Universal Power System

Chapter 236 Training Disaster (Part 2)

As the Water Sentinel began to advance toward them, Mako quickly explained that they had to defeat the water monster quickly if they ever hoped to win and that their water ability was useless against it.

The Water Sentinel was 12 feet tall and was completely made out of water, some of the water had coagulated to become solid, yet it didn't resemble ice. It had two glowing teal-colored eyes and a giant mouth with teeth made out of that solid water.

Mako knew they had to act fast to defeat the Water Sentinel before Team B arrived. Countless thoughts of strategies ran through Mako's mind as he tried to utilize his team's combination of abilities to their advantage.

Since Water had no effect on the thing, he would try the only logical ability to counter its nature, Fire!

Mako, Iris, and Erin dodged the sentinel's giant water jet attack by rolling across the floor in the nick of time.

Mako instantly revealed his fire aura and red fire began to ignite on his arms. Mako began throwing fireball after fireball at the sentinel as fast as he could; however, to his absolute surprise, the fireballs did nothing as they just evaporated some of the water from the surface of the water sentinel's body and turned it mist which the sentinel quickly recovered.

The fire attacks had seemed to make the sentinel make as he charged at Mako at its full speed, aiming the ground shake as it ran.

Mako tried to form a stronger fire attack to maybe try and evaporate the whole body at once so that there wouldn't be anything left to regenerate, but before he could finish charging up his flame bullet, the water sentinel was already upon him.

"Mako, watch out!" Erin yelled as she conjured an ice wall to protect Mako from the sentinel's massive punch.

The punch completely crushed the ice wall as it stood no chance against its power; however, it gave Mako enough time to finish charging his flame bullet, aimed straight at the Sentinel's face.

[Flame Bullet has been activated]

"Eat this!" Mako shouted as he fired the fully charged Flame Bullet.

The bullet blasted from his finger carrying a great amount of concentrated red fire aura as it was prone to do great damage, after all this attack was able to expand the tunnel in the wall into a small cave.

The bullet traveled toward the sentinel at quick speeds, and as it made contact with Sentinel's face evaporated the water and tore a hole through its face it went all the way through and exited from the back, and continued forward until it collided with the roof of the training room, creating an explosion.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The explosion did nothing to the roof at all but was very visible to Leon and Bill who were still trying to find the right path through the labyrinth of walls and turrets.

"See that! That's probably where they are fighting." Leon told Bill as they both quickly began dashing in the direction of the explosion.

There was a clean hole through the Sentinel's head and it had stopped moving, indicating that it had indeed been dealt with.

Mako took a sigh of relief knowing he dealt with it just in time as he would have been squashed like a tomato if that punch landed on him cleanly.

Erin and Iris also calmed down knowing that the problem was now dealt with and just as they were about to move on, they froze in place as water from the pool surrounding the crystal floated over to the sentinel.

Mako who was smiling knowing he had eliminated the threat and that now they could finally claim the crystal was now at a loss for words and before his very eyes, the sentinel began regenerating its own face.

It only took a second for the sentinel to recover and it was looking good as new.

"That's Impos..." Mako was about to say but got cut off as the sentinel followed through with its original action which was punching him into the ground.


"MAKO!!!" The girls screamed as the sentinel's punch effortlessly went down and crushed Mako into the ground, creating a massive cloud of dust that represented the power of the punch.

The girls were in shock as to what to do next. Mako was just killed by that water monster! How is that possible? Is this even training!?

The girls were very confused and unsure of what to do next, but it was not like they had any choice other than to fight as the sentinel was making its way toward them quickly.

Tears were running down their faces as they were faced with the horror of reality and what was actually going on. Iris only had the water ability to use to fight which was useless against the monster which only left Erin to fight out of this mess.

"Screw this!" Erin shouted as her eyes began to glow white.

"STOP! NO!" Iris shouted as she grabbed Erin's arm," You can't use your mutant gene right now. Commander Malik told us to wait at least 6 months to ensure it has properly recovered, or else our abilities might get damaged!"

"You think that matters right now! That thing just killed Mako and we're next, and unless you have any bright ideas, our only option is to fight with all that we have!" Erin shouted as she broke free from Iris' hold and prepared herself to battle the abomination using her elevated ice powers.

"STOP!" A familiar voice resounded from the cloud of dust behind the water monster.

Erin paused as she tried to process whose voice she had just heard while Monster continued to run toward them at the same speed.

Just then from within the dust clouds, Mako dashed out to the right side of the water sentinel and activated his Earth ability to raise large earthen pillars from the ground to hit the Water Sentinel from the right causing it to lose its balance and fall over to the left.

