Universal Power System

Chapter 216 Special Task Force (Part 1)

Commander Anderson paused for a moment, allowing Mako and Iris to absorb the shocking revelation. The room fell silent as the weight of their achievement settled in. Finally, Mako mustered the words to respond.

"We...we had no idea," Mako stammered, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and pride. "I mean, we were just doing our best to survive out there. We didn't realize it was such a rare accomplishment to actually make it through."

Iris nodded in agreement, her eyes still wide with disbelief. "We were just trying to work together and stay alive. We didn't think it would make us stand out so much."

Commander Anderson smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting admiration. "That's the beauty of it, Cadets. If we had told you a lot beforehand that no one had been able to clear the normal recruitment test in 3o years, you would already have your morale down and wouldn't try as hard to survive, knowing you might still get in."

He leaned forward, resting his hands on the desk. "That's why I've called you here today. You along with your other friends have shown exceptional talent and skill that arises once after many years. I believe you have the potential to become exceptional assets to our military."

"Surviving the horde night on the island speaks volumes about your abilities, instincts, and resilience. Other than that you have discovered and obtained strong resources such as mutant genes and resonance which regular cadets have never achieved. We want to harness those qualities and offer you a unique opportunity."

Mako and Iris exchanged glances, anticipation building within them. The main commander's words ignited a spark of hope and excitement.

Commander Anderson continued, his tone growing more authoritative. "You have been selected to join a special task force that operates outside the standard cadet training program. This task force is comprised of individuals who have displayed exceptional skills, adaptability, and potential. You will undergo intense training and be given access to advanced resources and technologies."

Mako's heart raced with a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. The idea of being part of an elite unit was both thrilling and daunting. when he first got the system and decided to dedicate himself to working towards his great-grandfather's dream, he never expected to get so far in just 3 months.

He glanced at Iris, who wore a similar expression of awe and determination.

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Commander Anderson leaned back in his chair, observing their reactions. "This is not an easy path, Cadets. The challenges will be demanding, and the expectations will be high. But if you choose to accept this opportunity, you will receive unparalleled training and support that no regular cadets ever receive."

Mako took a deep breath, his mind racing with the possibilities. He and his ancestors dreamt of making a difference, of being part of something greater than themself. This was the chance to turn that dream into reality.

However, one part of the Commander's statements kept bugging Mako.

"Sir, please don't mind me asking but why are you referring to us as 'Regular Cadets', and what is this 'Normal Recruitment Test'? Are there different tiers or classes to this?" Mako asked Commander Anderson with respect and curiosity.

To this, the commander laid back on his seat again and looked at both of them with a somber and almost apologetic look, which Mako a bit uneasy thinking that he may have said something wrong.

However, before he could speak again, the Commander began to explain the different types of recruitment tests and how rich and more powerful children from strong and powerful families are treated differently and have different tests and he also explained the special, advanced, and regular classes at the military school and how they were filled.

It sounded very biased but Mako quickly understood that this was the only way to keep things fair and to make it so that everyone at least got the chance to enter the military from where their own skill and power will determine how far they will go.

An example of this was Commander Anderson himself, who was a regular cadet that didn't clear the test but had shown enough skill and talent to be placed in the advanced class.

"Even though most of those kids end up in the special class rarely any of them get selected for this special task force, we are not looking for a spoiled kid with no actual fight experience and is only strong because of their parent's money. We want truly exceptional and shining cadets like you that show real talent and skill," The Commander said as he concluded his explanation.

After understanding the entire scenario, Mako was indeed a little bumped out about not knowing this information, but it didn't matter cause right now he was about to be entered into the most high-ranked training program where the resources and training were going to be top notch.

With newfound resolve, he looked directly into Commander Anderson's eyes. "Sir, I would love to accept. I'm ready to take on this challenge and prove myself."

Iris nodded in agreement, her voice filled with determination. "I'm in too, sir. We won't let you down."

A smile crossed Commander Anderson's face, revealing a glimmer of pride. "Good. I had a feeling you both would. Don't worry about any situations you might have at home, because the military will give you a day to go back to your homes and gather everything that you need, plus I heard Cadet Cooper and Cadet Robinson had a contract with a sponsor, consider that contract fulfilled and finished."I think you should take a look at

Iris was very happy and joyous before but the Commander's last statement left her in complete shock.

"You... you... mean... we don't have to work there?" Iris asked in shock and surprise.

"Absolutely, You are a great asset to the military now, we won't let you waste your skills on a third-class company." The commander responded.

Iris was filled with even more joy and relief as now nothing was holding her back from advancing further on and making her parent proud.

"Welcome to the special task force, Cadets." The Commander announced as he stood up from his seat.

He held his hand toward the left aimed at a table with several prestigious bottles of liquor and a military hat.

The military hat floated upwards and moved towards his hand. He grabbed the hat and proceed to wear it before walking toward the gate Mako entered a couple of minutes ago.

"Come on, Cadets, it is time for your friends' arrival, and let's not waste any time and greet them," The Commander said.

Mako and Iris quickly stood up from their seats and followed behind the commander, anxious to meet their friends after being separated these past few days.

As they left the commander's office, this time following none other than Commander Anderson himself, who was receiving salutes left and right as he moved through the corridors, their minds buzzed with anticipation. They were about to embark on an extraordinary journey, one that would test their limits and shape their futures.

Outside, the military base buzzed with activity, as everyone was preparing for the hovercraft's arrival.

The sound of engines filled the air as Mako and Iris made their way outside. Soldiers in crisp uniforms scurried about, ensuring everything was in order for the arrival of the hovercraft. The anticipation was palpable, and the energy around them was wild.

Mako and Iris quickly hurried behind the Commander who despite looking old was very fast and this was his casual walking speed.

All three of them arrived at the landing zone where the hovercraft just landed and the front main panel dropped down to become a set of stairs for the cadets inside to walk down.

From inside the hovercraft, six cadets made it out and revealed themselves to everyone below who began clapping for their massive achievement as they started walking down the stairs.

Of the six, there were Bill, Leon, and Erin who were a bit embarrassed about such a huge welcome as they were carrying heavy backpacks filled to the brim with loot and weapons.

Next, there were Natasha and Haruto, Natasha was walking with intense confidence and pride as she took in everyone's praise and applause while Haruto behaved similarly to the group, shy and embarrassed.

Lastly, there was that one kid who spoke up to Brigadier Jones during their debriefing and looked less like a military cadet and more like a street gangster.

He showed no emotion as he quietly walked down the ramp alongside everyone else.

All six cadets made it to the bottom of the ramp and found the main commander standing in front of them waiting alongside two cadets, one standing to his left while the other standing to the right, both standing at ease alongside the main commander.

As Bill, Erin, and Leon made it down the ramp, the last people they thought they would encounter meeting first were the friends they had lost on the island.

"Mako!... Iris!... What are you guys doing here?" They all said simultaneously.

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