Universal Power System

Chapter 193 Wind Mode

The Beetle King bit down so hard that its mandibles didn't just aim at Bill but also a big chunk of the earth beneath him. It pulled out the chunk of earth right from the ground as it bit through, but there was something wrong.

The Beetle King's bite landed exactly where it was intended and bit through a bit more than expected but when it pulled the chunk of earth with supposedly Bill sandwiched in between and crushed it to pulverize the chunk of earth as well as mince Bill up before swallowing him whole.

There was only one thing missing, Bill himself!

The Beetle King waited for the sweet nectar it called blood to drip down in its stomach but it never happened as Bill was never caught by its giant mandibles in the first place.

"HOOO!" Bill breathed out heavily as he nearly avoided a brutal death.

He was still laying on the ground as he still wasn't in control of his body and couldn't move properly which raised the question of how was he able to escape from the Beetle King's deadly jaws and appear ten feet away to its right.

In the final moments right before certain death, Bill tried relentlessly to try and make his body move to escape the dashing Beetle King, but his body refused to listen and would do the exact opposite of what he wanted.

He watched as the giant strong mandibles were about to crush and devour him whole and in an attempt of desperation, Bill activated his Wind ability and blasted air off his feet.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The released air was able to create enough thrust for Bill's laid down body to slide away from the area that the Beetle King bit down on and thus he narrowly avoided death and escaped to its right.

Bill was really struggling with his body function all jumbled up as he was only able to lift his head off the ground by ordering his head to move backward. Bill saw what the Beetle King did to the massive chunk of earth and he realized just how strong this beast was in front of him.

The Beetle King threw a fit of anger as it realized that Bill wasn't sandwiched between the chuck of the earth as it had expected by throwing random bolts of lightning in every direction.

Some of those rough lightning bolts hit patches of grass or wood and lit them on fire, creating a bit more visibility in the environment while others hit the ground or rocks, creating small craters and charring the area of impact.

By some miracle, Bill wasn't hit by any of these lightning bolts and by this time the duration for the distortion status effect was over and Bill regained all of his normal body functions.

Bill blasted a lot of air from his back which instantly lifted him up from a laid-down position to a straight-up standing position.

The Beetle King quickly caught on to what was going on and quickly lined itself facing Bill once again, this time with more anger than ever.

The Beetle King was indeed very angry.

It was supposed to be an Advanced-tier beast. The king of the Terra Beetles, but ever since the wave had begun, it hasn't been able to kill a single human. It was first assaulted by some really strong attacks when the chip in their necks prevented them to move past a certain threshold, and then its limb got cut off by the girl with the glowing blue eyes.

It had sacrificed its crystal once just to barely overpower her and even then it had to rely on its underlings to finish her off which was also a failure as she enacted a massive tidal wave to kill all of them leaving it to eat all their bodies to regenerate its body and crystal and fight the remaining battle alone as it couldn't control the other Terra Beetles that belonged to the other king.

Even though its species was heartless with the kings feeding on the regular workers to heal, they were still valuable to them and to fight alone with no army was quite a blow to their ego.

It didn't need to eat all of its underlings to regenerate its lost limbs but since it had gone berserk and put its own crystal on self-destruct mode, it needed to eat a lot more crystals to stabilize the energy inside of it so that it wouldn't loose power permanently.

Even though most of these things were from the Beetle King's own choices, like any selfish being or beast in this case with an ego, it wanted to shove all the blame on someone else and make them the target for their anger and wrath.

Since Iris was now off the island, the Beetle King's new target was Bill and it was even more mad when he somehow managed to escape it when he was hit with a powerful debuff.

Bill had to reevaluate his whole game plan as he could physically attack with his earth ability as it would only prompt the beetle king to shoot lightning at him again and earth being conductive would put him at a disadvantage as he would get shocked and repelled back.

Bill didn't have great mastery over his Sand ability as it was only Level 2 which made it less ideal to use as a main attack against an Advanced-tier beast with a Level 7 Lightning ability, not to mention the fact that the Beetle King could turn his sand into fragile glass by simply striking it with its lightning bolts.

Bill didn't know how he could defeat the beast in front of him because the only abilities that he had were capable of creating piercing attacks which was one of its weaknesses was countered by the Beetle King's Lightning.

That left him with only one option, his Wind ability!

Bill hadn't considered the Wind ability at all because even though at this moment, his wind aura was the strongest out of his three abilities; however, Bill still looked at it normally which was a stupid mistake on his hand.

When he reached out to his wind aura to review his options, he was completely overwhelmed by the amount of aura he currently had inside his body and felt quite dumb to have been thinking normally when his mutant gene had activated from the very start.

The Beetle King didn't give Bill much time to think of a plan to use against it as it quickly started to shoot lightning bolts at him as it rushed forward with its mandibles glowing yellow with lightning.

Bill saw the super strong lightning bolts coming straight at him, and with him currently releasing the massive amount of green aura inside of him, the aura itself reacted to the situation and activated a skill that Bill had no clue about himself.

Somehow all of a sudden he didn't feel tensed or scared at all. His body felt light as a feather and he felt all his anger and emotion fade away. He felt completely at peace; so much so that he closed his right as the first lighting bolt was about to make contact with Bill.

With his eyes closed and senses relaxed, Bill's body moved on its own just slightly; enough to dodge the lightning bolt that created a medium-sized crater behind him.

The remaining lightning bolts quickly followed and Bill's body continued to adjust itself ever so slightly to dodge every single one of them.

Bill's unconscious was shocked after observing what his body was doing. He could never move like that and dodge all those lightning bolts.

The skill that the wind aura had activated by itself had separated his body and consciousness with his body in control of his wind ability with only one command, evasion!

Bill felt that he could regain control of his body and cancel out the skill anytime needed to, but before he rushed and did that, for once he stopped and tried to think. There had to be a reason for his mysterious mutant gene to activate this ability.

Meanwhile, his body continued to dodge everything that the Beetle King threw his way by sliding, jumping, and gliding all over the place, essentially playing a cat and mouse chase with the giant Beetle King.

The Beetle King grew angrier and angrier and threw out an array of different moves from Lightning's elemental skill tree that did a lot of damage to the surroundings, but Bill still remained untouched.

Finally, Bill understood that his body was actually buying him time to think. The problem right now was that Bill didn't have a super effective move against the Beetle King and had to figure out a winning strategy with the cards he had been dealt.

With his Earth and Sand abilities out of the picture, Bill had to spend the next precious moments coming up with a strategy using his buffed-up wind ability to counter the lightning ability of the Beetle King and end it once and for all.

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