Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 793 - Too tired and fell asleep

Chapter 793 - Too tired and fell asleep

The sound of construction continues to echo into the setting sky as Lu Tian enters the house. He doesn’t make any stops but heads toward the stair to the second floor. He thought that since there was only the study room being worked on, he would hear less of the noise. However, to his surprise, he could still hear the noises like when he was on the first floor.

Now he can’t help but be curious about how his wife is doing.

"Yue Ling?"

Taking the last step onto the second floor, he calls out for her. His tone was gentle and softer, unlike the cold and indifferent tone he had when discussing with the men outside.

"Yue Ling?"

He calls out again the name of the person he loves. However, hearing no response from her, he slightly frowns. Could it be that because he took too long outside, she had already gone to the kitchen?

With this thought in mind, he doesn’t proceed any further but turns around for the stairs. However, just as he was about to, he sees a small crack left ajar on their bedroom door.

When he left the house after his wife, he remembered closing the door, and even though his team and her team are here, their work hasn’t progressed far enough to reach the bedroom.

Walking up to the door, he lightly pushed it open and was greeted with a room illuminating with orange hues as the natural light from outside shone through the windows.

He parts his lip to say the name that melts his heart, but no words came out when he sees his wife.

His entire being softens at her, sleeping peacefully on the king-size bed. She was lying on her back and had already changed into a set of comfortable loungewear.

Making sure his steps were light, he approaches her with a subtle smile on his face. He could hear the faintness of her breathing, and judging from how she hasn’t woken up upon his entrance, she must be exhausted from a long day of trying on dresses.

He took a few strides before reaching the bed and lowers himself to sit on the edge of the bed.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The second his body added weight onto the bed, Yue Ling let out a small sigh in her sleep. Her eyes calmly flutter open, and she stares up at the white ceiling above. It was only for a split second as she turned her head to the right of her and saw Lu Tian’s godlike figure staring deeply at her.

She sighs again, but this time with a smile that could melt snow on a winter day.

"You’re back. Is everything alright outside?"

Lu Tian felt his throat dry upon seeing her smile. His Adam’s apple bobs in slow motion, and he forces himself to look away from her.

"Everything is being taken care of."

He knows that he would turn into a hungry beast wanting to devour her if he were to look at her any longer.

Seeing a towel on the bed’s side table, he reaches for it and direct the subject elsewhere.

"Why didn’t you dry your hair? What if you catch a cold?"

As he grabs the towel with his left hand, his righthand places the blueprint down on the bed. He looks back at his wife, and the feelings he had seconds ago disappear.

Placing the towel on his lap, he doesn’t ask for permission but gently pulls his wife up to sit.

"Here, let me help you dry your hair."

Yue Ling didn’t resist when Lu Tian pulled her up. She obediently sits up and gives him a childlike smile with upside-down crescent eyes.

"I did, but I was too tired and fell asleep."

She laughs at her words and takes the towel out of his hand.

"I can dry my own hair. If there are more things to take care of outside, you should go. I’ll go prepare dinner soon."

Her hands had yet to touch the towel when Lu Tian casually moves it away from her. He places it over her head and proceeds to dry her hair.

"I rather dry your hair than go outside."

Yue Ling’s cheeks flush a shade of pink, and her posture slightly slouches like a turtle hiding inside its shell. She pouts disapprovingly but doesn’t push him away or stop him.

She knows that one word from her will only lead Lu Tian to do the opposite.

She sits up like a spoilt child letting her mother dry her hair before bed with a sigh for who knows how many times. Her eyes subconsciously glance down, and she sees the blueprint. However, due to it being rolled like a scroll, she couldn’t see the contents inside.

"What is that?"

Her curious question enters Lu Tian’s ears, but he doesn’t stop his movements. He had already guessed that she had long noticed the blueprint but was using this chance to ask.

"It’s a blueprint for our house."

He doesn’t hide anything from her and answers truthfully.

However, Yue Ling gave him an expression like saying, ’Well yea, I can see that.’

She secretly rolled her eyes when he wasn’t looking and reach forward to grab the blueprint. She unrolls it, and her bluish-green eyes scan over the paper.

It was indeed an outline of their house.

Unlike the minimal details it had before, she could see newly added details to each room. Some were even over the old ones, like expanding the space.

She scans over the blueprint again, but this time, she made sure to look carefully. However, thinking about something, her eyebrows furrow together, and she places the paper on her lap as she looks at the man drying her hair.

"Why are you increasing security? Is there something you’re not telling me?"

Lu Tian had only finished drying his wife’s hair and was about to put the towel away. His movements pause for a split second before he set the towel back where he picked it up,

"Just for precautions."

He changed his position to sit side by side with her and takes the blueprint from her hands. He doesn’t put it away but holds it for her to see.

"Our home is only protected by a gate, but anyone can still enter if climbing over. For extra reassurance that you and Inu will be fine if I’m ever away, my team and yours are here to enhance the security I planned."

Yue Ling stares at Lu Tian with a skeptical look. He said it was reassurance for her and Inu, but it was more for him from her point of view. After she had told him about the encounter with Tao Meng and Red Moon, he has been acting strange.

She knew this because while they were at Blush Tree, she often saw him glancing at his phone and thinking about how he had spaced out when she went to get him. It can only be because of this.

However, not wanting to embarrass him that she already had a hunch, she looks away with a nod of her head.

"I see... So that’s why they’re all here."

She looks at the window that gave a view of the back courtyard, and she thought about when she entered the house earlier.

When she saw a bunch of shirtless men with masculine body structures in the back courtyard, she did not pay any attention to them. Her line of sight went straight to the construction vehicles, metals, woods, and other equipment used for labor.

After Lu Tian urged her upstairs, she planned to go to the study room to look over some of her work. However, the second she opened the door, she saw that everything had been put in different places with tarps and wood pieces set on the floor.

She didn’t want to mess anything up than it already is, so she left for the bedroom.

As she waited, the sound of construction continued to enter her ears, and her curiosity grew. She knew that Lu Tian was planning something, but she wasn’t sure what it was.

She sneakily walked over to the window to see but saw Lu Tian giving an order to the group of men. It was only then that she realized her team was also there. Not just that, but Lu Tian and Qi Li were on their way to look around the house’s exterior.

Not wanting to be caught and have the aloof man think she was trying to look at the shirtless men, she decided to shower and change into more comfortable clothes.

However, when she finished, Lu Tian was still now back.

She made another decision to sit on the bed and wait, but when she felt the comfort of their soft and warm bed, her eyes grew heavy, and she fell asleep.

Returning her flashback, she looks away from the window then down at the blueprint.

"Since this is for a project on the house, why did you bring it inside?"

Lu Tian doesn’t look at his wife but points to the technical drawing of a room in the house.

"I brought it in to see if you wanted anything specific done to this room."

Yue Ling’s eyes followed his finger. When she saw that he was pointing at her closet room, she got a better understanding and chuckles.

"What’s there to be done? If worst comes to the worst, I can just go out the window."

Lu Tian’s expression turned black, and he raises one hand to pinch her cheek. He didn’t use too much strength, but his little move made Yue Ling’s cheek turn red.

Yue Ling quickly places her palm over her swollen cheek and glares at the man with puffed cheeks when he let go.

Lu Tian quickly felt guilty about hurting her. He heaves a long sigh and moves her hand so that he can caress her cheek with his hand.

"I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to go out of the window. It’s too dangerous, and you might hurt yourself."

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