Chapter 187 187. LUCKY

Deep confusion ravaged the insides of Noah's mind at the sight that lay before him.

He couldn't help but sweep his gaze on his surroundings; to confirm that he had arrived at the place the people had directed him to.

He had confirmed from exactly seven Individuals before getting there, so he knew this was it. 'But really,' he wondered, perplexed.

Noah fully expected a grand building pained with golden colours and bustling with Individuals.

He even half expected the place to be surrounded by a dark cloud releasing bolts of heavenly lightning, or something.

But all that imagination went down the drain when his eyes continued to fall on a run-down building with black and grey-ish paint, causing for its old look.

The buildings around the black building made a massive contrast, as his destination seemed to be in a world of its own.

People even avoided the building like an ugly scar, as they didn't even spare it a second glance.

Multiple minutes passed, and Noah felt the excitement he had for that guild burn. That emotion exiting his head like smoke.

Doubts filled Noah's mind about the whole thing, but the old saying; don't judge a book by its cover, rang in his head, giving him boost in morale.

Unfortunately the insides of the book looked just as bad as its cover.

Noah pushed the brown, barely standing door, to step foot into a dimly lit environment.

The smell of dampness and dust fought their way into his nose, and he shurnk back in disgust, wondering how a place could smell dry and wet at the same time.

'When last was this door opened,' Noah couldn't help but wonder.

Dusty surfaces filled his entire view and what he recognized as seats looked to have been clothed with decades of dust.

"What a surprise!" A young and vibrant voice suddenly spread Inside the almost completely dark room, disquieting it.

All Noah needed was a few more seconds, and he would have concluded the place abandoned.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Noah managed to sight the shadowy figure of a person sitting across the room, behind the probably dusty reception table.

"Stop staring and come over," the male voice sounded, promoting Noah's suspicious movement.

His spells remained at the tip of his mind since he couldn't sense the power of the individual. If he could, he wouldn't have thought the place desolate.

He soon arrived before the reception and gained clearer visuals of the person speaking to him.

Noah laid eyes on the face of s middle-aged man. The man had green coloured hair that seemed to shimmer under the rooms low lights.

He sported round brown eyes that seemed aged even from that short inspection.

Although looking middle-aged, the man's face featured no blemishes or wrinkles, and the light smile on his face further enhanced his slightly above average looks.

"What do you seek young man?" The man spoke before Noah could open his mouth.

Trying his best to understand the man's power but failing, Noah relied on the system to accomplish that goal while he spoke.

[Name: Rhy ]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Guild branch coordinator]

[Tier: 3[Higher]]

[Affinity: Lightning]

[Level of danger: Unknown]

Noah felt surprised to see the man's affinity, but that emotion didn't show in his voice.

"I wish to join the Divine Lightning guild," Noah announced not shying away, even though the cultivator held more power than he.

Silence reigned for a few seconds, the middle-aged man seemingly contemplating something.

"I'm sorry young man, but you are already too late," the cultivator eventually announced, causing Noah's mood to instantly darken.

"Registration ended a few weeks ago, and it had been on for more than two months," he explained shaking his head.

"When will the next registrations start," Noah asked trying to find a glimmer of hope in that unexpected situation.

"We only recruit every two year's," the man stated.

Noah held his breath unconsciously at those words, and he soon felt his plan begin to crumble rapidly. The mere thought of traversing the forest again sent chill down his spine.

The middle-aged man; Rhy, watched Noah's expression experience multiple changes, each expression darker than the last.

A tinge of pity shone in his eyes at that point. The young man was someone of the lightning element, he could clearly sense it due to the familiarty that elements have to each other.

"Will this change things," Noah suddenly spoke startling the man, while a golden box appeared in Noah's palm, an illusory image of the beautiful Melissa brightening up the room with its yellow light.

An eyebrow rose on Ryhs face at that point, and he soon furrowed those green and thick brows.

"She said I should drop by anytime I had chance. I didn't know that the distance was this far. And I'm a traveller" Noah explained, desperately trying to find a way out.

"Young man when did you receive this from her," Rhy asked, his consideration looking do-able in his mind.

"About two months ago or three," Noah replied genuinely unsure. Too much had happened during that time and there wasn't any proper way of recording the passage of time. At least as far as he knew.

"Hmmm....Lady Melissa only gives this to those she finds impressive. I believe I can make a compromise," Rhy explained, his cool voice sparking hope in Noah's heart.

"Although we only have three weeks till the screening process. I can still allow your registration," Rhy announced, and the whole room lit up with a deep golden radiance.

The dust in that place vanished and the whole place seemed to tidy itself!

A series of orange Inscriptions shone in front of Noah, as the whole place seemed to stretch; two round metallic platforms appearing before he and the man, further separating them.

"You are a really lucky man to arrive here at this time. I was about to begin the preparations for the gathering of the already registered aspirants," Rhys voice spread in the room, his exactly location not visible from Noahs position.

"Stand here," the man suddenly appeared behind him, his expression that of light amusement. But the details that caught Noah's attention the most was his outfit.

Disregarding the good looking and regally adorned black garment with golden stripes and a few other things; Noah focused on the sensation his instincts experienced at the garments material.

Nothing he could currently do felt able to pierce it.

A series of yellow and and orange lights scanned Noah's full figure, spreading a weird sensation through his body.

Soon a live model of himself appeared before him, but it was illusory.

"Ah! You have a nice comprehension of the lightning affinity for your level. It'll help you a lot, but it's still not enough," the man explained.

"As far as I'm concerned in the category of tier 3 experts your base power is the weakest. Multiple experts with peak-lower-stage prowess and middle-stge prowess signed up. Although most weren't lightning affinity weilders their power can't be denied."

Noah's illusory image shurnk into a nothing more than a thumbs size, and an illusory black box contained it.

"What is your name young man?" Rhy asked tweaking with a few floating panels.

"Aiden," Noah replied, and a series of large yellow letter's spelling his name appeared in front of him, before shrinking to enter the box.

"Place both your hands on them," Rhy gestured at the round metallic platforms.

Doing exactly as he was told, Noah felt a strange jolt of energy course through his whole body, while vibrant red lights spread throughout the black metallic objects at his touch.

"This confirms your affinity. Non-lightning affinity holders would have been sent flying," Ryh giggled.

"It is done," the man eventually announced, after a minute or so of silence.

A black ring flaoted towards Noah, and he didn't hesitate to grab it.

"When you active it, your information will be displayed," Rhy explained while the rooms light died down, and everything began to recede to how they were before. Dirty.

Noah wore the ring and his mind quickly activated it. A series of stats shone in the space in front of him, but Noah noticed something that he didn't hesitate to read out.

"Registration position, 12,079," Understanding dawned on him and he couldn't help but swallow nervously.

"Yes, there were twelve thousand aspirants this season. But only around three thousand or two will be allowed in. If things go well," the expert explained from a position Noah couldn't see.

"So go prepare young man. I'd hate to see someone lady Melissa recommended go to waste," Rhy seemed to disappear and reappear at certain points in the building, until he finally returned to his seat. Allowing Noah focus on him again.

Noah didn't bother to complain inwardly, he understood that such a well sought out guild would have high requirements.

'But damn!' he still couldn't help but shake his head.

However, a question soon rose in his mind amidst his multiple thoughts.

"If this building is the head and only branch, and it is currently empty, not to talk of small. Where will that many people stay?," He didn't hesitate to voice his confusion.

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