Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 715 Doing a favor

Chapter 715 Doing a favor

The grew darker as the wind picked up. As Yue Ling fell into a peaceful sleep with Lu Tian by her side, the couple were unaware of a specific event taking place far from their home.

"Arrrrgh— Arrgghhh—!!"

In the pitch darkness at the top of a secluded mountain, the moonlight shines down onto a man. His pierce shrieking cry echoes into the night sky. His voice was loud but each sound he made was quickly overlapped by the vast ocean that sends its waves to hit against the mountain.

His skinny figure crawls on the dirt ground with beads of sweat covering his forehead. With each pull of his crawl, a dark trail of blood follows behind.

If Tao Meng were here, he would have felt sympathy for the man as he is Xiao.

"I’m sorry..."

Xiao cries in suffering as tears ran down his cheeks and liquid substance stream down his nose. The arrogant demeanor he had earlier was no longer there as only fear wash inside him.

His movements soon come to a stop when he realizes that he had reached the mountain cliff. Another step and he would fall down the cliff and land in the ocean water.

All the colors on his face pale as he had already died. However, knowing that he might be able to talk his way out, he forces his body to turn around. Even with the pain that penetrated both his knees, he had to try.

As he turns around, he props himself up with his arms while his legs laid loosely on the ground as he could no longer feel them.

In the darkness with the moon now facing him, he could see the outline of four figures. He couldn’t see their faces, so it was hard for him to distinguish who he had wronged.

"P-Please... Let me go. I d-don’t know what I did, but I’ll never cross the line again. Please, I beg of you."

After he returned to Red Moon with Tao Meng and the others, he decided to go to Glory for some drinks. That wasn’t the only reason he hired some hooligans to go with him to destroy Fate. However, on his way to Glory, he was suddenly attacked and taken to this unfamiliar mountain with a bag over his head.

The moment he was dragged out of the car, a bullet was sent straight into his right knee. As he tumbles down to his knee, the bag over his leg was yanked off and another bullet pierced his left knee.

Watching the pitiful man cry incoherently, the four silhouettes did not falter in their posture. One of the four men then slowly walks towards Xiao.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Now you know how to beg for your life?"

Xiao’s eyes widen in horror when he saw the man approaching him. He felt a wave of fear far beyond anything he has ever felt wash inside him and he screams.

"Ahhh!! Please, don’t kill me! Please! I beg of you!"

"Tsk tsk."

His scream that echoes into the night again made one feel sorry for him, but the man only clicks his tongue as he comes to a stop near Xiao’s dead legs.

"For someone who had so full of himself earlier, you sure are a coward now."

Hearing the voice clearer, Xiao’s eyes widen intensely. It was dark and the moonlight was behind the man, but he recognized the voice.


He stutters the one word before swallow a hard gulp. His eyes shift to scans the other three men and he felt a chill crawl down his spine.


The man chuckles the foreign word with a snap of his fingers. He reaches inside his pocket and takes out a small square object. He presses a button and a car alarm sounds as the headlights turned on.

Xiao squints his eyes as the light was too bright and it shone right in his eyes. He adjusted to the brightness and sees two cars parked behind the other three men. However, he didn’t pay too much attention to that as he then looks at the man in front of him.

Seeing the person’s face more clearly now, all the colors on his face drained away until he was as transparent as a ghost.

However, the fear that swept over him was quickly replaced with burning rage. He points at the person with his trembling hand and gritted his teeth.

"You... You!! You’re the prick I fought with!!"

Gui Tian Lan stares down at Xiao with a calm expression. He glances away to the man’s bloody legs and smiles a smile that did not reach his eyes.

"I’m a prick, you say."

His head nods lightly like Xiao’s words were correct. He takes a step closer to the skinny man and squats down to be at eye level.

"Don’t forget, this ’prick’ was the one who knocked you down with one punch."

He leans closer with a smile and his left-hand raise as a silver light glistens at the tip of his thumb and pointer finger.

