Chapter 98 98. ELIMINATION

Sweeping his gaze on the six individuals spread out in front of him, Noah heaved a deep sigh, things were about to get a bit messy.

"So are we going to turn on each other now?," Moses shook his head.

"Well not necessarily. We might just take out the weaker ones," Noah replied, his gaze smashing into the four middle staged cultivators. Though he intentionally left Isabella out. She was strong.

"We are not that weak. You are just unreasonably strong," One of the four middle stage cultivators said, his voice a bit shaky, but he of course tried to cover it.

Noah raised his eyebrows, but nodded at the man's words. "Well you can say that, or you can just let me take out the four of you. No one has to die," Noah shrugged his shoulders.

"If you are going to do that at least give us a headstart," Isabella's voice rang out. "You don't seem a bad guy so I believe you can do that much," she added glancing at James.

One of the four middle staged cultivators seemed to notice Isabella's gaze on James so she spoke, "What about him. He's not even supposed to be among us, but you don't threaten him," The lady said with a desperate look.

Words were about to proceed out of Noah's mouth, when James stopped him. His mouth opening instead.

"I'm sorry for being the weakest here, but there's nothing we both can do about it. We are all here to win the prize and I happen to have teamed up with a freak that you all would also like to team up with," James laughed, Noah joining him too. Then his expression went serious.

"I hate to do this, but you guys will have to be eliminated," Noah said pointing at the four, who suddenly cast spells at him, making a break for it during that time.

Surprisingly all four of them had fire elemental affinities, which made for the eight balls of searing flames shooting towards him at breakneck speed.

Dodging was out of the option, though Isabella and Moses had jumped away from the spells' trajectory.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So he had only one option, which was tanking it.

Grabbing James with his right hand he hurled him away from his position in one swift movement.

The eight balls of fire converged on his body, a powerful explosion resounding In the area due to the collision of spells, sending multiple bits of rocks into the air, while a cloud of smoke rose up to the sky.

An instant later a powerful gust of wind blew right from within the smoke, clearing it and revealing the target of the spell.

Surprisingly Noah had not come out unscathed, only with a few patches of burnt skin, which healed fast enough to be visible to the human eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Noah swept his gaze on his surrounding, ignoring the incoming James, Noah focused on the six running figure in the distance. Ignoring Isabella and Moses, Noah left his gaze on the four middle staged cultivators, they were his target.

Their spells had been powerful enough to hurt him and buy them a few seconds, but that was all it bought them, a few seconds.

Still ignoring James who was running towards him for the distance Noah had thrown him was far. Noah took a very deep breath, and shot forward.

His figure seemingly flickered as he disappeared from his former position. He crossed the mulitiple hundreds of meters distance, the four cultivators had gone, in an instant.

Raising his right hand forward, Noah moved to finish the stage quickly, he had spent too much time in that game, he wanted to go back into the outside world.

His right hand grabbed the still unsuspecting cultivators shoulder. Tightening his grip he directly crushed it, stopping the lady from running.

Before her scream could alert her colleagues, Noah kicked the second person close to her.

Shattering the man's ribs and hips, with a bit of his back, Noah sent his pained body flying for meters.

Those actions had been done in just a second, which was enough time to alert the remaining two cultivators.

Seeing that two of their mates were down in an instant, the remaining two cultivators who were a duo of a male and female, cast spells without care.

Noah watched a tornado of flames flicker into life, and an expanding ball of flames trying to reach him.

Coming to a quick halt, Noah thought of what to do next, which he decided in an instant. Noah performed his mountain stomp in quick succession to his halt.

His figure shot into the air while surprisingly crack's spread in the ground.

His fast reaction to the cultivators spells had fazed them not, since they weren't watching his movements to begin with.

Still In the air, Noah watched the two cultivators cast three spells each in an instant, but he didn't care, since his next action had been decided.

Rasing the dagger that had appeared in his hand during that instant. Noah sent a slash downwards, not targeting any of the cultivators, but simply the ground.

The long slash struck the ground faster than anyone was moving, then an explosion immediately spread out, sending both cultivators flying since Noah had targeted the space in-between them.

The explosion managed to keep Noah in the air for just an instant longer, but during that period of time he was able to cast two spells.

Pointing his palms at the two tumbling cultivators, Noah sent a lightning bolt to each of them. Killing them on the spot.

Landing with a heavy thud, Noah swept his gaze around. Marvelling at the deep charred cut on the ground for a few milliseconds, Noah shook his head.

He almost forgott that the daggers he wielded were weapons in the realm of tier 3. Which was why the impact of the slash with the ground caused an explosion.

Pushing his wonder to the back of his mind, Noah searched for the two cultivators he had injured earlier.

His eyes eventually found them but in front of them each were the figures of Moses and Isabella.

Noah immediately had a frown his face while bringing out both daggers.

A few seconds of silence passed among them. Only the wails of the two cultivators breaking the heavy silence.

Noah took a deep breath and was about to move when Moses's voice rang out.

"You are going to fight us if we don't move right." He said. Seeing that Noah limited himself to not do anything he sighed.

A sword appeared in his hands which he stabbed into the head of the lady. killing her on the spot.

Isabella also shook her head. A wave of black smoke escaping her outstretched palm.

Immediately the smoke made contact with the man, his face began to melt in a horrifying manner. The man not being able to let out a scream since he died immediately.

Noah was absolutely taken aback by their actions. No words managed to escape his mouth until James arrived at the scene, his eyes landing on the four corpses with shock evident on his face.

His mouth was about to produce words, when the sky suddenly lit up with blue Inscriptions an automated voice ringing out.

"Requirements of the stage has been cleared. Teleporting winners out of the site," The voice said.

​ Immediately the voice was done, a weird bussing sound spread out in the whole city.

Noah immediately placed his hands on hie ear, his mind wondering why such was necessary.

Noah was about to say something to James when he realized that James was on the ground, passed out.

Noah's eyes widened when he realized that Isabella was passed out while Moses was currently struggling, but he too soon passed out.

Immediately that happened, a wave of fatigue hit Noah like never before.

His sight went blurry as mild sparks tried to exit his body, but the power behind the effects of the sound were currently beyond him.

Noah's mind went black immediately his body hit the ground.

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