Chapter 159 159. MONEY TALKS

Bad things, there were a lot of bad things that the world seemed to wish on Noah, but it seemed the world had transitioned from that; to directly uncomfortable and weird situations.

A moment of silence passed after the red haired girl spoke, her face almost directly in front of Noah's, though her 5"5 height only let her reach his chest.

"No," Noah frowned, "Why would you even say such a thing," He commented taking a step back.

"I want to be close to you," She repeated, this time her voice a tad bit louder than before. But thankfully no one heard.

"Thanks, but no thanks," Noah replied, "And I barely even know you," He continued, taking another step back. He desired to get away from her and the situation in whole.

She saw this and took two steps forward, her face only a few inches from his chest.

"I haven't known you for thirty minutes," Noah complained trying to shrug off the weird stares they were receiving.

"That takes time. And we can get to know each other on your journey," She explained, her voice soft.

"Which journey?," Noah raised an eyebrow.

"The one you are about to go on," She replied, "Didn't you say you were a traveller," She raised her head to stare at his face.

"I am," Noah stated getting annoyed, "Can you please take a step back, before I accidentally commit a crime," His expression turned cold and his voice dripped with annoyance.

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Her Instincts trembled at his words and she took a few steps backwards.

"I do not even know your name," Noah shook his head after a few seconds, wondering how their conversation had even turned out like that.

"Where are my manners. I am Emillia. Fifth daughter of the house of Gerio," She dropped a curtsy.

Noah could only show a complicated expression at that sight, but his voice rang out eventually. "Lady Emillia, I do not desire to have anyone travel with me," He stated.

"You may not desire it, but you need someone," Emillia spoke, her expression back to its blankness.

Noah noticed the change but ignored it, an eyebrow rising on his face, "What do you mean?," He enquired.

"I mean no offense when I say this; but you sir Allen, look like a village bumpkin," She replied, in a tone that managed to pierce Noah.

Without giving him the chance to speak, she continued, "You obviously need someone to help you out of this massive city. Not only that, you also need someone to show you the interesting activities this city has."

Noah felt a mix of embarrassment at how true her words were, and curiosity, at the activities the city had.

Ignoring her hurtful words, his voice rang out, "What events do the residents of this city partake in?," He enquired.

Smiling at the fact that he had basically confirmed her words, Emillia spoke, "Activities that range from armour commissionings, weapons commissioning, selling or buying parts of magical beasts, auction houses, the adventurers guilds missions, more knowledge-filled libraries, and many more," She listed. Her expression still blank.

Picking up a word that piqued his interest, Noah didn't hesitate to gain more knowledge.

"Can I buy whole magical Beasts," Noah asked, while also questioning the system on the matter.

And it confirmed that he could buy whole magical beasts or slightly incomplete magical beasts, and the system would absorb them for the dungeon creation.

Excitement bubbled in Noah's stomach at that confirmation, but he calmed himself. He couldn't get excited until Emillia had confirmed it.

"Yes you can...But I doubt you'll have enough money for those. At least for tier 3 Beasts," Her sharp words didn't manage to hurt him enough.

A sense of satisfaction filled Noah's mind at her words. The world fading out as he imagined finally being able to level up. He would rather pour all his funds into that, than waste time interacting with the human civilization. At least, until he was reasonably strong.

'I do need someones help,' Noah soon concluded. But he wasn't sure she could be trusted. He still felt a mild sense of danger being around her.

"How much do you estimate a full tier 3 beast would cost?," Noah eventually spoke.

"On average, if you aren't looking for anything rare, they would cost around 30-50 small silver coins. Those are for lower-stage beast," She replied, and Noah struggled to keep his calm expression on.

A helpless sigh eventually escaped his mouth, as the cruel realization dawned on him. 'I don't have nearly enough money,' He affirmed.

His purse only contained 108 small silver coins, and a few hundred small coppers. He would only be capable of buying less than three beast if he got lucky.

"Why would you need whole magical beasts?," Emillia asked genuinely curious.

"What jobs can one take to gain more money," Noah spoke, Intentionally ignoring her question. While his mind processed tens of thoughts in that Instant.

Emillia immediately frowned at his words, she didn't like being treated as a mere source of information, but she replied anyway.

"There are lots of jobs you can take. But i presume you want one that would make you a significant amount of money," She paused. Seeing his nod she continued.

"There are a few major ways to make lots of money. One: Join an independent guild," She raised her right index finger to simulate the number.

"Independent guilds offer lots of missions, and even have wages for their members. But that depends on what position you hold, and how much you've contributed. But they do have rewards for completing missions," She explained.

"Guild members of more popular guilds, like the three great guilds make more money monthly than some small noble families earn in a whole year," She paused again.

"You can also become an adventurer. This is an occupation that the nation itself made, and therefore is funded by the royal family. They don't pay much for lower ranking adventures, but when you become a 3 star adventurer, the danger of the missions drastically increase, so do the rewards," She shook her head seemingly recalling something.

"I'm a 2 star adventurer. And it's taken me five years of hard work to achieve that," She said. "Actually we all are 2 stared adventurers, apart from lady Frela; who's a 3 star," She added.

Noah simply performed slight nods at her words.

"The second method is by joining secret organizations that deal in shady businesses," She announced without slight smile.

"Are you supposed to tell a country bumpkin like me, something like that," Noah asked, amused.

"It's not a secret. Every knowledgeable bumpkin knows they exist. Rumors even go around that the royal family patronizes them," She shrugged.

Noah could only find sense in her words, for they were true. "Where would i get in contact with a secret organization," He asked playfully.

"You don't. They get in contact with you instead," She stated far seriously than Noah had expected.

Clearing his throat, Noah tried to get her back on track, "Is that all?," he asked.

"No. There are other methods but the first two I've mentioned are the most clean and effective way to make money. At least if you have an absurd amount of talent," She replied almost laughing, but still managed to retain her composure.

A smile inevitably broke on Noah's face at those words. He recalled the image box he had been given by the agent of the "Divine Lightning" guild, and he still planned on joining, but that would be after he had concluded with his current objective. Visiting Vonol.

"So can I be your companion?," she spoke after a few moments of silence.

"I definitely need help around this city. And since you offered, I'll take it. But as for a companion I don't know, nor trust you enough for something so sensitive," He explained, "So I'll pass on that."

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