Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 357


Eros brought food for Emily every day and it had been a week since that accident, but Emily didn’t look any better.

Yes, her wounds would heal in time, but it would leave marks, big ghastly scars that she would have to bear for the rest of her life.

Ariana, the healer, was not able to heal them because they were entwined with dark magic, even though they still didn’t know how Eros could be in touch with dark magic. It did not make any sense.

But, needless to say, that was not the problem right now, because Eros’ problem at the moment was Emily, and the scars on her face that would be a constant reminder of how he had hurt her. He lost control for a second and Emily had to bear the consequences of his actions for a lifetime.

“Emily...” Eros sat down in front of her, but she moved away and this broke his heart. He couldn’t stop blaming himself for this. He hated himself for causing her so much pain. “I...”

“Please, don’t say you are sorry...” Emily said softly. She bit down on her lips to stop herself from crying, because she knew Eros would feel bad to see her cry. “It is not your fault.” These were her most common words whenever she talked to Eros recently.

So often, until they lost their meaning...

Eros put away the tray of food in his hands and grabbed both of her hands. He held her firmly when she tried to move away from him. “I love you, Emily, nothing will change it. I will be with you...”

“You are with me because you feel guilty.” Emily was only twelve years old, but she knew very well what kind of treatment she would get from people who saw her. The thought of the way they would stare at her, scared her to the core.


Not to mention that almost all of the shifters in this pack were not really fond of her, since she was human, but now, she was not only a human, but a human with a scarred face.

“Emily...” Eros had never called someone so gentle like he did right now, he squeezed her hand lightly, so she would know that he was there. He would always be there for her. “I am sorry.”

He knew that word meant nothing. No matter how many times he said that, he could never erase the fact that he hurt her, because the evidence was right before his eyes.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“I am truly sorry.”

Emily shook her head, she felt tears welling up in her eyes again and this blurred her vision so much she didn’t see it when Eros extended his hands and pulled her closer to hug her.

“I am really sorry.”

Emily tried to struggle, she wanted to free herself from Eros, but it felt so comfortable to be held like this, to be hugged so tightly like this, as Eros started to caress her back. She was no longer able to hold back her sadness and fears, as all of those feelings rushed out of her eyes in tears.

She cried against Eros’ shoulder while he held her.

“I am so sorry.”

And yet, Emily kept shaking her head because deep down, she knew it was not his fault. He didn’t want this to happen to her. There was no way he wanted to hurt her.

“I am sorry that I hurt you.”

He would do everything, anything to be able to fix this, but what already happened was beyond him.


River woke up to find that Vanesha was no longer beside her, which made her frown and decide to go out of the tent.

The sound of waves crashing against the reef could be heard in the distance, while the sun was starting to appear in the horizon, as its light reflected beautifully on the surface of the water.

River looked around her, trying to find where Vanesha was, but from afar, she could see her father holding her mother close to him, hugging her so tight, while they were sitting on the soft sand.

Gael rested his head against hers and they seemed to be having a good time with Vanesha sitting next to them.

River smiled softly to see that and quickened her steps so she could join them, but her steps gradually slowed down when she felt there was something off with the whole situation.

There was something that was completely not right at this moment.

The silence that surrounded them was too heavy...

“What happened?” River asked carefully, but she stopped a few steps away from them, as if she was afraid to get close and know what was actually happening right now. She balled her fists tightly beside her body when she looked straight at her mother’s head. “Mom?”

She wished to hear an answer from her mother, anything. She could even do with a mumble, but she needed to see her respond to her.

As if they had just snapped from whatever dream that they were in, Gael and Vanesha turned around, and the way they looked at her confirmed her deepest fears.

“Come here, my love...” Gael called her to come closer, but River shook her head. She didn’t want to take another step closer, as tears started to form in her eyes, it stung.

“What happened to her? Mom?” River called her mother, waiting for a reaction, which she knew would never come. “Mom? Are you sleeping?”

At that, Gael let Vanesha hold Lise, as he needed to deal with his daughter.

“River...” Gael stood up, as he looked at River, sadness rolled off of him in waves when he saw the fear in her eyes. She was scared.

“I want my mother.” River clenched her jaw, her eyes fixed on Lise, waiting for her to answer her like she always did. “It is not fair. I am only with her for a few weeks...” and now she is gone...

But, she couldn’t finish her last words, the words stuck in her throat and it felt like being suffocated.

“River...” Gael walked closer to her, but when he quickened his steps, River tried to attack him, because she didn’t want him to convince her that her mother was gone.

“NO!” River roared, she made a slash move and hit Gael with fire, but it didn’t hurt him at all. It distinguished once the flames touched him. “Stay away from me!” She is not dead!

However, Gael didn’t listen to that and grabbed River’s hand before she could attack him with another ball of fire, as he pulled her closer and hugged her tightly.

River was still trying to burn him, because she was in denial, she was angry, frustrated and was in agony, but Gael nullified all of her attempts and hugged her silently, until the realization hit her hard and she cried out loud, because her heart was in so much pain.

This was the first death that she had to see and the experience was not an easy one.


Jasmine didn’t see Liam for the past three days. It was not that she was looking for him, but she simply realized it because he didn’t return to their bedroom.

From what she heard, Liam had been sleeping in the nursery room with the babies and Jasmine could care less about that, since she didn’t give a damn about those babies. She didn’t want them as every time she looked at them, it would only remind her of all her anger and hatred.

After all, getting pregnant and then becoming a mother of twins, while being a prisoner in a den of wolves, was never on her to do list.

On the fourth day, Jasmine decided to go out of her bedroom and went to the library, but she didn’t see Darius.

“Where is Darius?” Jasmine asked one of the four guards, who were guarding her door, as if she would be able to escape this place. “When is his shift?”

The four of them looked at each other and then told her that Darius was no longer one of her guards because the alpha replaced him with someone else.

Jasmine scoffed, she should have expected that from Liam, but from that information, she knew that Liam didn’t know yet about the affair between her and Darius, or else, Liam would have killed him by now.

“Where is he now?” Jasmine asked them and they looked slightly uncomfortable to answer this question. “Where is he?” She repeated her question again because she didn’t get the answer from them.

“Darius is at the training ground,” one of them finally told her, but then he added with a stern voice. “If you are going to meet him, we don’t have a choice but to report it.”

Jasmine raised her brows at his statement. “Run to your master and tell him. I don’t care.”

The alpha didn’t say that she was not allowed into the training ground or to meet Darius, so the four guards couldn’t stop her when she decided to meet Darius there.

Jasmine felt like she was crazy to jeopardize her life and Darius’. She was simply provoking Liam by doing this, but she was sick about him controlling her life.

Therefore, she strode right toward the training ground to meet with Darius. It had been four days since she saw him and she kind of missed him...

Yes, it was crazy, but who wouldn’t be in her position?


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

Alpha Micah Donovan’s second chance mate.

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