Chapter 274 274. HURRY

A bloody scene lay in front of Noah after he had switched back to his calmer side. Jace lay a few feet from him, both his legs had been severed up to his knees and blood gushed out of them. Many of his fingers didn't look complete but like his legs, their missing parts were nowhere to be found. His daggers had probably absorbed their energy.

Jace visibly shook in terror while he tried his best to keep himself from screaming as a result of the blinding pain that ravaged his mind. His eyes were cloudy with tears and his breaths felt heavy as a boulder. Due to his state, his, group came running to feed him potions. Unfortunately, potions able to instantly heal a middle-stage body were expensive. Nevertheless, there were many lower-stage potions available.

The individuals that had spectated their short battle glanced at Noah with a light of horror in their eyes, he had taken things to another level; directly bursting through spells to arrive at his opponent's position like a rabid dog.

Jace had managed to escape him a few times, and he did this by casting spells non-stop. Unfortunately, his luck had run out at some point, allowing a savage Aiden to deal that much damage, unhindered by the light armor he wore beneath the guild's black garment.

'It'll take him a few weeks maybe a month to heal completely,' Noah thought taking a few steps forward. But the bleeding man held his hand up to stop his movement. A small brown bag appeared in front of Noah at that point, and he didn't hesitate to pick it up and take his leave.

He understood that the young man didn't want him around him, and honestly he didn't care, he had gotten his reward after all. Reviewing his memories of the fight, Noah found that they carried the same blandness that his dark side experienced, he felt as though he looked at life from a different lens, and in this case his memories.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His return to the dark environment of the city was quick, and he could only wonder where to go at some point. His room although solitary was boring to stay in for long periods, he preferred going out for missions, and thankfully he had advanced to E rank. Even if it wasn't much he could get a bit from them.

With that thought he returned to the grand guildhall to apply for a rank E mission, Fortunately, it was one that still happened within the multiple regions of the island.

The quest saw him delivering a series of packages to and fro to different locations within the inner region. The pay would be 100 small silvers, a reasonable one.

The quest took him a bit more than two hours to complete, but he barely felt tired, this caused him to take another mission, this time he would need to gather large rocks from the outer region and would be paid 120 small silver since it would require time and effort.

Noah had to gather many rocks more than twice the size of the average fully grown man.

The quest took him a bit more than four hours and had managed to get him slightly tired. It pained him that such an amount of work would only amount to that much, but compared to the outside world he was being paid well. Many would kill to get that kind of money, especially in poor towns where bronze coins were the highest denominations a person could attain.

He soon returned to his room after he had submitted the mission in the guild hall. He desired to eat but wasn't exactly hungry, so he remained within his abode.

He had gone two steps into the E rank. All that he required were eight more and he would be promoted to D rank where the real jobs were. Most of the D-ranked jobs required them to leave the island, which was probably why many tier 3's were in D rank.

It was easier to attain E and D, but the rise to C and then B could take years.

Laying on the comfy bed provided by the guild, Noah got lost in his thoughts before eventually falling into a deep sleep.

Finding himself within a hazy-looking environment, he managed to determine that he stood in a room, one that would be considered luxurious due to the many colors inside it.

Before him was a figure who had their backs turned on him, however, thanks to their long hazy hair, he could understand that they were female.

The lady seemed to stand before a mirror, but he was too far back to see her reflection. Notwithstanding she was about to reveal her face unto him when everything suddenly went pitch black. Noah felt himself plunge into the darkness around him and very quickly a voice rang out.

"Hurry!" the female voice boomed from the very darkness, causing a sense of urgency to befall his confused mind. However, his eyes snapped open before he could do anything.

Heavy breaths escaped Noah's mouth at his abrupt awakening, as the sense of urgency continued to dwell in his mind, but he soon calmed himself.

Noah recalled having such a dream before, only that the others lacked the ability to make him feel anything that wasn't wonder.

Needless to say, he felt more perplexed than ever. At this point he had concluded that it wasn't normal, but what the dream meant remained unfathomable to him since he didn't even know where to start.

Seeing that he had a body drenched with sweat, Noah could only wonder how that was even possible. He had a body mostly resistant to heat, and his room was constantly cool, yet he perspired heavily enough to feel grossed out.

A quick shower was all he required to return to his freshness. And he quickly set out to find a tavern in the area where he could have a few drinks and listen to the conversation people were having since information was more likely to be spilled by people who were half or fully drunk.

Notwithstanding, even after listening to the weird and funny stories of drunk experts, Noah remained unable to shake the foreboding feeling that hung over his head. Something was coming and he had to hurry.

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