Chapter 205 205. THE BEAST

There are many things terrifying and extremely deadly to the lives of man.

Many events able to wreck and shake Individuals up for the rest of their life-time, and Noah's situation couldn't help but fit into such categories.


Lots of it, Noah felt his ears tremble violently at the sheer sound the tornado released. It sounded like a hundred freight trains were speeding and crashing into each other directly next to him.

And only by sheer luck with the durability of his eardrums did he not lose his hearing.

Not being able to see anything apart from his arms, Noah felt himself get smashed into hundreds of large pieces of rocks while the massive tornado spun he and everything within its range.

The air density inside that terrifying environment was next to zero, Noah eventually having to result to to speed essence to get a chance to breathe, since the occasional rocks smashing into him constantly took his breath away.

The speed of the tornado was Incredible, definitely reaching speed of over 900mph, everything within its twister, even mere grains of sand felt like speeding bullets.

However they weren't totally enough to pierce him, only the rocks inflicting some light scratches.

Inside such an environment, Noah felt unable to get his bearing due to the sharp debris literally zooming faster than the speed of sound around him.

He had no chance to complain due to sheer amount of dust trying to directly pass through him, and when he thought his situation wouldn't get any worse it did.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


'Oh dear lord,' Noah managed to put together that simple thought, when a lightning bolt no less stronger than tier peak lower-stage 3, and multiple times larger than a humans figure, smashed into him.

Surprisingly even while inside that already fast environment, his body shot downwards travelling hundreds of meters. But a massive rock crashed into him before he could get to the ground.

Blood tried to escapes Noah's mouth, but the fact that the large piece of rock was too big for his body to totally smash through and it still continued moving, his gut could only bow to the centrifugal force.

Having being embedded into the rocks surface, Noah managed to get a few seconds of thinking time even if sharp pieces of rocks crashed into his figure managing to bounce off, but not after removing large pieces of his attire.

'Muliix!' Noah screamed inwardly and its black material immediately appeared on his skin. However that barely did anything than to make him an unpierceable ragdoll.

Crack's suddenly spread throughout the rocks surface and the sheer power of the tornado ripped it apart, leaving Noah to its mercy.

A popping sound escaped Noah's head, and all the sound around him vanished. But his essence healed his ears as soon as that injury appeared.

Gritting his teeth while crashing and smashing through another rock, Noah tried to see if he could gain control over the tornado.

Expanding his consciousness to its max, Noah began his plan, but only pure chaos spread all around him while he continued to be carried around by the tornado.

Suddenly time seemed to slow down as he empowered his mind with the speed forces's energy, but his figure exploded forth with a bright yellow radiance anyway. Incredible power surging through his whole being without his full permission.

Shock filled Noah's mind at that utterly unexpected event. He had literally moved a minute portion of his liquid-like essence, but it seemed even that was enough to allow his body overflow with power.

Pushing that matter to the back of his mind, Noat utilized the Incredible power available to him to seize the tornado Incredible movement speed.

Blood flowed out of Noah's nose at that feat, but more essence flowed into his mind at that point relieving him from the stress that action brought.

Managing to halt that tornado for a mere instant, which was the entirety of his comprehension of the air affinity, Noah tapped the dust filled space in front him, and his figure shot out of the tornados range, creating a deep yellow streak.

But instead of totally dispersing, the tornado simply resumed its movement.

Crashing into the ground a few tens of kilometers from that natural disaster, Noah rolled on the floor before crashing into a small cliff.

A series of curses exited his mouth at that point, while he held his head in pain.

Feeling his soul realm tremble violently due to the action he had just performed, Noah concluded on his Incredible weakness.

Coughing a mouthful of blood even if he remained in perfect condition, he lay on the bare ground, before suddenly beginning to laugh. Of course he did all this after removing Mullix's helmet.

"That was fun!" He screamed feeling a painful pang in his head.

Laying on the ground for a few minutes until his head stopped hurting, Noah ignored the rumbling sound in the distance.

From afar he could immediately understand how dangerous his situation had been.

"Being a speedling is awesome. I should be close to dead" he chuckled, jumping atop the barely standing cliff.

His eyes scanned the environment from that over 50ft height, and felt shocked to find multiple other tornado's far into the region.

But there was one which looked massive even from that distance. Noah termed it 'The beast'.

'What do I do,' he thought sitting on the cliff. The wind around him had started to pick up, though slightly. The tornado's were weirdly converging towards his location.

Lady Edna's words soon rang in his head at that point, and he felt astonished by the incredulous conclusion he came to.

'So that means the disasters will be out to get us, while the beasts alos do the same,' Noah thought shaking his head.

'This is going to be a hassle. I wonder how the other's are doing. I doubt any of them can easily escape as i did,' he nodded his head gazing at that weirdly beautiful scenery.

"Time to get moving," he grunted standing up, when five figures entered his line of sight.

'What the--' Noah's eyes had sharpened. He hadn't sensed the creatures arrival.

Raising his right arm to block the rapid blow coming towards his figure, Noah got flunged away, but a weird green liquid remained on that arm.

Sticking the landing before sliding for a few meters, Noah immediately sighted the creatures attacking him.

"Grotesque," he muttered in disgust but didn't hesitate to dash forward, at his bodies normal speed that is.

A group of five serpentine creatures ghostly grey in colour, and featured uneven bumps protruding out of their scale's.

The creatures featured two legs featuring three sharp talons. Each four inches in length, able to keep them on vertical surface's.

The real danger was their tails.

Parted in two and featuring two stingers larger than even their heads, those features caused Noah to wonder how they were still so fast.

'Maybe they don't weigh much,' Noah thought focusing on them.

Flickering into their midst before their over 13 meters long and 2.1m tall figures could move. Noah grabbed the uneven reptilian head of the closest creature, before proceeding to slam it into the ground.

The small piece of land which was the cliff, crumbled at that point, but Noah only felt mildly surprised to find that the beast hadn't received any Injuries.

These were the Two tailed scorpio-lizards.

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