"This ’prick’ was also the one who made you drop your gun."

His smile widens to reveal his pearl white teeth and he gives Xiao a better view of the needle in his hand.

"Should I ’prick’ you again with this needle?"

Like someone had splashed ice-cold water onto him, Xiao felt the fear he had moments ago crawl back inside him.

He stares the tiny needle in Gui Tian Lan’s hand and he robotically shakes his head. The needle was as thin as a strand of hair, but he knows that it was enough to kill him.

However, remembering something, he looks at Gui Tian Lan.

"Wait, wait, wait. Mad Reaper agreed to let us go. Why are you guys doing this to me?"

Gui Tian Lan’s hand froze in midair as Qi Li, Gui Zhongmin, and Tang Zhonghui glance at one another in silence then back at Xiao.

"That is true."

The tailor lower his hand and stood up calmly as he takes half a step away from Xiao. It was like Xiao’s words had made a point and they were slightly afraid of going against Mad Reaper.

"But that was his decision."

Both his hands reach inside the pockets of his coat and he takes out two black objects.

"Not ours."

When Yue Ling said it was up to them, she didn’t mean just one person. Liu Shan may have gone easy on Red Moon, but that didn’t mean his decision was applied to the rest of them.

They had only let Red Moon leave because they didn’t want to cause another scene in front of Uncle Nuo’s food stall.

After helping Uncle Nuo close up his food stall, all four of them headed straight for Red Moon. It was then that they saw Xiao leaving the place and decided to follow him.

"No... No... That can’t be..."

Xiao was in disbelief by Gui Tian Lan’s words. His entire being trembles and he shakes his head vigorously. When he saw the two objects in the tailor’s hands, he knew that this was the end for him.

"I-I am Tao Meng’s, left-hand man. If you kill me, you will be starting a war with Red Moon."

His words fell like he had made another point, but a sarcastic chuckle escapes from each person.

"Do you think we are scared of Red Moon?"

Tang Zhonghui laughs his words and crosses both his arms over his chest. His head slightly tilts to the side, and he arches a brow at Xiao.

"If we were someone else, maybe, but sadly we aren’t. We also know that you aren’t close with Tao Meng anymore."

His right-hand raises and he nonchalantly touched his chin like he was thinking hard about something.

"Tao Meng should be the one owing us for this as we are doing a favor for Red Moon."

Xiao was struck speechless by the man’s words. He used to be Tao Meng’s left-hand man and one of the trusty subordinates. Due to his arrogant nature, he forced himself onto Ling Ni. He thought that since Tao Meng would share women with them, it was the same with Ling Ni.

However, he didn’t think that Tao Meng would not only remove him from his position but even had him beaten up for touching his (Tao Meng) woman.

Thinking about the humiliation he was already receiving from Red Moon, Xiao’s anger shot up again. He thought he could make a good impression by defeating one of these four men and get his position back.

After failing, he wanted to find some men looking to get paid and destroy Fate. However, he hadn’t even started his plan when fate caught up to him.

"You should learn how to keep your thoughts to yourself."

Standing closest to the skinny man, Gui Tian Lan was able to read Xiao’s thoughts like the back of his hand. He held a gun in one hand as in his other hand was a silencer.

He calmly attached the two and held the finished product in his left hand.

His cold and emotionless eyes stare at Xiao like the grim reaper.

"We left the underworld when she left. However, it is people like you who never know when to stop. Just because we don’t come here anymore, doesn’t mean it is a place people like you can target."

He raises his left arm slightly and points the tip of the gun at the man who thought he was an easy target.

"For that reason, your fate, I shall collect."


Xiao’s eyes widen in horror at each word thrown on him. This mountain that he had been taken to, could it be that it is the same mountain the foundation of Fate stood on? The very place that he wanted to destroy.

His mouth opens as he wanted to beg for mercy, but before he could make a sound, a silent bullet enters his mouth and penetrated out the back of his head.

Blood spurt out from behind him and his cold body falls backward onto the dirt ground.

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