian Lan, Gui Zhongmin, Shan Sinan, and Lian Ni Shang in the latter.

All seven figures could be mistaken for models as they carried their own charm that makes one unable to look away. However, the air around them was hostile as it makes others afraid of them.

Closing the door to the cars, seven figures walks to the middle car and stood in two rows.

The second they stopped to stand like bodyguards, the driver and passenger doors to the car open. Liu Shan’s carefree figure steps out with a smile on his face as Ju Suo’s Lolita figure also comes to view.

Ju Suo joins the others while Liu Shan opens the door to the backseat for his boss.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Yue Ling’s slim legs emerge first as her feet wearing black heels touch the hard and cold ground. She steps out from the car with eyes never leaving An Qing.

She knew a crowd had gathered and never was the type of person who liked to attract attention. However, for her purpose of coming here, the scene in front of her was an exception.

Her red lips parts as she walks towards the front entrance of An Qing.

"Let’s go."

Hearing her words, Lin Hui and Qi Li give each other a nod in understanding. The two men strides pass their boss with Gui Tian Lan, Gui Zhongmin, Tang Zhonghui, and Shan Sinan following behind.

Yue Ling did not get angry that the men were ahead of her. Instead, a smile curls on her face. Unlike the pace of the six men in front of her, her steps were calm as she leisurely follows with her remaining subordinates.

The crowd was struck by surprise when they came to realize who had appeared. It wasn’t until the group entered An Qing that everyone regained their consciousness again.

"Isn’t that..."

"It is. It’s really her, the person behind An Qing."

Inside An Qing, the employees were all unaware of the situation that had taken place outside and busy themselves with their work.

On the second-highest floor, a middle-aged man was spending a sweet and relaxing time in his office. He is Guo Rong, the Chief Operations Officer of An Qing. However, due to the CEO seat being vacant, he didn’t need to report to anyone as those inferior to his position can only report to him.

He sat behind his desk in a lazy posture with both his feet crossed on top of his desk. Both his arms cross in front of his chest and he stares at the other person in his office.

"Miss Lin, I have proposed my offer to you for 2 months now. Are you willing to accept?"

Sitting on one of the chairs inside Guo Rong’s office was a young woman in her mid-twenties. She has an innocent appearance and her head was down with both her hands clutched together. However, one can see how scared and nervous she is.

"COO Guo, I..."

She was unable to finish her words due to the trembling of her lower lip. However, she swallows hard gulp and mustered her courage together.

"I am sincerely sorry, but I will have to decline to your offer."


A loud slam echoes with Guo Rong’s raging voice. He abruptly stands up from his chair and walks over to the woman.

"Do you know how much I am offering here? For a lowly worker like yourself, how dare you turn down my offer?"

Miss Lin jumped in fright and squeeze her eyes shut. She is a worker from the Account Team. She has been working for An Qing for 2 years now and have kept to herself. She doesn’t know when or what she did, but COO Guo started to take an interest in her and has been constantly trying to woo her.

She knows that her position is low, and some workers will try to get on their superior’s good side, but she was never one to cheat her way up. So, she would always turn down his gifts and offers.

However, despite her doing this, he just wouldn’t leave her alone.

She even informed her team leader and HR, but no one did anything because COO Guo held a higher position than them.

Guo Rong stares at the young woman and he licks his lower lip. He stops behind her chair and places his palms on the backrest. With a slight bend, he was able to take a sniff of the woman’s fragrance.

"Miss Lin, as your superior, you have to listen to everything I say."

He lifts one hand and gently touches her head. He caresses her hair like a good father and smiles.

"If you become my side mistress, I will give you anything you want. I can even help you pay off the medical bill for your fiancé’s treatment."

Miss Lin shiver with goosebumps when she felt his hand on her head. It’s true that she needs money because her fiancé broke his leg from a car accident. However, never will she sell herself.

She takes a deep breath to brace herself and slightly leans away from him like he was a plague.

"COO Guo, thank you, but I will still have to decline."

Guo Rong’s nostrils flare and his breathing turned heavy. He has been trying to get this woman in bed for 2 months now, but she was always playing hard to get. He can see that she is like all the other women he has come across and will do anything so long as he pays them.

His hand caressing her hair grabs hold of her head and he yanks her back by the hair to look up him. Red veins can be seen in the white of his sinister eyes and he glares down at her.

"Y-You dare to refuse me. Do you know that one word from me and your career is over?!"

He roars ragingly at her as his other hand grabs hold of her blouse. He tried to rip it open but the young woman grabs his hand to stop him.

"No! Let me go!"

Miss Lin screams at the top of her lungs. She didn’t care anymore and hits the middle-aged man on the head. So what if her career is over after this. She doesn’t care, she rather loses her job than be rape.

"Shut up!!"

Being hit on the head, Guo Rong was even more furious. His hand on her head loosens but only to hit the side of her head.


Just as his fist was about to touch Miss Lin, the door to his office burst open as someone had forcefully kicked it down.

Guo Rong and Miss Lin both jumped at the sudden intrusion, but it was only the man who was staring at the opened door. Miss Lin pulls away from the man’s grasp and she falls down from the chair. She hugs herself and sobs in relief that someone was here to stop the man.

"Who dares to enter my office without knocking?! Are you tired of living?!"

His words fell in anger and distressed as veins pop on his forehead. He was so close to getting a taste of Miss Lin, yet someone dares to disturb him.

However, when he saw who was standing at the door, he was at a loss.

His mouth opens and closes for a few times before he could find his voice again.

"W-Who are you?"

Standing at the door is a young man. He was pretty and had flawless skin that can make women envy him. However, with the black motor jacket on, it gave him the look of a delinquent.

Both his hands were in the pockets of his jacket and he enters the room like he was stepping inside his own home.

His eyes never left the middle-aged man as he smiles a smile that did not reach his eyes. He then clicks his tongue with his head shaking in disappointment.

"Tsk, tsk. Guo Rong ah Guo Rong. You’re the one tired of living."

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