Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 777 the tailor at your company

Chapter 777 the tailor at your company

Like Cupid had shot an arrow right at her heart, Yue Ling’s entire being melted like molten lava. She felt relief that Lu Tian wasn’t mad at her. If he had been, she wouldn’t have blamed him.

However, he trusted her so much to not question her reasons, and that was what touched her to the core.

A small smile curls on her lip, and she gently squeezes his hand that was holding hers. She inhales a dry sniffle and pats her chest with her free hand.

Despite Lu Tian already looking back at the road, she didn’t look away from him.

How is she so fortunate to meet such a wonderful man like Lu Tian?

Thinking about this, she decides to tell him everything. Even though he said it was fine, she still wanted him to know.

"About that night, my subordinates and I encounter Tao Meng and his men..."

As the white BMW x5m drives through the streets of Imperial, Yue Ling’s words continue to sound as Lu Tian listened.

From start to end, he did not interrupt her. If others saw their conversation, they would have thought he was being arrogant and not listening. However, he was.

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Every word that escaped his wife’s mouth entered his ear and did not go out the other.

"Gui Tian Lan said he had no self-control over himself and killed Xiao. It was his fault, so he is willing to take all the blame."

Yue Ling ended her words with what Gui Tian Lan had said to her when he reported the matter. He wasn’t alone at the scene, but he was ready to be responsible for the consequences.

Lu Tian nods his head in silence. His eyes were glued on the road, but inside, he was pondering about who Gui Tian Lan was.

"Gui Tian Lan..."

He spoke the man’s name to himself and finally remembering a face, the image of a young man holding needles enter his mind.

"Ah, the tailor at your company."

Yue Ling wasn’t sure if Lu Tian was talking to himself or to her, but she nods her head in response.

"He’s usually well behaved, and deferential compare to his younger twin, but when it comes to rapists, he tends to lose control of himself."

She remembers every moment when she met her subordinates as if it had just happened yesterday. However, out of all of them, Liu Shan, Lin Hui, and her design team’s meeting significantly impacted her life.

The day she met Gui Tian Lan and Gui Zhongmin was on a rainy night. She had paid a visit to the foundation of Fate with Liu Shan. On her way to the airport, a blood-covered Gui Tian Lan jumped in front of her car while half-carrying his unconscious younger twin.

It looked like an act of suicide, and Liu Shan was cursing at how crazy the brothers were being. However, for her, she thought it looked like they were running from someone.

She then instructed Liu Shan to bring them back to Fate. Although Liu Shan was reluctant at first since outsiders are not allowed inside Fate, he had no choice but to listen as she was the leader.

When the two brothers woke up, she asked what they were doing in Fate’s part of the underworld.

Gui Tian Lan was a stubborn young man and didn’t answer, but Gui Zhongmin told the truth as if he had already placed all his trust in her.

She then learned that they were searching for a man. Just when they were about to find the man, a group of thugs appeared, and a fight broke out.

After carefully observing them during their stay at Fate, she could see that Gui Tian Lan and Gui Zhongmin had a strong-well to live. Once they recovered, she allowed them to leave. However, she would occasionally run into them in the underworld. The only thing was, they were always beaten near death.

If it had been another person, they would have left the two brothers to die for being weak.

However, she was different. She considered their encounter as part of fate, so she decided to reach her hand out and offer them her help.

She promised to help make them stronger so that no one can ever touch a strand of their hair.

To her surprise, it wasn’t Gui Zhongmin who took her hand, but Gui Tian Lan. He swore that if she can really help him become stronger, his life belongs to her.

He was willing to be her sword and kill for her.

She was indeed amused by his words at the time, but she had to decline his promise. She told him that his life is his own and not someone else’s.

Instead of giving his life to her, all she wants is for him to live for himself.

As their time together allowed them to know one another better, Gui Tian Lan’s stubbornness loosened, and he started to open up.

He told her about his past and the tragedy that happened to his girlfriend. He even mentioned how he didn’t want Gui Zhongmin to be involved in his dark world. However, his younger brother, who is easy-going, is actually more stubborn than him.

Knowing this, it wasn’t a surprise when he (Gui Tian Lan) took Yue Ling’s hand because Gui Zhongmin did too.

When Yue Ling listened to his story, she felt sympathy for the two brothers. They had been ordinary people trying to live by with life like everyone.

Yet, Fate decided to put branches in their life to make it harder for them.

It was like Fate was trying to test them. To see how far they can climb until they can’t anymore and break.

However, knowing that Gui Tian Lan and Gui Zhongmin were not as weak as fate had thought, she promises to do her best for them.

She even offered Gui Tian Lan her help to find the man who raped and murdered his girlfriend, but he only shook his head. He said he was thankful for everything she did, but he wanted to find the man independently.

It was his way of avenging his girlfriend’s death. That way, when he meets her in the afterlife, he can smile and tell her that he got revenge for her.

As Yue Ling slowly returns from the past, a faint smile curls on her lip. However, the look in her eyes held traces of dolorous.

"He asked me if I blame him for doing something morally wrong, but I don’t."

She knew he wanted her to blame him because if Red Moon seeks revenge, they will direct their anger at him and not her.

However, as the person who reached her hand out to him, she will never abandon him or any of her subordinates.

She stares at the road ahead, but it wasn’t the road that she was looking at. It was like she was staring into a blank space of the world.

"Xiao is known to rape and torture all his women victims. For this, Fate must have led him to Gui Tian Lan."

Her expression was void of all emotions as her bluish-green eyes seemed to have darkened a shade darker.

"His death is retribution for all the evil he committed."

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