[Dash has been activated]

Mako dashed over to the girls who couldn't believe what they were seeing. Mako was alive and mostly unharmed as even after getting completely crushed by the water monster's giant fist, he only had a few cuts on his face and arms and was slightly bleeding from them.

"Mako... how did..." Iris asked in shock as she reached forward to touch Mako's face to make sure she wasn't hallucinating and that it was all real.

"We don't have time for that!" Mako quickly replied as he turned back to face the water sentinel who had already gotten back up which was quite surprising considering its size.

"Listen, I figured it out! I know how we can defeat that thing!" Mako shouted as the water sentinel glowed even bluer and let out a massive yell.

"How!?" Erin asked as she deactivated her mutant gene.

"It doesn't matter where we damage it, it will just regenerate, but it will take some time for it to recover, once it has received a decent amount of damage!" Mako said thinking back to the time when the sentinel was stationary while it healed itself by drawing more water from the pool.

"That's our cue! We will have to damage it again so that becomes stationary and requires water from the pool to heal. You guys will use your water ability in unison to block that water from reaching that sent... m... monster, while I deal with destroying its body completely!" Mako explained the plan just as the sentinel resumed running toward them.

Erin seemed determined to just kill that thing before worrying about anything else, but Iris on the other hand still couldn't believe that Mako was still standing in front of her.

"I'm alright, Iris. I will explain later, but I need you to focus right now," Mako said without even turning towards her as if he could read Iris' thoughts, but it did the trick as the look of determination appeared on her face as well.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Iris shouted with determination as her hand began to glow green which she planted it firmly on Mako's back.

A warm and soothing feeling entered Mako's body and almost immediately, he stopped feeling all the pain that was coming from the damage he took from the sentinel's punch.

Mako didn't even get the chance to thank Iris as the sentinel was upon them once again. They were all quite agile which was the only thing they had better than the sentinel and they used it to quickly get out of the range of its waterfall attack.

Mako switched over to his lightning ability to try and see if he could get more damage in as water was supposed to be conductive which meant that the lightning would spread all over the sentinel's body and evaporate water from everywhere at once.

He condensed the lightning into his hands as he formed a claw which he swiped vertically toward the sentinel.

[Lightning Claw has been activated]

The lightning did its magic as sure enough lightning flowed through the sentinel's entire body and the friction from all that current flowing through slowly began to boil its entire body, which made it look like it was shrinking from all sides.

As soon as the lightning claw was finished, Erin jumped in and launched large ice spears at the sentinel, embedding them inside its water body which began to spread its coldness, freezing the sentinel itself, bit by bit.

The sentinel was enraged by the freezing spears which it quickly ripped out of its body. It began to pursue Erin as it viewed her as the biggest threat while Iris remained back and used her own water ability to battle the crystal's water ability, barely being able to stop more water from being supplied to the sentinel.

"Erin, use your ice walls to trap me and the Sentinel," Mako commanded.

Erin was unsure about what Mako was planning, but they didn't have time to hesitate so she led the water sentinel toward Mako who blocked its path using several large earth pillars.

Erin created a series of ice walls to encircle the Water Sentinel, while Iris continued to block any water from reaching the sentinel.

The Water Sentinel was now trapped and before it could get through all the earth pillars, Mako had placed his hands on the ground and activated a skill with his fire aura.

[Flame Pillar had been activated]

Flames erupted from the ground and enveloped the entirety of the area that was walled off from Erin's ice walls. The intense heat from the fire caused the water from its body to evaporate, weakening the Sentinel's body. At the same time, the ice walls prevented it from escaping.

"Keep reinforcing the walls! Don't let it escape!" Erin heard Mako's voice from within the ice enclosure.

The water Sentinel continued to struggle in order to find a way out but it was blocked from every direction and the flames soon rendered it immobile. With no new water being able to reach the sentinel's body, it began to grow smaller and smaller before it was completely gone, reduced completely to a mist.


Mako stopped spamming flame pillars, and the area finally fell quiet. Erin lowered the ice wall which had taken almost all of her energy to continuously maintain as Mako melted it from the inside with his hot red flames such that she was bleeding from her nose and was feeling quite light-headed.

It was a tough fight, but they had come out victorious and the only thing left to do now was to retrieve the crystal and head back toward their starting point.

However, just as Team A caught their breath and prepared to retrieve the crystal, they heard footsteps approaching. Bill and Leon had arrived.

They saw the all destruction that had happened to the place and their injured friends, yet they couldn't spot Nathan's unconscious body anywhere which made them think, what exactly were they fighting?

However, it didn't really matter as they watched Iris almost reach the crystal. Realizing that they were too late to claim the crystal, they decided to confront their friends as this was the only way for them to ensure their victory.

"Move out of the way, losers! We're taking the crystal," Bill demanded, his eyes filled with determination.

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