Universal Power System

Chapter 225 Fated Meeting (Part 2)

Chapter 225  Fated Meeting (Part 2)

The white disc made of concentrated air was hurled at Bill with impressive destructive power as even though it was 5 feet above the ground as it moved toward Bill, it ripped apart all the grass and dirt underneath it.

Seeing the destructive power of the disc, Bill knew he had to dodge it at all costs because there was no way his earth ability would be able to block it.

Activating that skill that allowed his body to react to even the slightest movements in air pressure around him, Bill managed to dodge the disc by leaping over it at just the right moment; however, since he was so close to the blade, a part of his hoodie from the back got cut off.

The disc followed through and smashed into a beautiful cherry blossom tree, slicing it cleanly in half and dropping it on the ground.

'That was too close for comfort,' Bill said to himself as he looked back at the sliced tree and prepared himself for William's continued assault.

William had his fists locked and close to his waist and in that position he summoned his earth aura and stepped heavily on the ground repeatedly.

Every time William stomped onto the ground, A massive sharp earth spike erupted from the ground from right underneath Bill.

William stomped repeatedly, giving Bill no breathing room as had to constantly be moving. He knew that if he slowed down for even a single second, he would be toast.

"Wait! I am...!" Bill shouted but was cut off with several spikes now erupting from underneath his feat.

"Too late now, kid! You messed up when you decided to rob a retired military veteran, I may be old, but don't think for a second that I can't handle you, chumps!" William shouted.

Even though William Johnson had a pretty big property, the training area was still a bit too small to contain a full-on battle, which worked negatively for Bill who was running out of room to run to.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However suddenly, William retracted all the earth spikes back into the ground, leaving the training area in absolute ruin.

Bill looked over at his father and saw a huge pile of sand underneath his feet.

'No, he didn't!' Bill shouted in his thoughts as he realized what his father had done.

William had done the exact thing, Bill had done several times, whenever there wasn't sand nearby him.

William had used his earth ability to grind down the raw earth underneath his feet into the sand and now he was ready for his real assault as the earth spikes were just a distraction to buy him time so that he could produce the sand.

"Wait! Please! I think there has been a misunderstanding!" Bill said as he tried to rub his face to clean off the dirt so that his father could recognize him.

However, with the pouring rain and low visibility, it was hard to make out someone's facial features unless they were up close to their face.

Bill got some of the mud off his face but his father wasn't waiting as he had already formed sand spikes behind him and launched them at Bill at fast speeds.

Even though William had high-level earth and wind abilities and quite a lot of experience using them, he resonated with them and obtained the sand ability just as he was about to retire and so his sand ability wasn't so high level.

Knowing this Bill knew that this was the one thing where he could possibly match his father.

William could have probably easily dealt with Bill using just his wind ability if he had to, but since he was fighting after so long, he was actually enjoying the fight and wanted to reveal all his cards to totally humiliate Bill who he thought was a gang member breaking into his home.

Bill tried to manipulate the sand spikes that his father had just hurled at him, but they were resilient and he was only able to change their trajectory so that they would miss him.

This finally surprised William Johnson as he couldn't believe a single gang member obtaining the mutant gene, which he didn't have but had the sand ability.

William quickly snapped out of it and hurled more sand spikes at Bill.

The sand wasn't the best ability to fight in the rain, because the water kept mixing with the sand to make mud, making it hard for William to use his skills effectively.

He tried again, but Bill manipulated the spikes away while copying his father's trick. He also began producing sand while deflecting the sand spikes.

Once he had procured enough sand, he started forming sand spikes of his own and launched them all at once unlike William who was shooting them off one at a time.

William raised an earth wall to defend himself and easily stopped all the earth spikes.

After he dropped the earth wall, he saw that not all of the sand spikes managed to hit him as several of them had hit the ground and turned into mounds of sand.

"Ha! See that! This is the difference between the power cultivated through hard work and the power obtained overnight!" William taunted as he was growing tired of this fight and just wanted to end it quickly.

He rushed forward with two wind discs, each forming in one hand ready to end this battle and get rid of the gang member in front of him, but as he moved forward he stepped right onto one of those sand mounds which was a huge mistake.


The sand mound exploded into a dust cloud which completely obstructed William's vision, causing him to throw the wind discs randomly in Bill's general direction.

Bill rushed in as this was his one and only opportunity. The wind discs were not too far off from the target and Bill had to rely on his his military uniform.

William was quickly trying to get the sand out of his eyes while skill to help him dodge the discs again.

He was able to successfully dodge the spikes but his loose hoodie got cut even more and it got ripped off his body leaving Bill in just his military uniform.

William was quickly trying to get the sand out of his eyes while throwing random wind blades in Bill's direction but these were easier to dodge and soon Bill was right in front of his father.

William had just gotten the sand out of his eyes and was about to launch another wind attack when Bill slapped his hands away and shouted at him, face to face.

"DAD! IT'S ME!" Bill shouted causing William to finally stop fighting.

William started at Bill's exhausted face as he still had his glowing green eyes and was wearing a military uniform.

"Bill?" William said in disbelief, but before he could say anything Bill's eye stopped glowing and he collapsed onto the wet ground out of exhaustion leaving William in absolute shock and confusion.


{Over at the East Side of Emerald City}

Mako was enjoying the rain which was much lighter than in other areas as he made his way over to his second-most favorite place in Emerald City, Bird's Eye Street.

He walked through the same alleyways he always did when he went to work, listening to the lady telling the news on the huge holographic screens on commercial buildings.

Mako couldn't believe how much had changed in his life in just three months. Almost three months ago, he walked through the same alley depressed as anything, listening to the lady on the news wish everyone a happy new year and now he was part of the military task force, ready to start a new chapter in his life.

Destiny and fate really worked in interesting ways. If anyone would have asked Mako 4-5 months ago about how would he feel being a top cadet in the military, he would have laughed out loud in their faces as there was no possible way.

However, fate had other things in store for Mako as he found the system in the hidden room in his house and went on to prove himself by getting stronger and defeating many enemies.

He took a left arriving on a busy street that looked as beautiful as always. He walked down the street greeting everyone as he went by and finally stopped in front of a two-story building which was the bakery.

It was about closing time and there were no customers inside, but that didn't stop Mako from entering through the front door.

As soon as he entered through the door, the bell rang and indicating that someone had entered the shop.

"Sorry... We're closed, come back tomorrow!" A voice came from the back which was the kitchen and a second later Sir Derek came out wiping his hands with a cloth.

Both Mako and Sir Derek paused as they stared at each other in surprise.

"Mako?! You're back!" Sir Derek exclaimed.

"Sir Derek...? YOU'RE COOKING!?" Mako shouted in disbelief.

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